Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1318: Zhao Family Interrogation

Profound Sky Realm, Heavenly Capital City!

"Three days later will be the 10,000-year birthday of the ancestors of the Zhao family. All the inns in our Tiandu City were fully occupied more than a month ago. Almost all the rooms are filled with big people. Now you can take a casual look on the street. Big boss of the big power, how lively!"

In a restaurant near the center of Tiandu City, Zhang Ziling was sitting by the window, enjoying the scenery of Tiandu City outside the window. This restaurant was specially selected by Zhang Ziling. Sitting by the window, you can have a view of most of the scenery of Tiandu City and the bustling of various monks.

Originally, when Zhang Ziling arrived in Tiandu City, this restaurant was already overcrowded, and there was no room left for Zhang Ziling.

If it weren’t for the owner of a guest room that was more “compassionate”, after Zhang Ziling had “discussed” with him a little bit, the owner of that guest room smiled and gave the room to Zhang Ziling, and then took care of his own. Leaving the inn hurriedly.

No matter what, Zhang Ziling finally settled down in Tiandu City.

Originally, Zhang Ziling planned to go directly to Zhao's family and talk about the old with Zhao Wuwei, but Zhang Ziling was thinking that he and Zhao Wuwei were also masters and servants for good or bad. Zhang Ziling also simply decided to wait until Zhao Wuwei’s birthday and attend Zhao Wuwei’s birthday banquet. After that, let's talk about other things.

Therefore, while waiting for the time vacated before the arrival of Zhao Wuwei's birthday, Zhang Ziling settled down in Tianducheng and watched leisurely life in Tianducheng.

During the days of drinking in this hotel, listening to the chatters of diners, Zhang Ziling had a clearer understanding of the current situation in Tiandu City.

The guests around Zhang Ziling were all discussing the birthday of Zhao Wuwei, the ancestor of the Zhao family.

How many people can live for ten thousand years in the huge Xuanxiao Continent?

Long live the longevity of the ancestors of the Zhao family, it can be said that it has caused a sensation in the entire Profound Skyland. The heads of countless top forces have personally come to Tiandu City with generous gifts to celebrate the longevity of the ancestors of the Zhao family.

The current Tiandu City can be said to be extremely lively, the streets and alleys are all discussing the birthday of the ancestors of the Zhao family.

"Eh, have you noticed? In the last few days, Tianducheng seems to be under martial law. There are disciples from the Zhao family patrolling everywhere. Any unfamiliar monks must make a record." A person at the table next to Zhang Ziling suddenly talked about the topic. Arrived on the Zhao's patrol.

"Isn’t this normal? The Zhao family’s ancestor’s birthday is just around the corner. On this day, the capital is mixed with dragons and fish. No one knows who is in it. For safety reasons, it’s understandable that the Zhao family organized disciples to patrol. After all, like the Zhao family’s top holy places, I guess there are many opponents secretly."

"Things are not as simple as you think! I heard from my cousin who worked at the Zhao family, that Zhao Wuxin, the head of the Zhao family, became angry just a few days ago, and caused the entire Tianducheng to shake because of this, you know? After that, the Zhao family began martial law throughout the city, no matter which power or outstanding person, as long as they are in Tianducheng, they must be investigated!"

"This happened? What the **** was it for?" a diner exclaimed in a low voice, full of curiosity.

"I am not very clear about this. I only know who the Patriarch of the Zhao Family is looking for, but no one knows the specifics. The Patriarch of the Zhao Family has not posted a portrait, only that he is a young man in his twenties. ."

"Tsk tusk tusk... When the Zhao family ancestor's birthday was approaching, something like this happened. Presumably, under this peaceful city, undercurrents are already surging."

"Shh! You can't talk nonsense about these words, be careful that the Zhao family heard it and killed your head!"

The two diners also quickly moved the topic to another direction and began to talk about other things.

Hearing the gossip of the two diners, Zhang Ziling looked out the window, his eyes gradually becoming deeper.

"Have you started looking for me?" Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp!

But at this moment, there was a noise from below the restaurant, and Zhang Ziling could see a group of soldiers entering the restaurant.

"Zhao family?" Zhang Ziling frowned slightly when he saw the sign on the chest of the soldier, but he didn't know what they were doing in this restaurant.

