Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1303: Overstep

Shui Qinghan keenly noticed the strangeness of the secret tactician, and his eyes flashed brightly, looking at the secret tactician and said, "What? Is there any news about the Tianji Pavilion that cannot be sold?"

"No, this is not the case." The tactician quickly returned to normal, shaking his head and smiling at Zhang Ziling and Shui Qinghan.

"Then why do you be so embarrassed?" Zhang Ziling asked.

The strategist shook the feather fan, and then said to Zhang Ziling: "The news that the two guests want to ask has reached the heavenly level. I have no authority to answer the guests."

"Tian-level? What are you kidding?" Shui Qinghan slapped on the table when he heard the tactician's words, "The Lin family is not ranked in the Qingxuan city at all, and it is probably an ordinary family, this kind of small family Can the news reach heaven? Are you ruining us?"

Although one hundred mysterious gold coins are not a huge number for Shui Qinghan, this does not mean that Shui Qinghan is willing to be blackmailed by others as fools.

White Xuanjin coins are enough to buy a good magic weapon.

"This guest, are you planning to make trouble in Tianji Pavilion?" The strategist frowned that day and looked at Shui Qinghan, and said in a deep voice.

When the tactician's voice fell, a huge aura radiated from his body, which was almost the same as Shui Qinghan's realm!

Heavenly Palace Realm Eightfold?

Seeing the strategy master's cultivation base, Shui Qinghan's mouth could not help but twitched, and the whole person became a little stiff.

It took Shui Qinghan hundreds of years to cultivate to this realm. I really did not expect that any middle-aged strategist in the Tianji Pavilion would be a master of the Heavenly Palace realm...


Zhang Ziling's voice sounded, cold and noble.

"Little knows his fault!"

Shui Qinghan immediately slapped a spirit, and quickly retreated behind Zhang Ziling, lowered his head and stopped talking.

Seeing Shui Qinghan retreat, the tactician Tianji also converged his aura to the limit, and looked at Zhang Ziling slightly in surprise.

The original Xiantian Ji strategist thought that Zhang Ziling was the son of a big power, and Shui Qinghan was the elder who protected him with him.

But from now on, based on Shui Qinghan's fear of Zhang Ziling, the tactician of Tianji dared to conclude that Zhang Ziling's strength must be above Shui Qinghan.

Those who do their job are very keen in observing this aspect of observing words and colors.

After summoning Shui Qinghan back, he asked the tactician Tianji: "Dare to ask your Excellency, who can tell me about the Lin family?"

Having a strong strength does not necessarily mean being domineering.

The great emperor has the greatness of the great emperor.

Zhang Ziling's attitude impressed the tactician Tianji, he couldn't help but smiled, and then said to Zhang Ziling: "Among the Tianji branch pavilions of Qingxuancheng, only our pavilion master, the old man Tianji, can answer the guests' questions."

"Where is the old man Tianji?" Zhang Ziling continued to ask, with a calm expression and deep eyes.

The tactician Tianji suddenly appeared embarrassed on his face, and said to Zhang Ziling: "I'm sorry, the old man Tianji is meeting guests, I am afraid the guests will have to wait for a while.

Shui Qinghan suddenly felt that she was wasting Zhang Ziling's time, and felt extremely self-blame, and wanted to reveal her identity as the Shui family so that the old man Tianji could come to see them.

The weight of the Shui Family is still very heavy in Qingxuan City, even the Heavenly Secret Pavilion has to pay attention.

Tianji Pavilion is engaged in business, and even if its business is spread across the entire Xuanxiao Continent, its branch pavilions still have to be connected with the local strengths of various places.

After all, even if the Heavenly Secret Pavilion is extremely powerful, if there is a conflict with the local forces and the branch is attacked, even if there is a Heavenly Secret Pavilion powerhouse to avenge them afterwards, the dead... will never be resurrected.

Therefore, in Qingxuan City... Tianji Pavilion is still quite privileged to the three holy land families of Murong Family, Shui Family and Mu Family.

After thinking about it, Shui Qinghan stepped forward and said, "I am the Shui family..."

"We can wait."

Zhang Ziling interrupted Shui Qinghan's words and said directly to the tactician Tianji.

