Zhang Ziling's momentum flashed by, and the old man couldn't help thinking it was an illusion.

The bone age detected by the old man when he patted Zhang Ziling's shoulder was only in his twenties. No matter how enchanting, even the Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling would not be able to enter the real martial realm when he was in his twenties.

This must be an illusion!

After comforting himself in his heart, the old man set his mind again and looked directly at Zhang Ziling.

I looked up and down Zhang Ziling again, and found that Zhang Ziling's strength was still Nirvana.

However, the old man found that he could not see clearly except for Zhang Ziling's cultivation.

So far, the old man has finally understood that even if Zhang Ziling's cultivation is not that high, there must be something weird hidden in his body.

This little guy is not easy to mess with! Forget it, the purpose of coming to Zhao's house this time is not him. It is important to find the invitation card again.

The old man thought about it, and didn’t want to continue to deal with Zhang Ziling here, so he quickly said with a smile to Zhang Ziling: "Little friend, what are you doing so angry? I'm not going to do anything to you, since you don’t want to be with me, this bad old man If you walk with me, then do different things, the old man will leave first!"

After speaking, the old man's figure was slightly distorted and disappeared in place.

Seeing the old man suddenly disappeared, Xiao Chan was so shocked that he covered his mouth and couldn't help but call out: "My son, him!"

Xiaochan is so big that she hasn't seen teleportation yet.

"Don't worry, he is a weird person." Zhang Ziling also shook his head slightly after finding that the old man had left, but did not catch up.

This Zhao family ancestor's birthday does not seem to be as peaceful as on the surface. Zhang Ziling estimates that many people are like the old man, for various purposes.

However, Zhang Ziling didn't have any interest in the purpose of those people. As long as they didn't hinder him in the end, Zhang Ziling would not bother to take care of those nosy matters.

After the old man left, there was no one else to bother along the way, and Zhang Ziling took Xiaochan and walked straight to the Zhao Family Holy Land.

When Zhang Ziling arrived at the entrance of the Zhao Family Holy Land, there were already few people around, and only two servants of the Zhao Family stood at the entrance of the Holy Land.

Naturally, the Zhao Family Holy Land would not be built directly in the Heavenly Capital City. After all, this would allow the rich spiritual power in the Zhao Family to flow outwards and dilute the Holy Land spiritual power.

Generally speaking, heaven-level holy places will have their own small world, and some powerful earth-level holy places will also have worlds opened up by saints.

Only having one's own small world is the foundation of whether a party is strong or not.

The small world where the Zhao family lived was a world created by the five saints, and it was even able to withstand the pressure of the Great Emperor and was extremely stable.

Towards noon, the ancestors of the Zhao family also began to attend the reception, so the major forces had already entered the Zhao Family Holy Land with their heavy gifts. Those who have not entered the Zhao Family at this moment, it can be basically concluded that they are all people without invitations.

Therefore, the two servants of the Zhao family who were guarding the entrance of the Zhao Family's Holy Land were also relaxed a lot at this moment, with a relaxed expression.

There are basically no people here, and they naturally don't have to pay attention to their image all the time.

"This time, the Zhao family has gathered all the powerhouses in the Profound Sky Realm, right? It is said that there are now five saints in the Zhao family! It's so shameful!"

"That's not! What is our Zhao family? That is the heavenly sacred land that controls the Profound Sky Realm! Which power in this world dare not give our Zhao family face? Tianji Pavilion, the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce, these two forces across the Profound Sky Continent , Did you send someone else?"

"But... this time our ancestors have a birthday, none of the other twelve heavenly holy places seem to have come. Wasn't our relationship good before? Why this time..."

"Shhh! You can't talk nonsense about this sentence. The twelve heavenly holy places are all at the same level as our Zhao family. If you say something, if it is misunderstood, it will be even death. relaxing!"

"But I still have some..."

