Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1319: Zhaojiaweilou

Tianducheng, night, on the eve of the Zhao family ancestor's birthday.

Zhao Family Holy Land!

Zhao Wuxin sat in the study alone, flipping through the news that Zhao's family had interrogated from the city of Heaven.

"Aoki, from the Lion City of the Profound Sky, participating in the ancestor's birthday."

"Wang Er, from Bone Youyu Domain Bone City, to participate in the ancestor's birthday."


"Zhang Ziling, from the Qingdu City of the Blue Spirit Realm, participating in the ancestor...Huh?"

When Zhao Wuxin saw Zhang Ziling’s message, her brows suddenly frowned, as if thinking of something, Zhao Wuxin quickly got up from her seat, turned around and looked at the forces in the various regions of the Profound Sky that were hanging behind him. map.

This kind of map is invaluable to any monk, and it is impossible for an ordinary strong person to get such a detailed map.

"Qing Lingyu Qingdu City..." Zhao Wuxin scanned the map and quickly found the place where Qingdu City was.

"Small cities, the first force is the Qingdu Sword Sect, a second-rate force, and the second-ranked force is..." When Zhao Wuxin saw the two characters on the map, his eyes suddenly exploded!

On that map, the word "Magic Palace" was written impressively!

"It's called Zhang Ziling, from Qingducheng where there is a demon palace... and it's still next to the ancient Qingxuan country, only one hundred thousand miles away from Qingxuan City... Zhao Wusheng died in Qingxuan City. According to the news from there, Qingxuan A mysterious strong appeared in the city and destroyed Murong's house..."

Zhao Wuxin muttered, quickly drew the route from Qingducheng to Tianducheng.

"Starting from Qingducheng, passing through Qingxuancheng, and 30,000 miles east to Tianducheng, according to the time, it should have arrived in these few days!" Zhao Wuxin became more and more excited, grabbing the place on the table. The paper recording Zhang Ziling's information rushed out of the study.

There is absolutely no such coincidence!

found it!

"Come on!!!"

Zhao Wuxin's roar resounded throughout the Zhao Family Holy Land.


At this moment, in a restaurant in Tiandu City.

Zhang Ziling sat on the chair alone, opened the window, and let the moonlight hit the wooden floor.

Looking at the night of Tiandu City outside the window, Zhang Ziling's eyes were slightly emotional.

Tiandu City is indeed much more beautiful than the current Qingdu City.

Even at night, Zhang Ziling can see the soft aura surrounding the major buildings, and the whole city feels like a fairyland.

Because of the existence of the Zhao family, Tiandu City is already the largest city in the Profound Sky Realm, and it is also the top giant city in the entire Profound Sky Upper Divine Land. There is a huge spiritual gathering formation under the entire city. The huge city is a beneficial practice. The heaven and blessed land, and it is extremely huge, ordinary people can complete this city in their entire life.

Even a cultivator, who wants to go to the major areas of the Sky Capital City, must use the teleportation array, otherwise it will take a lot of time.

The scope of the capital on this day is already equivalent to a world.

Around the Tiandu City, there are also heavy soldiers and countless strong guards, so that the monsters dare not approach.

Every time a wave of monsters broke out and other cities fell into chaos on the side, Tiandu City was surrounded by thousands of miles... and no monster dared to swarm.

The Zhao family, who can control a realm, has a profound background that people dare not imagine.

This is the case of the Zhao family, not to mention the other heaven-level holy sites in the Profound Profound Realm that dominate multiple domains. The strength of those holy sites is extremely terrifying. There are geniuses in the clan. It can be terrifying.

"This day, the capital city can also catch up to half of the original Qingdu city. The development of the Zhao family over the years... is not bad."

Zhang Ziling looked out the window with a chuckle, and shook his head slightly.

Suddenly, Tiandu City, which was originally shrouded in moonlight, was centered on the restaurant where Zhang Ziling was located, and the surrounding area was lit up with colorful lights.

"Finally found it?" Zhang Ziling chuckled as he saw the situation outside, and watched the Zhao family drive people out of this area.

Everyone didn't understand what the Zhao family did, but when the monks saw a group of fully armed Zhao family troops, they shut up and fled with their tails between them, not daring to make any noise.

Soon, with the restaurant as the center, within a radius of tens of miles, apart from the Zhao family's army, there were no outsiders.

Of course, the monks in this restaurant in Zhang Ziling still knew nothing about what was happening outside.

Looking through the window, Zhang Ziling could see that around the restaurant, countless soldiers in heavy armor had raised their shields, raised their halberds, and aimed at the restaurant.

Hundreds of formation masters are constantly engraving the formations, thousands of alchemists are distributing pills to each soldier, and thousands of instrument masters wander among the soldiers to strengthen their equipment.

This is obviously a terrorist army that can easily crush the ancient Qingxuan country, and even destroy the supreme power.

Among the densely packed soldiers, Zhang Ziling did not see any soldier whose cultivation base was lower than Ning Palace.

All the soldiers, their weapons aimed at the restaurant where Zhang Ziling was located, looked serious and ready to go, but they were silent.

Several Gu masters walked out of the army, threw some kind of light green powder into the restaurant, and quickly dipped into all the rooms of the restaurant.

The monks in the restaurant, whether they were practicing or sleeping, fainted after being exposed to the pale green powder.

"Weird fan? Really big!" Zhang Ziling looked at the pale green powder that fell into his palm, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he chuckled.

When the voice fell, Zhang Ziling's figure was slightly distorted, and finally disappeared in place.

Weiyou Fan is a top-level Ecstasy prepared by a Saint Grade Gu Master, which is enough to cause all the powerful in the True Martial Realm to pass out, and it can have a slight impact on the Saints, which is extremely rare.

But at this moment, the Zhao family was sprinkling sly fans on the restaurant where Zhang Ziling was located without money. Obviously... the Zhao family thought they were about to fight a fierce battle.

A fierce battle that must be won at the expense of huge resources.

This area of ​​several tens of miles was sealed by the Zhao family, no matter what happened here, no one from the outside would know.

A general wearing profound gold and precious armor walked out of the soldiers, nodded to several Gu Masters, and then looked at the restaurant with a serious face, with determination in his eyes.

The general raised his hand slightly, and all the soldiers clenched their halberds and held up their shields.

Colorful spiritual power lingers among the soldiers.

As long as the general gives an order, they will attack this restaurant with all their strength and slaughter all the living inside.

The array mages started quietly, with the restaurant as the center, hundreds of killing arrays suddenly lit up, and a terrifying coercion quietly emerged.

The soldiers took the pills distributed by the alchemist, their breath soared, and the weapons in their hands glowed with terrifying red light under the increase of the weapon master.

At this moment, the combat power of the entire army can already destroy an ancient country in an instant.

But no one could have imagined that they were so fully armed, just to deal with one person.

After the army was prepared, they didn't even make a sound, and they all finished in extreme silence.

The discipline of the Zhao family's army is fully displayed at this moment.

"The whole army listened to the order, and after I gave the order, this restaurant was completely destroyed!" The general stared at the restaurant and spoke to the whole army.

The battle is about to start!

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