Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1306: Prisoner Tianzhi, and the disappearing emperor

The surging aura of the old man of Tianji surged in the room, and the surrounding decorations creaked.

Lin Wan'er stood trembling and shivering, the strong pressure of the old man Tianji made her breathless.

Shui Qinghan stood in front of Lin Wan'er under Zhang Ziling's sign, and shared all the coercion of the old man Tianji for Lin Wan'er.

Although Shui Qinghan's strength is not as good as the old man of Tianji, he can barely do it to withstand the pressure of the old man of Tianji.

Zhang Ziling looked at the old man Tianji with his hands on his back with a smile, but his eyes were full of coldness.

"The ancestor Qi Qing is a close friend of Zhang Ziling, the devil emperor Zhang Ziling's best friend. Which one is your little kid to talk about?" The old man Tianji glared at Zhang Ziling, and the powerful True Martial Realm oppressed Zhang Ziling.

"Speaking of Master Qi Qing, did you put your ancestor in your heart?" Zhang Ziling asked indifferently to the old man Tianji without any influence on the aura of the old man Tianji.

"Have I put Master Qi Qing in my eyes? It's not your turn to take care of it, so I will die!" The old man Tianji seemed to have been completely angered by Zhang Ziling, and his five fingers into claws directly grabbed Zhang Ziling.

The powerful spiritual power of the old man Tianji surged in the room, and all the decorative furniture around him burst into pieces.

"Guests be careful!" Lin Wan'er subconsciously screamed when she saw the old man Tianji's action.

The old man of Tianji is one of the top five powers in Qingxuan City, and no one can underestimate his attack!

Even if Lin Wan'er had Shui Qinghan to help her share the pressure, she could still feel the unparalleled destructive power from the attack of the old man of Tianji.

If the old man Tianji catches it with one claw, he will definitely be crushed!

However, the development of things did not go as Lin Wan'er expected.

Zhang Ziling still carried his hands on his back, just watching the old man of Tianji grab him, without any movement.

"Arrogant and arrogant!" The old man of Tianji sneered, his eyes bursting, his robe bulged, and spiritual power poured out from his body!


The old man Tianji grabbed Zhang Ziling's head with one claw, but hit a transparent spiritual wall in front of Zhang Ziling. The five fingers of the old man Tianji were all twisted, and the severe pain caused the old man Tianji to mourn and mourn.

With a faint smile on the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth, he watched the old man Tianji grabbing his wrist and screaming, his eyes full of playfulness.

"Are you coming?"

A whisper sounded in the ears of the old man Tianji, causing a flash of anger in his eyes.

"What treasure do you have on your body?" The old man Tianji sternly shouted at Zhang Ziling. He didn't believe that the transparent spiritual wall was condensed by Zhang Ziling's own spiritual power.

With Zhang Ziling's appearance in his twenties, even if he is a master of beauty, his age will never exceed a hundred years old. Even if he cultivates in his mother's womb, it is absolutely impossible to possess spiritual power beyond the real martial arts!

"Guess?" Looking at the frightened look of the old man Tianji, Zhang Ziling slightly twitched the corner of his mouth and chuckled.

"Smelly boy..." The old man Tianji was completely annoyed by Zhang Ziling's contemptuous attitude, "I want to see how many treasures you have!"

The divine palace in the old man Tianji opened wide, and the spiritual power of the strong real martial arts flowed through his meridians, and colorful streamers lingered around him. A spiritual vortex was formed in the room, centering on the old man Tianji.

If it weren't for Zhang Ziling's prohibition around the room, I am afraid that the old man of Tianji's current aura is enough to make the entire Tianji Pavilion collapse and Qingxuancheng will shake!

But now, Murong Qingxun, who has been staying outside, has been staring at the room with the closed door, not feeling anything strange from it, thinking that the old man Tianji and Zhang Ziling are still trading news.

While Murong Qingxun was waiting patiently, there was a noise outside the Tianji Pavilion. Murong Qingxun heard the prestige outside the window and found that a heavily armed army had assembled outside the Tianji Pavilion with a majestic aura.

Feeling the solemn aura of the army, Murong Qing asked the corner of his mouth to twitch, and then walked outside the Tianji Pavilion.

