Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1327: Zhao Family Shengzi

When the old man on the side saw Zhang Ziling's hands, his heart suddenly clenched, knowing that something might start to happen.

Can kill the Zhao family without hesitation, and dare to act unscrupulously in the Zhao Family Holy Land, the old man doesn't need to think to know that Zhang Ziling must have come to trouble Zhao Family.

Although the old man didn't know what gave Zhang Ziling the courage to find trouble with the Zhao family, the old man also realized that this might be an opportunity for him.

Before the Zhao family reacted to the trouble, he could just take advantage of the chaos and get what he wanted to take.

Thinking of this, the old man didn't plan to stay here any more, and walked silently to the depths of the Zhao Family Holy Land.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the old man who had left, intentionally or unintentionally, but he didn't care, and turned his gaze to Huang Tian, ​​who had just pulled out his head from the ground.

Huang Tian looked at Zhang Ziling bitterly with a fierce light in his eyes.

No one has ever made him so embarrassed, and Huang Tian at this moment has been completely dazzled by anger.

Now Huang Tian can't wait to tear Zhang Ziling to pieces on the spot.

"you wanna die!"

Huang Tian didn't care that this was the Zhao Family's Holy Land, so he slaughtered Zhang Ziling directly, his hands were red, turning into fiery claws.

"Red Flame Claw!" Huang Tian roared, the spiritual power lingering around his palm produced a very high temperature, and the ground stone bricks began to melt under that very high temperature.

"When Huang Shao came here, he used the final skill of the emperor? That guy was unlucky!" Shengzi recognized Huang Tian's moves and couldn't help exclaiming.

Chi Yan Claw is a martial skill derived from an emperor technique. It can be said to be a simplified version of the emperor technique Yan Lin Tian Claw, which is extremely powerful.

After seeing Huang Tianshi's such martial skills, the younger generation around watching the theater knew that Huang Tian had already killed himself.

Although it seems to everyone to kill in the Zhao family is a stupid practice, for Huang Tian, ​​who has a great family, even if he kills Zhang Ziling, if Zhang Ziling’s background is not very deep, then Huang Tian can’t stand any harshness. Punishment.

At most, it is fined to lock up.

Seeing Huang Tian rushing towards Zhang Ziling, Xiaochan only felt a fierce pain on her face. She was completely frightened and stupefied, she couldn't help screaming, "Be careful, son!"


Just as Xiao Chan yelled, Zhang Ziling easily grabbed Huang Tian's right palm, and with a little effort, his five fingers crushed Huang Tian's palm completely.


A howling like a pig screamed from Huang Tian's throat. Huang Tian held his crushed palm and knelt in front of Zhang Ziling. The whole body was trembling because of the severe pain.

Zhang Ziling looked at Huang Tian calmly, without any human emotion in his eyes.

If it weren't for Xiaochan to see blood, Huang Tian has now burst into blood fog.

The saints and sons and women who were watching the theater around were completely dumbfounded, with cold sweat on their foreheads.

They didn't expect that this young man with an ordinary person as a maid would be so strong!

Although Huang Tian is not the most talented existence among the younger generation, Huang Tian's strength is not weak, at least he can rank in the middle and upper ranks among the younger generation in the Profound Sky.

And Zhang Ziling so easily solved Huang Tian, ​​which is enough to show that Zhang Ziling's strength is already the genius of the first echelon!

The genius of the first echelon...

When everyone thought of this, they all took a breath and couldn't believe it.

You know, the talented evildoers of the first echelon are no less talented than the holy sons of the heavenly holy land, and their strength is extremely terrifying. Leapfrogging battles are completely commonplace!

In the Profound Sky, the geniuses who can be placed in the first echelon have broken through the Nirvana realm!

Where is this monster that popped out?

All the saints and sons and women looked at Zhang Ziling in shock, and began to frantically wonder where Zhang Ziling was a genius in the holy land, preparing to come to the Zhao Family Holy Land to become famous.