The secret tactician looked at Zhang Ziling in surprise again, but he did not expect Zhang Ziling to say such a thing.

It is really rare for someone like Zhang Ziling to have such patience.

However, the secret strategy strategist did not say much, he just bowed to Zhang Ziling and left the room.

"My lord?" After the tactician Tianji left, Shui Qinghan couldn't help but looked at Zhang Ziling in confusion, not understanding why Zhang Ziling chose to wait.

In the name of his water family, even if the old man of Tianji was meeting guests, they would be able to see the old man of Tianji immediately, but they would offend the guest whom the old man of Tianji met.

However, Shui Qinghan didn't care, he didn't understand why Zhang Ziling had to wait.

Isn't it a waste of time here?

Shui Qinghan did not understand.

"Wait." Zhang Ziling did not give Shui Qinghan any explanation, but quietly sipped the tea, and seemed to be ready to wait for a long time.

Seeing Zhang Ziling so calm, Shui Qinghan didn't dare to say anything, so she stood quietly behind Zhang Ziling and waited with Zhang Ziling.

In the room, it became quiet.

A huge momentum filled Zhang Ziling's body.

As a strong man in the Heavenly Palace realm, Shui Qinghan wouldn’t feel anything even if he stood for a day, so in the process of waiting with Zhang Ziling for the old man of Tianji, except for a little torture in his mind, his body was not affected much. .

Not everyone can stay by the Devil Emperor for a long time.

Shui Qinghan knew that the man sitting in front of him quietly tasting tea, but the first person in the Xuanxiao Continent, was about to bring a terrifying existence to this continent.

Shui Qinghan felt suffocated just because of the strong pressure that the name brought.

An hour passed...

Zhang Ziling still sat in the room waiting for the arrival of the old man of Tianji, without showing the slightest impatience.

But Shui Qinghan was soaked in sweat, unable to withstand Zhang Ziling's strong pressure.

Shui Qinghan can still stand now, completely by his own will.

Not everyone is like Immortal Emperor Tayue, who can safely be a servant by Zhang Ziling's side.

This year, there is no realm of saints, and there is no way to carry shoes for the Devil Emperor.

The coercion is too strong.

"Two guests, the reception of the old man from Tianji is over."

Just when Shui Qinghan was about to be unable to hold it, the strategist walked into the room again the previous day, and the powerful pressure in the room immediately dissipated, and Zhang Ziling returned to the state of an ordinary person.

Feeling his pressure disappeared, Shui Qinghan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and looked at the strategist of the day with gratefulness.

The tactician Tianji didn't understand what happened during this hour, but was a little surprised that Zhang Ziling had really waited for an hour, and he was quite impressed with Zhang Ziling.

"Two guests come with me, the pavilion master and his old man are already waiting for two."

Zhang Ziling gently put the teacup on the table, and replied faintly: "Yeah."

After that, Zhang Ziling stood up, with his hands on his back to keep up with the tactician of the day, and left the room.

Shui Qinghan wiped the sweat from his forehead and followed Zhang Ziling right behind him. Just as he wanted to step out, Zhang Ziling's words rang in his ears.

"Next time, if you dare to overstep, don't forgive."

Shui Qinghan immediately froze in place, staring blankly at Zhang Ziling's back, his body began to tremble violently.

Shui Qinghan trembled all over his body when thinking of what he had done to attack the tactician Tianji without the consent of Zhang Ziling.

At this time, Shui Qinghan realized...

The person he followed was not a gentle and elegant rich man, but...

The devil who has slaughtered hundreds of millions of lives.

It is not easy for the Shui family to hug this thigh.

After realizing his identity, Shui Qinghan shook his head severely, regardless of the pretty girl who had been staring at him, knelt down to face Zhang Ziling's back and knocked his head respectfully three times before getting up and talking Go to Zhang Ziling.

The pretty girl who had been waiting at the door stared blankly at the back of Zhang Ziling and Shui Qinghan following the tactician Tianji up to the third floor, blinking Shuiling's big eyes, her eyes filled with doubts.

"Is this... any special ceremony?"

The pretty girl said a word to herself without thinking too much, and quickly followed.

As long as the guest does not leave the Tianji Pavilion, her service will not end.

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