Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1329: Look at each other

Xiao Chan had already followed Zhang Ziling away, and she couldn't help but glanced at the rear of the riot, and asked Zhang Ziling, "Master, does that really matter?"

"It's okay, they will bear the consequences." Zhang Ziling didn't care, and took Xiaochan straight to the center of the Zhao Family Holy Land.

In the center of the Zhao Family Holy Land, there are almost no young people in sight. Most of them are middle-aged men or old people. Jade pan delicacies are placed everywhere.

As soon as Xiao Chan arrived at the center of the Zhao Family Holy Land, he was instantly attracted by the dazzling array of food, and suddenly forgot about the previous events, with stars shining in his eyes.

"Young Master! Can Xiao Chan eat these?" Xiao Chan pulled Zhang Ziling's sleeve and asked excitedly, pointing to the fairy fruit in front of him.

Seeing Xiaochan's excitement, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but smile, nodded and said: "Well, but these are all great supplements for you, you can only take a bite."

Xiaochan almost didn't jump up when he heard Zhang Ziling's words, but fortunately, Xiaochan maintained his rationality and was not too presumptuous.

After all, there are old antiques around, and Xiaochan also knows that if he is too presumptuous, it will cause trouble to Zhang Ziling.

Although there is only one bite, Xiaochan is not too small at all, and began to choose carefully.

When can mortals get this fairy thing?

Seeing that Xiaochan was choosing fairy fruit, Zhang Ziling also smiled, and set his eyes on the attic in the center of the Holy Land.

Perhaps it was not the hour. After the ancestors of the Zhao family came out to communicate with the visiting saints for a while, he returned to his own cave. Now it is Zhao Wuxin who is sitting on the high building and talking to the saints.

As if he felt that someone was staring at him, Zhao Wuxin couldn't help but look around, just to meet Zhang Ziling.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's indifferent eyes, Zhao Wuxin's pupils shrank suddenly, and then his body began to tremble slightly.

Although Zhao Wuxin had never seen Zhang Ziling, but...when Zhao Wuxin saw Zhang Ziling's eyes, he recognized Zhang Ziling.

he came……

When the entire army of the 100,000 Zhao family was wiped out last night, Zhao Wuxin understood that he had taken a foul move.

Even if the Devil Emperor's cultivation base is completely destroyed, it is also a generation of supreme, far from being able to be solved by a number of people.

Their Zhao family lost part of their strength for nothing.


Zhao Wuxin took a deep breath and forced himself to look away from Zhang Ziling.

Now is not the time!

Since the Devil Emperor hadn't done anything, he couldn't take the lead.

Too many people came to Zhao's house this time.

"Patriarch Zhao, is it physically uncomfortable?" The saint sitting next to Zhao Wuxin noticed Zhao Wuxin's strangeness and couldn't help but ask.

"No, I just remembered something to be done." Zhao Wuxin barely squeezed a smile on her face, "Forgive me for my unaccompaniment."

After that, Zhao Wuxin no longer cared about the saints beside him, got up and left.

Zhang Ziling watched Zhao Wuxin walk away quickly, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but hooked. Then he took a piece of dragon meat from the surrounding dining table, processed it and put it in the box.

After installing the dragon meat, Zhang Ziling looked at the little chan who was cautiously holding a nibble fairy fruit and asked, "Little chan, are you finished?"

"Eating and eating, son! Xiaochan feels so hot! There is an air current running around in the body!" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Xiaochan quickly said to Zhang Ziling, only feeling that there was a heat current in her body.

Hearing what Xiaochan said, Zhang Ziling also smiled slightly, put a box of dragon meat in Xiaochan's hand, and said: "That's fine, I'll take you home."

"The son sent me home? Didn't the son celebrate the birthday of the ancestor of the Zhao family?" Xiaochan asked Zhang Ziling, tilting his head.

"Yes, don't worry." Zhang Ziling said softly, then put his hand on Xiaochan's head and rubbed it, "Go back and have a good sleep."

Before Xiao Chan could react, he disappeared in place and was teleported out by Zhang Ziling.

After sending Xiaochan away, the smile on Zhang Ziling's face also gradually disappeared, gradually becoming indifferent.

Zhao Wuxin, who had just left, seemed to have dealt with her own affairs, came back with a spring breeze, and talked with the saints in the attic again.

Zhang Ziling raised his eyes again to look at Zhao Wuxin, there was no emotion in his dark eyes.

"over there!"

And just here, a sharp cry sounded around, attracting the attention of all the big people.

Zhang Ziling was not affected by the cry, still looking at Zhao Wuxin on the high platform.

Behind Zhang Ziling, Zao Wou-ki led Huang Tian and a group of guards rushing over aggressively, his eyes full of fierceness.

The big figures present saw the miserable situation of Zao Wou-ki and Huang Tian, ​​and they were all shocked. They didn't know who had beaten Zao Wou-ki like this!

Cut off Zao Wou-ki's arm in the Zhao Family Holy Land, this is simply bold!

The surrounding atmosphere instantly solidified.

An old man in the attic saw what Zao Wou-ki looks like now, he slapped the table suddenly, and shouted, "Patriarch Zhao, who on earth made Nephew Zhao look like this? I will definitely help my nephew. revenge!"

The mighty power of the saint permeated all around.

Zhao Wuxin's face was also gloomy at the moment, staring at Zhang Ziling firmly.

Zao Wou-ki became like this, and Zhao Wuxin didn't have to think about knowing who did it!

Everyone's eyes focused on Zao Wou-ki, watching Zao Wou-ki rushing with a group of Zhao family guards.

"It's really impatient for someone to dare to do such a thing in Zhao's family!" A holy land patron looked at Zao Wou-ki with a cold snort, his eyes flashed with fierce light, and he looked like he could not immediately kill the murderer.

"Don't let me know who it is, otherwise, no matter what the background is, the old man will definitely cut his body into pieces!" A big man snarled low, and there was a horror surging around him.

"To cut the genius of the first echelon of our Profound Sky Realm into this way, I must make him pay the price!"

All the big figures all expressed their anger, and the terrifying aura reverberated in the Zhao Family Holy Land, making the surrounding extremely depressing.

This kind of thing that can win the Zhao family's favor by just playing tricks, they will naturally not let it go.

Anyway, it was the Zhao family who did it last.

And the old man hiding in the dark saw the abnormal movement around him, and instantly understood that his opportunity was coming, and he didn't care to watch the excitement here, and rushed to the Zhao family treasure house.

"Boy, that was your own death, no wonder you are old! This time you helped me attract attention, and I will worship you once next year today!" The old man muttered to himself, but his eyes were full of excitement.

At this moment, Zao Wou-ki came not far behind Zhang Ziling, pointed directly at Zhang Ziling with his remaining left hand, and shouted coldly: "It's him, take it for me!"

Zao Wuji roared in a low voice, and all the guards of the Heavenly Palace Realm behind him shot towards Zhang Ziling.

All the big figures stared at Zhang Ziling, with sneers in their eyes.

To dare to be presumptuous in the Zhao family is to seek death!

Zhang Ziling didn't turn around, but with his hands on his back, he looked at Zhao Wuxin calmly.


A word, gently spit out from Zhang Ziling's mouth.


The dozen or so Heavenly Palace realm experts who rushed towards Zhang Ziling, at the same moment, their bodies split like fragments, and finally exploded in this birthday banquet!

Scarlet blood spattered on all the big figures around.

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