"Why are you so stupid? What kind of existence does the Heavenly Sacred Land look like? They are all giants who control one domain or several domains. Even the real martial realm can't cross domains, and they are extremely powerful. How could they be possible? It is on a par with those forces inside! In my opinion, they must come to our Zhao family for birthday celebrations at a critical moment with far more pomp than everyone else. Wait and see!"

"Brother is still smart...Huh? Someone is coming!"

Some of the two servants were chatting, just in time they saw Zhang Ziling coming over with Xiaochan, and quickly cheered up.

Although the two servants were surprised that there were still people coming, they were all big forces who came to celebrate the birthday of the ancestors of the Zhao family. Naturally, the two of them did not dare to neglect. After seeing Zhang Ziling coming, they hurried over.

The old man who had been wandering outside Zhao's house saw that Zhang Ziling and Xiaochan had finally arrived, and he hurriedly got up and hid and stared at Zhang Ziling, wanting to know what Zhang Ziling would do.

The old man has been wandering outside here for a long time, because he has been delayed for a long time on Zhang Ziling. When he arrived at the door of Zhao's house, he found that people from all major forces had already entered. He has been waiting at the entrance of Zhao's Holy Land. The Hundred Welcome Team was also replaced by two servants. Obviously, even the Zhao family thought that no one would come again.

The old man who had no invitation card was just blocked outside.

The old man stared at Zhang Ziling, full of expectation in his heart.

You know, like him, Zhang Ziling is a person without invitations. If Zhang Ziling can get in, then he can also follow Zhang Ziling's method and follow in.

The two servants of the Zhao family watched Zhang Ziling bringing Xiaochan over, and they were full of spring breeze. They bowed slightly to Zhang Ziling and said, "This distinguished guest..."

The two servants had just spoken, but Zhang Ziling ignored the two servants and walked straight forward with Xiaochan.

The old man on the side looked stunned, and didn't understand what Zhang Ziling was doing.

Just walk in?

Go crazy!

The old man exclaimed in his heart, already foreshadowing the end of Zhang Ziling.

Sure enough, after Zhang Ziling ignored the two servants, the corners of the mouths of the two servants of the Zhao family couldn't help but twitched. Obviously, he did not expect to encounter such a stunned green.

Where do you think this is?

This is the Zhao family!

A chill flashed across the faces of the two servants of the Zhao family, and they turned to look at Zhang Ziling and shouted coldly: "Stop!"

A powerful momentum broke out from the two servants of the Zhao family, and it was clear that both of them were half-step Heavenly Palace powerhouses!

Even the servants of the Zhao family are about to reach the Heavenly Palace Realm!

The old man on the side stared at Zhang Ziling, wanting to know what Zhang Ziling would choose to do.

After all, in the eyes of the old man, Zhang Ziling was nothing but Nirvana, and the power of the Heavenly Palace was enough to make him overwhelmed.

What's more, once the two servants do their hands, the Zhao family inside can instantly know what happened at the entrance of the Zhao Family Holy Land!

Otherwise, the old man would have beaten the two servants into it.

This matter is hard to handle!

However, Zhang Ziling's choice surprised the old man.

Zhang Ziling did not stop under the expectation of the two servants. Instead, he stood directly at the entrance of the Holy Land and sent Xiaochan in.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's actions, the two Zhao's servants trembled with so much popularity, which simply ignored the dignity of the Zhao family.

"you wanna die!"

Now these two servants of the Zhao family no longer care about whether Zhang Ziling has an invitation or not. Zhang Ziling's ignoring of the two of them sending a mortal into the Zhao Family Holy Land made them feel a deep insult.

They want Zhang Ziling to die!

"Kneel down."

However, Zhang Ziling didn't even look at the two servants of the Zhao family, just said a little, and then followed Xiaochan into the entrance of the Zhao Family Holy Land.

The two servants of the Zhao family who rushed towards Zhang Ziling knelt directly facing Zhang Ziling's back!

The old man who was hiding from the side and witnessing everything was stunned.

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