It is a big hurdle to break through the Ning Palace realm to the Nirvana realm, countless genius evildoers are stuck here, unable to break through. Only by truly breaking through to Nirvana can you be called a strong one!

Now the people around don't think that Zhang Ziling and Huang Tian are looking for death. With the strength to enter the first echelon of the younger generation, his background is definitely not weaker than the Huang family behind Huang Tian!

For a time, the surrounding wind changed rapidly, and everyone gloated at Huang Tian, ​​thinking that Huang Tian had kicked the iron plate this time.

The young cultivators are full of energy, and no one accepts anyone. Whether they see Zhang Ziling being killed or Huang Tian slumped, they are all excited and fearless.

"What is going on here?"

The conflict between Zhang Ziling and Huang Tian attracted the attention of the Zhao family, and a man in a green robe walked over surrounded by a group of young people.

When the surrounding holy land saints saw the man in the green robe coming over, all their eyes changed, and they stepped back a few steps, not daring to speak any more.

The man in the green robe was one of the three saints of the Zhao family’s generation. Zao Wou-ki, the top ten young generation in the Profound Realm, had reached the fourth level of Nirvana at the age of 23. His strength was extremely terrifying, The geniuses couldn't breathe.

Although there are countless geniuses around here, in front of Zao Wou-ki, who has been able to confront the older generation of powerhouses, it looks bleak.

After seeing Zao Wou-ki coming, Huang Tian suddenly showed joy on his face, and hurriedly pointed to Zhang Ziling and cried out to Zao Wou-ki: “Brother Wou-ki, you want to call me the shots! That guy is very good at doing things, and gave up my hands. !"

When the surrounding saints heard Huang Tian's words, the corners of their mouths twitched, and they secretly said that Huang Tian turned black and white.

However, due to the forces behind Huang Tian, ​​no one dared to step forward to speak to Zhang Ziling.

Everyone knows that Huang Tian's eldest brother in the Zhao family is Zao Wou-ki.


Hearing Huang Tian's words, a trace of impatience flashed through Zao Wou-ki's eyes. After swearing in his mouth, he raised his cold eyes and looked at Zhang Ziling, and began to look at Zhang Ziling.

Although Zao Wou-ki was talking about waste, he still knew that Huang Tian was a cultivator of the Ninth Palace, and coupled with his own family's powerful martial arts, it could be said that Huang Tian had no rivals in the Ning Palace realm.

And Zhang Ziling's ability to crush Huang Tian's palms in one stroke also shows that Zhang Ziling is also a monk in Nirvana.

Stepping into Nirvana, it can be said that the strength has entered the first echelon, and Zhang Ziling's age is only more than 20 years old, he is a proper genius.

An unknown evil monk suddenly appeared, and Zao Wou-ki couldn't help but become curious about Zhang Ziling's identity.

After looking at Zhang Ziling, Zao Wou-ki's cold eyes couldn't help but smile. He looked at Zhang Ziling and asked, "What is your name?"

If a strong player of the first echelon is received under his command, his status in the Zhao family will also be improved a lot.

After all, he is not the only son of the Zhao family.

However, Zhang Ziling did not pay attention to Zao Wou-ki's plan at all. He directly ignored Zao Wou-ki's words and said to Xiaochan: "Let's go, Xiaochan, the birthday banquet of the ancestors of the Zhao family is about to begin, let's not be late."

Xiaochan nodded obediently, and replied: "Yes."

After all, Zhang Ziling took Xiaochan and walked into the depths of Zhao's house without looking back, leaving Zao Wou-ki alone in embarrassment.

Seeing Zhang Ziling ignoring Zao Wou-ki, the surrounding saints and saints could not help holding their breath subconsciously, and looked at Zao with fear.

That guy actually dared to be in the Zhao family, ignoring the son of the Zhao family...

This guy's courage is so fat!

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