Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1304: Tianji old man

On the third floor of Tianji Pavilion, in the hall surrounded by sandalwood.

Zhang Ziling walked up with a faint smile on his face, and looked at the third floor hall of Tianji Pavilion with interest.

This hall is luxuriously decorated, and the first and second floors cannot be compared with it at all.

In the corner of the hall, a deep middle-aged man sits on a luxurious linghu leather sofa.

After Zhang Ziling walked up to the lobby on the third floor, he kept looking at Zhang Ziling and his party with deep eyes.

Shui Qinghan glanced at the middle-aged man, his eyes changed slightly, just trying to remind Zhang Ziling, but he swallowed the words from his lips.


The lord did not signal, Shui Qinghan really did not dare to speak.

The old man is the prince of Murong's family, Murong Qingxun.

The Murong family, also the royal family of the ancient Qingxuan country, is the lower-level sacred land of the Zhao family in the ancient Qingxuan kingdom, working for the Zhao family.

Although Shui Qinghan didn't know why Murong Qingxun appeared here, Shui Qinghan didn't think much about it, but secretly wrote down the incident.

Presumably, the important guest that the only talented old man met was this Murong Qingxun.

"Two respected guests, the pavilion master and his old man waited for the two inside, and I took it here." After the tactician of Tianji brought Zhang Ziling to the door of the room where the old man of Tianji was located, he smiled slightly at Zhang Ziling and then left.

Tianji Pavilion is busy with business. After he leads the way, he has to rush back to his post.

As for the work of serving Zhang Ziling, it is not what he needs to do.

"Do you want to follow in?" Zhang Ziling could not help asking after seeing that the maid who was following them had no plans to leave.

"Yes, there is no maid in the pavilion master's room, so the maid needs to follow the guest to make tea for the pavilion master and the guest. If the guest has any other needs, please order the maid." The maid honestly said to Zhang Ziling.

Different from ordinary tactics of Tianji, it is rumored that the old man of Tianji is a real martial artist with a surly character. After meeting with the old man of Tianji, many important guests were often driven out by the old man of Tianji because he did not understand the rules of the old man. Very unpleasant.

Therefore, unless it is a regular customer who often comes into contact with the old man of Tianji, if other people want to see the old man of Tianji, the maid of Tianji Pavilion will follow along to remind the guests.

"As for the pavilion master when answering the guest's question, the pavilion master will naturally set up a sound barrier to block the sound. Therefore, the guest does not have to worry about the information leaked."

Hearing the maid's words, Zhang Ziling also smiled at her slightly and said, "I'm tired."

"By the way, what is your last name?"

"No, no, please, you are polite!" The maid's face flushed, and her heartbeat started to accelerate. "The slave's name is Lin and her name is Wan'er."

She has been working in Tianji Pavilion for a while, and she has met a lot of brothers and sisters, and no one has ever been so polite to her.

Shui Qinghan could not help but shook his head slightly when seeing the ruddy face of the maid.

He once thought that the Devil Emperor was as gentle as jade.

But things can't be seen on the surface.

After Zhang Ziling smiled at the maid, he then glanced at Murong Qingxun in the corner of the hall, then stopped focusing on Murong Qingxun and walked into the room.

After Zhang Ziling entered the room, Murong Qingxun summoned his servant, whispered something in the servant's ear, then closed his eyes and took a nap and stopped moving.

Upon receiving the order from Murong Qingxun, the servant just walked out of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion and rode his horse to the distance, not knowing what to do.

Zhang Ziling glanced carelessly at the servant who was riding away from the window before turning his eyes to the old man sitting in the room.

The pavilion master of Tianji Pavilion in Qingxuan City, the old man of Tianji.

The old man was dressed in common clothes, his eyes were condensed, and his breath was hidden to the extreme. It seemed that he had practiced some kind of hidden breath, which made people unable to see his true strength.

"Two guests, wait a long time, please sit down." The old man Tianji's voice was hoarse and low, but it was full of strange power, which made people feel sore.

Shui Qinghan seemed to be hypnotized at this moment. After the old man Tianji finished speaking, Zhang Ziling took a seat.

As soon as Shui Qinghan sat down, he immediately recovered, and his whole person was frightened.

Lord Devil Emperor hasn't even sat down yet, how dare he sit?


Zhang Ziling glanced at Shui Qinghan without saying anything, and sat down in front of the old man Tianji.

The maid who came in with Zhang Ziling hurriedly knelt beside the table between the old man Tianji and Zhang Ziling, making tea for the two.

"This guest is asking about the Lin family descendants, right?" The old man Tianji asked Zhang Ziling.

"Well, please tell me to wait." Zhang Ziling said, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Can you tell me why I want to find descendants of the Lin family?" The old man Tianji asked with a smile.

"Is this what I have to tell you about buying news?" Zhang Ziling raised an eyebrow, not wanting to answer.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's answer, the old man of Tianji was slightly startled, then shook his head, and said, "Is it true? The guest didn't tell me the reason. It's just that the Lin family is a matter of great importance and I am a little curious."

"Then please tell me to wait, the price is arbitrary."

Seeing Zhang Ziling's indifferent appearance, the old man Tianji became more and more curious about Zhang Ziling's identity.

He hadn't seen Zhang Ziling, but the cold water behind Zhang Ziling. The old man Tianji had seen him a few times.

"The news of the descendants of the Lin family is related to the safety of Qingxuancheng, so a million Xuanjin coins are needed."

Cang Dang!

As soon as the old man Tianji uttered the words, the maid who was making tea was suddenly excited, the teapot in her hand fell on the table, and the tea was spilled on the table.

The maid's face was suddenly full of fear, and she cried.

Without hesitation, the maid hurried back a few steps, and kowtow to the pavilion master of the secret secret: "The slave and maid knows wrong! The pavilion master is forgiving! The pavilion master is forgiving!"


Hearing the words of Old Man Tianji, Shui Qinghan set off a terrible wave in his heart, and couldn't believe the price offered by Old Man Tianji.

A million Xuanjin coins are enough for a large sect to spend a year. Even if the water is clear and cold, all the savings can be worth this number.

A simple news about a descendant of the Lin family would require millions of mysterious gold coins. Shui Qinghan couldn't imagine what major events were involved behind the descendants of the Lin family.

The old man Tianji glanced gloomily at the tea sprinkled on the table, a fierce flash flashed in his eyes, and a powerful aura broke out from his body.

The maid was crying more fiercely, and her head was knocked to pieces, and her blood was flowing.

Zhang Ziling took out the handkerchief and wiped off the water stains on the table without any haste. He said to the old man of Tianji: "This maid, news from the descendants of the Galin family, millions of mysterious gold coins."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the old man Tianji's face changed slightly, and then he said to Zhang Ziling in a deep voice: "Guest, this maid, the news of the descendants of the Galin family, needs two million mysterious gold coins."

As soon as the old man Tianji spoke this sentence, the atmosphere in the room instantly solidified.

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