Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1325: Zhao Family Holy Land

The old man hid beside him, converging his breath to the limit.

The two servants of the Zhao family who had been kneeling on the ground had not moved for a long time.

After waiting for a while, the old man didn't see anyone from the Zhao family coming over, and the old man couldn't help but a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Normally, if Zhang Ziling rushed into Zhao's house, the Zhao family's strong person could rush over in a few seconds, and then throw the bodies of Zhang Ziling and Xiaochan out of the Zhao's holy ground.

However, the old man has not waited until what he expected.

There was no movement in the Zhao Family Holy Land.

After waiting for another quarter of an hour, there was still no movement at the entrance of the old Zhao Family Holy Land, and the two Zhao Family servants still knelt on the ground motionless.

The old man finally couldn't help it, and walked out of the dark, rushing to the entrance of the Zhao Family Holy Land.

"Two..." The old man walked up to the two servants of the Zhao family and patted one of them on the shoulder, and then the old man was stunned.

The old man tremblingly took his hand back, looked at the two Zhao family servants who were kneeling on the ground motionless in disbelief, and trembled: "Yes, is it... cold?"

These two servants of the Zhao family... are dead!

Two people in the Heavenly Palace Realm were silently killed by a Nirvana Realm?

When he thought of this, the old man felt a terrible wave in his heart, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

That young man... actually killed the Zhao family on the day of the Zhao family ancestor’s birthday, where the strong gathered?

The old man seemed to see that something terrifying might happen to the Zhao family next.

Did not dare to hesitate, the old man did not dare to stay here, and rushed directly into the Zhao Family Holy Land.

Now that there is no one guarding the entrance of the Zhao Family Holy Land, the old man will naturally not let go of this opportunity and just mix in.

Zhao Family Holy Land!

There are dragons and phoenix flying in the sky, rivers transformed by spiritual power are rushing above the clouds, cloud beasts spewing mist, and unicorn stepping into the Xia cave.

The buildings around Zhao's house are enveloped in colorful glow, and even the rivers on the ground contain a lot of spiritual power, which is comparable to Qi-gathering medicine.

Elixir flowers everywhere.

The Zhao Family Holy Land seems to be a world created entirely by spiritual power!

"Wow! Master, look! That's Longye! It's a dragon!" Xiaochan was jumping for joy in the Zhao Family Holy Land, pointing to a dragon in the sky chasing a crane.

"It's a dragon, not a dragon." Zhang Ziling smiled and rubbed Xiaochan's head. "Although the ancestors of the Zhao family had real dragons to celebrate their birthdays, they would certainly not be transformed into the sky as real dragons. Flying randomly."

Although Xiaochan didn't understand very well, he nodded without understanding.

As an ordinary person, Xiaochan has never seen such a big world. She grew up in that restaurant since she was a child. The farthest place she has traveled is only fifty miles away with her father. String relatives.

If it weren't for the Zhao family's ancestor's birthday, if many powerful men could not find a place to live in Tiandu City, the monks they had received in their restaurant were no more than condensing the palace realm.

Xiaochan had only seen the powerhouses who walked everywhere in the Zhao Family Holy Land in the novels.

Although Xuanxiao Continent said that the cultivation environment is much better than that of the earth, and ordinary people and monks are not completely separated, but the life of ordinary people and monks are still far apart.

The monks of the Qi Gathering Realm can cross the rivers and lakes in the world of ordinary people, and the Heavenly Palace Realm can crush ordinary people's kingdoms with one foot. Even in the city of Heavenly Capital, there are hundreds of ordinary people's kingdoms.

For monks, the world of ordinary people is too fragile, and there are basically no powerful monks willing to communicate with ordinary people.

This is also an important reason why monks are indifferent to the world of ordinary people, and ordinary people know nothing about the world of monks.

And Xiaochan was brought to Zhao's house by Zhang Ziling, so that Xiaochan could see scenes that even most of the monks hadn't seen. This was not a big opportunity for Xiaochan.

Even the air Xiaochan breathed was constantly transforming and strengthening Xiaochan's body.

At least, even if Xiaochan didn't take any elixir or elixir in the Zhao family, he would be invincible after returning, and would live a long life.

Seeing Xiaochan's cute appearance, Zhang Ziling was also quite happy, patiently explaining everything about the Zhao family to Xiaochan.

The scene of the Zhao family is less than half of the former magic palace, so Zhang Ziling is naturally not surprised.

In fact, because Zhang Ziling came from the earth, ordinary people climbed to the top of the world step by step, so Zhang Ziling can be said to be the most friendly monk in this world to ordinary people.

When Zhang Ziling left, he once asked Anbei to establish academies around the world to recruit ordinary students. Zhang Ziling wanted to allow ordinary people to have a better path into the world of cultivation.

However, because of Zhang Ziling's departure, with the support of an emperor in Anbei alone, the Demon Palace had no way to establish the academy.

A large number of ordinary people have become monks and have violated the fundamental interests of the major powers, and this has also planted the bane of the magic palace.

The forces of the world are afraid of the Devil Emperor, but that doesn't mean they are afraid of the Immortal Emperor Stepping on the Moon.

Although the emperor is strong... but in this world, he is not the only emperor.

It can be said that with the destruction of the Demon Palace three thousand years ago, the academies across the Xuanxiao Continent were also demolished, and ordinary people once again lost their fair access to the cultivation world.

The world has returned to a situation where it was either by chance to obtain a great opportunity, or by a certain strong person, or by having passed the test of a low-level sect, otherwise ordinary people would not be able to enter the cultivation world.

The monks, basically came out of the major families.

It can be said that in Xuanxiao Continent...whether or not you can become a monk is not just depends on your birth.

There is no relationship with the cultivation world, and even the qualifications to sign up when the sect recruits disciples.

Not all forces, like the magic palace, will select and recruit students from ordinary people.

Regarding the status quo of the Xuanxiao Continent, Zhang Ziling also felt quite helpless. The class consolidation was too serious and too many people could not cultivate, which caused the overall strength of the Xuanxiao Continent to be unable to improve.

To break this kind of solidification, even Zhang Ziling would have to spend considerable energy.

But now Zhang Ziling can't spend so much energy to do this, he still has too much to do.

Therefore, Zhang Ziling thought that he could only choose to help ordinary people occasionally.

And Xiaochan just happened to win Zhang Ziling's favor and get Zhang Ziling's help.

Zhang Ziling took Xiaochan and walked slowly among the holy places, towards the center of Zhao's holy place.

There, the birthday feast of Zhao Wuwei, the ancestor of the Zhao family, is about to begin!

"Who can explain to me? Why is an ordinary person coming in here?"

Just before Zhang Ziling and Xiaochan walked for a long time, an extremely discordant voice rang in Zhang Ziling and Xiaochan's ears, which attracted the attention of many people around them.

In Xuanxiao Continent, although there are countless monks who are indifferent to ordinary people, there are also countless monks who look down on ordinary people at all, thinking that ordinary people are livestock.

Obviously, Zhang Ziling met another type of people.

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