It didn’t take long before that team of Zhao family soldiers arrived on the floor where Zhang Ziling was. They lined up neatly. A strong and fierce momentum radiated from the team of soldiers, causing the entire restaurant to become a little turbulent. .

Obviously, this team of soldiers from the Zhao family had all experienced blood and fire, and they were not the kind of patrolling troops with fist and embroidered legs in ordinary cities.

"You guys, don't worry, I'm just going to do a routine check on the orders of the Patriarch, and it won't cause any harm to everyone. Please cooperate a little bit and won't delay everyone too much time." A seemingly leader of this team of soldiers The man stood up and said loudly to the diners.

Although the Zhao family is powerful, there are too many powerful forces in the capital city this day, and the Patriarch of the Zhao family specifically warned them to make the soldiers have a better attitude.

"It seems that the Zhao family investigation has already arrived here. I really don't let go of every place!" The diners at the table next to Zhang Ziling saw the Zhao family soldiers come in and started talking in a low voice.

Hearing the words of the diners, Zhang Ziling was also clear in his heart, and began to drink alcohol by himself, no longer caring about it.

After the soldier leader finished speaking, the soldiers behind him walked to the diners at each table and questioned them.

The soldiers of the Zhao family asked nothing more than their name, place of origin, and what they were doing in Tianducheng. Everyone knew the strength of the Zhao family, but they also cooperated with the soldiers of the Zhao family and answered honestly.

The interrogations of the Zhao soldiers proceeded quickly and orderly.

The interrogation work of the soldiers soon came to Zhang Ziling's turn, and the soldier leader standing on the stairs also set his sights on Zhang Ziling.

It's not that he was suspicious of Zhang Ziling, but the leader of the soldier found that after they arrived at this restaurant, the other diners were more or less nervous or agitated, except that Zhang Ziling was drinking calmly, and it seemed that there was nothing at all. Take this matter to heart.

Of course, such a small matter is really not worth taking in mind, and Zhang Ziling's behavior is also normal.

But when one person in a group of people behaves differently from the others, it will attract attention.

A Zhao family soldier walked up to Zhang Ziling and asked: "Name."

"Zhang Ziling." Zhang Ziling didn't have any need to conceal such things.

"Zhang Ziling? The Zhang Ziling of the Demon Emperor Zhang Ziling?" Hearing Zhang Ziling's answer, the soldier couldn't help flashing a trace of surprise in his eyes, and looked at Zhang Ziling and asked.

"Well, is there a problem?" Zhang Ziling asked lightly after drinking another glass of wine.

"It's nothing, it's just a little curious. Someone dared to call Zhang Ziling." The soldier just smiled, but didn't take it to heart. There are so many people with the same name in this world, and no one is stupid enough to hear something. My name is Zhang Ziling, and he is regarded as the Devil Emperor.

After a slight interruption, the soldier still remembered his job and continued to ask Zhang Ziling: "Where are you from?"

"Qinglingyu, Qingducheng." Zhang Ziling still did not conceal anything.

Regarding Zhang Ziling's answer, the Zhao family soldiers did not show any doubts, but honestly recorded Zhang Ziling's information.

There are too many cities in each region, and the Zhao family soldiers have never heard of Qingdu City.

"What do you do in Tianducheng?"

Hearing this question from the soldiers of the Zhao family, Zhang Ziling paused for a while, and then said, "Participate in the birthday banquet of the ancestor of the Zhao family."

For example, most of the monks from outside the capital today came to attend the birthday banquet of the ancestors of the Zhao family. Zhang Ziling's answer was the same as that of most people.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation." After the soldier quickly took down Zhang Ziling's information, he quickly switched to the next person without asking Zhang Ziling too much.

After all, there are too many people in Tiandu City to investigate. If everyone asks carefully, I am afraid that the people who come to Tiandu City have not had time to ask about one-tenth, and the ancestor's birthday banquet will begin.

Therefore, the soldiers of the Zhao family simply asked these three questions to everyone, and after recording them, they stopped asking more.

Soon, all the guests in the restaurant on this floor were checked, and all the soldiers retreated.

The soldier leader took a deep look at Zhang Ziling, but in the end he didn't really take Zhang Ziling to his heart, and led the soldiers out of the restaurant.

They still have too many things to do and can't stay here for too long.

Zhang Ziling watched the Zhao family soldiers walk into another restaurant outside the window, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he picked up the wine jar on the table directly and drank it all.

"Zhao Wuxin...Interesting!"

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