Qingxuan ancient country, imperial city guards, Qingxuan dragon guard!

In the room, the aura of the old man of Tianji continued to rise.

Zhang Ziling could feel a group of hot energy being bred in the old man Tianji, and realized that the old man Tianji was ready to move.

However, Zhang Ziling didn't think the old man of Tianji could do anything with the trick of a boy in the real martial arts realm.

"Smelly boy, you'd better let out all the other treasures, otherwise you will be useless later!" The old man of Tianji sneered at Zhang Ziling, his eyes full of cold killing intent.

No matter what kind of magic weapon it is, it has an upper limit to withstand attacks.

The old man Tianji was confident that he had this blow, and even if Zhang Ziling had a holy body guard, he could use up the power of his body guard!

If you want to perfect the power of the treasure, you can't do it without the corresponding strength!

However, when the old man Tianji was taunting Zhang Ziling, Zhang Ziling's figure in front of the old man Tianji slowly disappeared, and then Zhang Ziling appeared behind him.

"Huh? Were you talking to me just now?"

Hearing the sound coming from behind, the old man Tianji shook his body suddenly, and the spiritual power running in his body almost went wrong, causing himself to be backlashed.


The old man Tianji knew that he had no time to think, and no matter whether his martial arts had been brewed, he turned around and pointed at Zhang Ziling.

"Emperor Skill, Prisoner Tianzhi!"

The old man Tianji yelled, and the colorful streamer burst out from the fingertips of the old man Tianji accompanied by the breath of ancient times.

Prisoner Tianzhi is an emperor technique created by the unnamed emperor thousands of years ago. It is a martial art that the old man of Tianji bought at an auction at a huge price.

On the Continent of Xuanxiao, not all imperial door traditions can continue to flourish and pass on. In the endless years, when the emperor disappears in this world, the remaining imperial door traditions will always decline for various reasons. , The imperial art inherited in its door will also flow to the world and be acquired by the world.

Obviously, after the disappearance of Emperor Weiming, his inherited imperial ethics also declined, and emperor martial arts such as Prison Tianzhi also flowed in all directions and were eventually acquired by the old man of Tianji.

"Prisoner Tian said that he can break his ties, even a sage would not dare to resist, I see what you stinky brat use to stop me!"

The old man Tianji exploded, and the spiritual power in the room was emptied by the old man's trick. Even the surrounding space began to collapse, and everything in the room was annihilated by the spiritual power erupted by the old man Tianji.

Shui Qinghan was guarding Lin Wan'er, and the ancient aura that gushed from the fingers of the old man of Tianji almost consumed the spiritual power in Shui Qinghan's body!

Obviously, the old man Tianji's imperial art has not been cultivated home, but...

The power is already shocking the world!

If it weren't for Zhang Ziling's ban, I'm afraid there is already a vision in this world.

"Is the Emperor Weiming's imperial technique?"

Zhang Ziling looked at the lingering finger of the colorful streamer of the old man Tianji, a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

Once, he was discussing the aisles with Weiming Emperor in the Devil Palace.

Emperor Weiming has a premonition that he will disappear.

Today, Weiming the Great has disappeared from the heavens and the earth, not knowing where he is going.

Every great emperor can only exist in Xuanxiao Continent for one hundred thousand years.

And at the end of every 100,000 years, the emperor will disappear faster and faster. No one can know the reason for the emperor's disappearance, even the emperor himself does not know.

On the earth, the saints of the gods can live for hundreds of thousands of years, but they still cannot break through the emperor.

In the Xuanxiao Continent, people can break through to the emperor, but they will not live for 100,000 years...

Zhang Ziling has not yet figured out the difference and connection between the two worlds.

"The final secret?" Zhang Ziling watched the attack of the old man Tianji, his eyes gradually became indifferent. "It is time to prepare while dealing with the traitor."


Zhang Ziling reached out and grasped the **** of the old man Tianji, the terrifying spiritual power surging around suddenly became dead.

"Boy, Prisoner, you didn't use it like that."

Zhang Ziling looked at the old man of Tianji and said lightly, an aura that was a hundred times greater than the old man of Tianji's Prisoner Tianzhi Emperor's technique, began to rise in the room.

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