Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1328: Big trouble

After Zhang Ziling ignored Zao Wou-Ki and walked away, Zao Wou-Ki’s face instantly became gloomy.

Looking at the backs of Zhang Ziling and Xiaochan, Zao Wou-ki's eyes were gloomy, and he couldn't help but suppress his voice and said to Zhang Ziling: "Do you know what you are doing?"

Zhang Ziling still ignored Zao Wou-ki, and took Xiaochan to the depths of the Holy Land without rush.

Xiao Chan was terrified of Zao Wou-ki's threat, but no matter how scared Xiao Chan was, he knew that he could only follow Zhang Ziling's practice and follow Zhang Ziling now.

The monks in the surrounding holy land stared at Zhang Ziling in a daze, completely unable to believe that Zhang Ziling really ignored Zao Wou-ki.

It's all about ignoring Huang Tian, ​​after all, as a genius in the first echelon, he is also qualified to ignore Huang Tian.

But Zao Wou-ki is different. They are also the geniuses of the first echelon, and they are also the saint sons of the Zhao family in the heavenly holy land. In this Zhao family holy land, it can be said to be the most noble existence among the younger generation, even if it is other The genius of the first tier did not dare to ignore Zao Wou-ki.

Zhang Ziling's approach makes no one understand.

Huang Tian, ​​who was still kneeling on the ground and holding his hands, saw Zhang Ziling's actions, and a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth, secretly saying that the time for his revenge had arrived, and his eyes were filled with spitefulness.

The grin at the corner of Huang Tian’s mouth became stronger and stronger, and he began to stir up trouble beside Zao Wuji: "Brother Wuji, you have also seen that guy’s defiant attitude. We must teach him a lesson and let him know who is making trouble here. !"

Huang Tian thinks he is not Zhang Ziling's opponent, but it does not mean that Zao Wou-ki is not Zhang Ziling's opponent either!

To be bigger, looking at the entire Profound Sky Realm, there are very few young geniuses who can beat Zao Wou-ki.


Perhaps it was because Zhang Ziling's attitude completely annoyed Zao Wou-ki, making Zao Wou-ki extremely irritable, and Huang Tian kept talking in his ears, directly causing Zao Wou-ki to fall into a violent state, and then Zao Wou-ki slapped him. Fan Huang Tian flew out.

Everyone who saw this scene shrank their shoulders, and seemed to feel a burning pain on their face.

Zao Wou-ki's slap was not light.

After flying Huang Tian's fan out, the aura in Zao Wou-ki's body completely broke out and rolled over to Zhang Ziling.

"Kneel me down!"

Zao Wou-ki shouted at Zhang Ziling, trying to use his aura to press Zhang Ziling to the ground.

However, Zhang Ziling seemed to be unaffected at all and continued to move forward.

The saints and saints around saw Zao Wou-ki's dry roar, but when Zhang Ziling had no response, the corners of their mouths twitched, feeling the surrounding atmosphere a bit embarrassing.

Zao Wou-ki seemed to feel the burning pain on his face, he couldn't help but increase his aura output, and pressed all his strength to Zhang Ziling.

"Give me... kneel down!"

Zao Wou-Ki’s voice exploded in the surrounding space, and the surrounding saints and sons and women felt their eardrums roaring, unable to withstand the pressure of Zao Wou-Ki.

Everyone hurriedly looked in the direction of Zhang Ziling, only to find that Zhang Ziling had already walked away, completely ignoring Zao Wou-ki.

The atmosphere became more and more awkward.


I didn't know where there was a sigh of laughter, which completely drove Zao Wou-ki away.

"Who is laughing?" Zao Wou-ki looked around coldly, the four powers of the Nirvana Realm agitated all around, and the surrounding suddenly became extremely quiet. All the saints and saints looked serious, and there was no way to see who it was just now. Laugh.

Unable to find the source of the laughter, Zao Wou-ki's face became more and more gloomy, his eyes were about to spew out fire.

Huang Tian had just crawled over from a distance, half of his face was still swollen, and he pulled Zao Wou-ki's trousers and said, "Brother Wou-Ki, I, I..."

"Get out!" Zao Wou-ki kicked Huang Tian's face with his foot, and directly kicked Huang Tian's face to the ground. All the followers behind Zao Wou-ki were taken aback by Zao Wou-ki and hurried back. go with.

"You are looking for death!"

Zao Wou-ki was steaming hot all over his body, his skin became like magma, and hot spiritual power surged out of his body, causing the surrounding temperature to rise by more than ten degrees.

Seeing what Zao Wou-ki looks like now, a saint son couldn’t help but exclaimed in a low voice: “Zao Wou-ki is angry?”

"The Zhao family's emperor magic lava armor can make his body as hard as divine gold, and at the same time comparable to the strength of a dragon, the surface of the skin will have extremely high temperature, and the metal can be melted instantly!" You Shengzi had a keen eye and knew the horror of Zao Wou-ki's trick, and explained in a low voice.

After knowing that Zao Wou-ki had used the emperor technique, the surrounding people also exclaimed again and again, their eyes widened.

As the most top martial arts in this world, each of the emperor skills is extremely mysterious and possesses unimaginable power.

Although Zao Wou-ki’s current imperial technique has not been cultivated to the level of transformation, but among the younger generation, Zao Wou-ki relies on the lava armor, no one can beat Zao Wou-ki in the flesh!

Zao Wou-Ki's eyes were red, and he looked at Zhang Ziling's back and roared: "You defiant fellow, I want you to know...Ignore my price!"

In the next moment, Zao Wou-ki turned into a red glow and rushed towards Zhang Ziling, and all the ground he passed was melted into magma.

Xiaochan felt the terrifying heat coming from behind, so he was nervous and did not dare to look back, so he could only hold on to Zhang Ziling's sleeve.

All the saints and saints held their breath and stared at Zhang Ziling, wanting to know how he should respond to Zao Wou-ki's attack.

Once touched by Zao Wou-ki, I am afraid that even the bones will be instantly melted by the extremely high temperature on Zao Wou-ki's surface!

Suddenly, Zao Wou-ki had reached the back of Zhang Ziling and grabbed Zhang Ziling mercilessly.

"Die me!" Zhao Wuji roared, blazing spiritual power swept Zhang Ziling's body.


When Zao Wou-ki met Zhang Ziling, things weren’t what everyone imagined. Zhang Ziling’s shoulders and all internal organs in his body were melted. Instead, Zao Wou-ki was shot and flew out, and his arms were still dyed with pitch-black flames. .


A stern roar echoed in the surrounding space, and Zao Wou-ki's arm was burned to charcoal in full view, and then fell off!

Zao Wou-ki was lying on the ground holding his broken arm and roaring, the ground was melted into magma by the extremely high temperature of his body, and Zao Wou-ki was rolling in the magma.

The saints and saints were shocked when they saw Zao Wou-ki's painful look now.

Around, fell into a dead silence.

Everyone looked at Zhang Ziling mechanically at this moment, with fine beads of sweat on their foreheads, and cold sweat kept streaming down.


All the saints and women swallowed fiercely, and their bodies began to tremble violently.

Zao Wou-ki's hand broke...

This thing is making a big deal!

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