Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1305: Deliberately make things difficult

Hearing the words of the old man of Tianji, the maid on the side was stunned, and her whole body froze in place.

She... worth a million mysterious gold coins?

For her salary of three profound silver coins every month, one million profound gold coins are simply astronomical numbers, and have nothing to do with herself.

I can't earn a mysterious gold coin in a year, and now tell her that he is worth one million mysterious gold coins?

Zhang Ziling looked at the old man Tianji calmly, his eyes gradually becoming deeper, and looked at the old man Tianji lightly and said, "Are you sure?"

This maid, Zhang Ziling only decided to save her out of a momentary kindness, but the old man Tianji said that he increased the price by one million mysterious gold coins...

Zhang Ziling naturally didn't care about these million Profound Gold Coins, as long as he could find the descendants of the Lin family and ask Zhang Ziling to knock down the entire Qingxuan City and give it to him, Zhang Ziling would not mind.

However, Zhang Ziling doesn't mind spending a lot of money to find the descendants of the Lin family. This does not mean that Zhang Ziling will be a triumphant to be slaughtered.

Although this maid was a bit charming, she still caught a lot of it when she threw it on the street. Even if Zhang Ziling wanted to buy her, she would definitely not be able to exceed a hundred mysterious gold coins.

For example, if the old man directly grasped this excuse today, he was asking for millions of gold coins. Unless there is some secret hidden in this maid, otherwise...

It is the old man Tianji who is deliberately making things difficult for Zhang Ziling and does not want to sell news about the descendants of the Lin family.

There are only two possibilities that can make Tianji Pavilion reluctant to sell news.

First, this news is related to the core secrets of Tianji Pavilion and cannot be sold to the outside world. Second, there are people in the Tianji Pavilion who want to use this news to make greater profits.

The first possibility is the door rules of Tianji Pavilion. No one can violate it. Naturally, Tianji Pavilion will not sell to buyers. And the second possibility is that members of the Tianji Pavilion have violated the rules of the Tianji Pavilion. Once discovered, the Tianji Pavilion will immediately send strong men to deal with the members of the Tianji Pavilion who violated the rules.

Knowing the affairs of the world without being involved in the affairs of the world, this is the belief that Tianji Pavilion has always upheld, and it will never allow members of the door to smash their own signs.

Obviously, the news of the descendants of the Lin family has nothing to do with Tianji Pavilion.

In other words, the old man Tianji wanted to use the news of the Lin family's descendants to earn more than a million mysterious gold coins for himself.

"The maids of the Tianji Pavilion are carefully selected by the Tianji Pavilion. Each maid carries a certain secret. If the guests insist on asking her, they must add one million mysterious gold coins." The old man of Tianji said lightly to Zhang Ziling. , There is no doubt in the tone.

The maid kneeling on the side had a blank brain at this moment, and she couldn't believe what the old man said.

She was raised by an ordinary family since she was a child. How could she carry secrets worth millions of mysterious gold coins on her body?

Why doesn't she know?

The old man Tianji looked at Zhang Ziling with a faint smile in his eyes, and felt that he had taken Zhang Ziling. Even if Zhang Ziling has a close relationship with the Shui family, the old man Tianji will not give Zhang Ziling face.

One million mysterious gold coins, no one would buy a maid.

And this maid also happened to be carrying a small secret. The old man Tianji thought that he had not violated the rules, but the asking price was a bit exaggerated.

"What if I say no?" Zhang Ziling looked at the old man Tianji and smiled.

"The guest, please come back. Two million Xuanjin coins are indeed not a decimal, and I don't think the guests can afford it either." The old man Tianji closed his eyes directly, "Lin Wan'er, see off the guest!"

Hearing the words of the old man Tianji, Lin Waner stood up tremblingly and walked to the side of Zhang Ziling, her face pale.

She knew that after she sent Zhang Ziling away, she was dead.

No one can survive after knocking down the old man Tianji's teapot.

"Guest, let the slave and maid take you out." Lin Waner said to Zhang Ziling tremblingly, with a cry in her tone.

She didn't believe anyone would buy her life with a million mysterious gold coins.

Even if she owns a million mysterious gold coins, it is impossible.

This number is really huge.

Zhang Ziling just sat quietly at the table without any movement.

"This guest, did you think it over?" Seeing that Zhang Ziling did not leave, the old man Tianji opened his eyes and smiled.

"Two million Xuanjin coins are no different."

Seeing the smile in the eyes of the old man Tianji, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but raised his mouth slightly, and then slightly spoke, calling out, "Shui Qinghan."

"The little one is going to prepare two million mysterious gold coins!"

When Zhang Ziling called him, Shui Qinghan said quickly, thinking Zhang Ziling would buy it.

Although he could only come up with one million profound gold coins, the Tianshui Holy Land was not far from here, and he could easily collect one million profound gold coins when he returned to the Holy Land.

"No need." Zhang Ziling said faintly, making Shui Qinghan startled for a while, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Guest, what do you mean? Since I can't take out two million profound gold coins, why continue to stay here?" Seeing Zhang Ziling stopped Shui Qinghan, the old man Tianji frowned.

"Could it be that the guests are playing tricks on my pavilion master?"

The last four words, the old man Tianji bit extremely hard, with a faint threat.

In this world, no one has dared to play Tianji Pavilion!

Hearing the threatening words of the old man Tianji, Zhang Ziling shook his head and smiled, "Naturally not."

"The guest?" The old man Tianji narrowed his eyes, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense.

At this time, Lin Wan'er should have come out to soothe the atmosphere, but because Lin Wan'er had overturned the teapot before, she didn't dare to speak now, she could only watch the terrible situation in front of her and be anxious.

Zhang Ziling looked at the old man of Tianji, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "The water is cold, close the door, close the window."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Shui Qinghan's body was shocked, his eyes blazed brightly, and he walked towards the door of the room.

It seemed that this old man of Tianji had completely annoyed Lord Devil Emperor.

I just said, let the Lord Devil Emperor wait so long, and treat Lord Devil Emperor as a triumphant son. Is there really no way to cure your Heavenly Secret Pavilion?

Shui Qinghan thought in her heart, closing the door and the windows directly, foreseeing what might appear next.

When in the Demon Palace, even the incarnation of Heavenly Dao dared not presumptuously in front of Lord Demon Emperor, you, the small Tianji Pavilion branch master, I am afraid that you will be impatient!

"Guest, what do you mean?" Seeing Shui Qinghan closing the door and closing the windows, the face of the old man Tianji became gloomy, and the horrible aura in his body immediately filled the room. "Although we are in business, it doesn't mean that we can. Let others be bullied!"

"Do you still know that you are in business?" The smile on the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth became stronger and stronger.

"Have you forgotten the door rules set by Qi Qing when he founded the Tianji Pavilion?" Zhang Ziling stood up from his seat and asked the old man Tianji.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the old man Tianji's expression changed slightly, and he slapped the table and shouted at Zhang Ziling: "Bold!"

Qi Qing... But their ancestors who founded Tianji Pavilion have been sitting for nearly ten thousand years!

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