Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1326: The guy who provoked the devil

When Zhang Ziling heard about his reputation, he only saw a man in luxurious clothes walking towards him with his arms around a very beautiful woman.

The man had small eyes, a fat body, and vacant footsteps. No matter how you looked at it, he was an over-indulgent rich man.

On the contrary, the woman next to the man was petite and lovely, with fair skin and slender figure, looking quite pure.

However, Zhang Ziling saw all the disdain from the woman's eyes.

In general, like this rich man and the monks around him look down on ordinary people, although they usually have no time to trouble ordinary people, but once ordinary people appear in their sight, and they happen to be interested, They must kill ordinary people.

In the eyes of monks, especially this kind of rich young man, the life of ordinary people is no different from that of a grassy man.

In the Zhao Family Holy Land, the juniors are not qualified to go to the Zhao Family Holy Land Center to congratulate the Zhao Family's ancestors, so most of them are outside the Zhao Family Holy Land.

In Xuanxiao Continent, there has never been a shortage of dudes.

Zhang Ziling watched the fat man walk over with the beautiful woman, his expression gradually becoming indifferent.

Xiao Chan seemed to be frightened, and took Zhang Ziling by the corner of his clothes, hiding behind Zhang Ziling.

Before departure, the shopkeeper of the restaurant kept admonishing Xiaochan not to cause trouble after arriving at the Zhao Family Holy Land, and no one could provoke him.

Obviously, Xiaochan didn't do anything, so the trouble came to him.

Xiaochan knew that the people who could go to the Zhao Family Holy Land were all big people. Maybe she was an ordinary person in the whole little world, so after the fat man targeted her, Xiaochan became quite a little frightened.

Will she die?

Xiaochan himself was not sure.

Except for hiding behind Zhang Ziling, Xiaochan didn't know what to do.

Xiaochan couldn't understand the monks' contempt for their ordinary people.

Many saints and saints stopped around and looked at the fat man as if watching a good show.

Obviously, they all knew how troublesome Zhang Ziling was.

The old man who got into the Zhao Family Holy Land just noticed the change here, and hurried over to watch the excitement.

But when he saw that a fat man was making trouble with Zhang Ziling, he was shocked in a cold sweat, and he felt something bad.

The old man saw Zhang Ziling kill the Zhao family with his own eyes, and now he sees the trouble of the juniors who don’t know which big power comes to find Zhang Ziling...

"Do you want to do something here?"

The old man began to pray in his heart, hoping that Zhang Ziling could stabilize.

After all, if it alarmed the Zhao family and made the Zhao family discover the situation outside, the old man would not have the confidence to escape the Zhao family's investigation.

Although he is the seventh level of the True Martial Realm, there are many who are better than him in this Zhao family!

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhang Ziling looked at the fat man coldly, with faint spiritual power flowing in his palm.

However, Zhang Ziling glanced at the center of the Zhao Family Holy Land again, and the spiritual power in Zhang Ziling's palm gradually disappeared.


Not ready to do anything, Zhang Ziling uttered a word, and then he took Xiaochan, ignoring the fat man and walked to the Zhao Family Holy Land.


Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the man was stunned.

The onlookers around began to become disdainful, and their eyes were full of looks of good show.

That fat man, but Huang Tian, ​​the son of the Huang Family Patriarch of the Tiandu City Earth-Level Holy Land, was extremely distinguished. Even if there were countless great forces who came to the Zhao Family to participate in the banquet, Huang Tian's status could rank in the forefront.

If it weren't for Huang Tian's honorable status, it would be impossible for the beautiful woman around him to follow a fat boy.

Seeing Zhang Ziling pulling Xiaochan away, Huang Tian's expression began to become savage, and he shouted at Zhang Ziling: "Is Lao Tzu let you go?"

Hearing Huang Tian's low roar, Xiaochan's body trembled slightly, and his legs were very scared, and his legs seemed to be filled with lead, unable to move.

Feeling Xiaochan's fear, Zhang Ziling finally stopped and turned to look at Huang Tian with indifferent eyes.

Seeing Zhang Ziling stopped, Huang Tian couldn’t help but grinned. He looked at Zhang Ziling and said, “I’m called Huang Tian. In this day, I’m a person with a surname in the capital. Even people from the Zhao family will smile when I see me. I speak, what is your background?"

When people around heard Huang Tian's words, they all agreed.

"Young Master Huang is the holy son of the prefecture-level holy land. The Huang family has always been on good terms with the Zhao family. It is the second largest power in the capital city on this day. The background is extremely terrifying. There are really not many people in this generation who have a higher status than Huang Shao."

"Yeah! That kid looks extraordinary, but the maid with him is an ordinary person, and he is not a powerful family. Just imagine which big power will let their son take a mortal maid?"

"I think that guy is just pretending to be pretending, trying to bluff Huang Shao by force. I don't know that Huang Shao has many good friends in this Zhao family. Even if Huang Shao kills that guy here, it is estimated that he was only by the elders. Scolding a few words and thinking about it for a month, nothing big can happen. But that guy is going to be unlucky!"

A group of saints and saints were whispering around, they were not optimistic about Zhang Ziling and Xiaochan, thinking that they would suffer a big loss here, or even lose their lives.

And the old man who heard a group of young people talking on the side, his mouth twitched at this moment, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

The old man didn't know the yellow sky, but listening to the conversations of the young people around him, the old man could be regarded as having a clearer understanding of the background of the yellow sky.

Generally speaking, Huang Tian is the kind of noble son who can mess around in the Zhao Family Sacred Land. Many people need to be fond of objects, and they are the focus of the younger generation in the Profound Sky Realm.

However, even if Huang Tian's background is so profound, in the eyes of the old man... it is nothing but the waste of Ning Gong Jiu Zhong, and the object of his provocation is a madman who even the Zhao family's Tian Gong experts dare to kill. Now Huang Tian keeps on Provocation, coupled with the people around him...

Isn't this looking for death?

The old man became more anxious, but Zhang Ziling looked at Xiaochan, pointed at Huang Tian, ​​and asked Xiaochan gently, "How do you feel about him?"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Xiaochan glanced at Huang Tian with a grim expression with a little fear, and the fear in his eyes grew stronger.

"My son, Xiao and Xiaochan are a little scared..."

Hearing Xiaochan's words, Huang Tian stared at Xiaochan's words, pointed at Xiaochan and cursed: "You cheap maid, I grow a tree near the wind, how dare you be afraid? Believe it or not I dug your eyes out..."


Before Huang Tian's words were finished, Zhang Ziling slapped in the air. Huang Tian was slapped in the air with a palm, turned around several times in the air, and then fell to the ground with his head.

After seeing Huang Tian's twitching body planted in the ground, the surrounding saint son and saint suddenly became sluggish.

All around, fell into dead silence.

The development of the matter exceeded everyone's expectations.

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