Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1336: despair

In the cave, the four ancestors heard Zhang Ziling's words, their faces all changed, and then they fell into extreme silence.

After a moment of silence, the bodies of the four of them began to tremble violently, their expressions became hideous, and there was fear in their eyes.

Gu Tianming seemed to be extremely old at this moment, his voice hoarse: "We were wrong..."

After Zhang Ziling said those words, they already knew that the master's cultivation base was still there.

They have served the master for too long, and they know him no better.

The other three were also dead at the moment, and did not refute Gu Tianming's words.

The prophecy said that the Devil Emperor's cultivation base would be completely damaged.

It's just that they are willing to fight for that little hope and make the last struggle.

After hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the four ancestors understood that they had already lost.

The master's cultivation base is still there.

"What do we...what do we do now?" Zhao Wuwei asked hoarsely, "The imperial rank magic circle has no meaning anymore. Is it necessary to take out the imperial weapons we prepared?"

Even Wang Zhi, who had always believed in the prophecy, became silent at this moment and stopped answering.

Wang Zhi couldn't figure out why all previous predictions were verified for their authenticity, but now, why did it fail this time?

Wang Zhi was really not reconciled, and said in a somber voice, "Could it be... Master is pretending? Should we use the Emperor Rank Killing Array to suppress it once?"

"Are you crazy?" When Gu Tianming heard what Wang Zhi said, his eyes widened, and he roared at Wang Zhi, "Is it pretending to look at the master?"

"Even if we are in the imperial circle, it is impossible to be so relaxed, and what the master said is still not clear? The master is already giving us a chance!"

"Elder Wang, we lost, let's all go out." Jin Ruofan has also given up resistance. He has never believed in Wang Zhi, but he is unwilling to give up all his thousands of years of hard work like the other nine people. .

Jin Ruofan came here with the idea of ​​burning jade and stone.

Instead of turning the Jin family into a slave, it is better to completely destroy it in his own hands.

Only he is the master's servant, the rest of the Jin family...none.

"Let's... go out." After the roar, Gu Tianming quickly came down again, and sighed deeply. His whole figure became much more rickety, "Master can still call me destiny, I'm already very satisfied. No, don’t ask for anything else."

"Gu's family, let him go..."

Gu Tianming sighed, and without waiting for the other ancestors, he walked out of the cave with his cane.

"The last day I want to go is beautiful and beautiful." Gu Tianming chuckled, his voice echoing in the courtyard.

Zhao Wuwei and Jin Ruofan looked at Gu Tianming's back, they also looked at each other, and smiled bitterly one after another.

However, their smiles contained more, but bitterness and regret.

After the betrayal, there was no turning back. They thought that the master had cut off the previous fetters, but from now on, the master still missed love.

"Old Jin, we were really wrong." Zhao Wufan shook his head, "In five thousand years, I thought everything had changed, the magic palace has changed, we have changed, and the lord... also changed."

"I used to think that even if it’s on the top of the world, even the saint emperor or the supreme being like the master, they can’t stand the erosion of time, and everything will be changed by time. Even a prince like the master cannot understand the law of time. Surely it will be eroded by time, not to mention us servants?"

"But look now..." Zhao Wuwei raised his eyes to look at the image in the courtyard, his muddy eyes faintly wet, "This world has indeed changed, the magic palace has also changed, and we naturally cannot escape being caught by time. The changed destiny, but the master...has not changed."

"Master still thinks of us, but we chose to betray, and make ourselves... We make ourselves suffer!" Zhao Wuwei laughed, his laughter was extremely sad.

Afterwards, Zhao Wuwei followed Gu Tianming's back and walked outside the cave.

Seeing that Zhao Wuwei had also gone out, Jin Ruofan looked at Wang Zhi with a complicated expression and asked, "Aren't you going?"

At this moment, Wang Zhi was dishevelled, his eyes flashed with terror, and he said viciously: "I don't believe it! I don't believe that the master's cultivation base is still there! This is impossible! Otherwise, why didn't the master come back three thousand years ago? With the master's cultivation base Isn’t it easy to come back and save the Devil’s Palace? Why doesn’t he come back!"


Wang Zhi knelt on the ground and grabbed his fingers into the ground, with tears in his eyes, "Why didn't the lord come back? Why... come back at this time? I am not reconciled... I am not reconciled!"

Jin Ruofan looked at Wang Zhi in silence, feeling very uncomfortable.

Among the thirteen people, Jin Ruofan has the best relationship with Wang Zhi. Jin Ruofan also knows the character of Wang Zhi. What he believes will never change, and he is extremely attached to it.

Now, Jin Ruofan knew that Wang Zhi had been captured by the heart demon, and no one could help him.

"It happens to be at this time..." Jin Ruofan took a heavy breath, no longer caring about the king, and slowly walked outside.

"The one who missed the master the most is you, and the one who hates the master the most... can't let go of anything, and want to catch everything... In the end, everything is lost after all."

"The three of us took everything in in order to accompany your willfulness."

"This farce is over."

Jin Ruofan's voice echoed in the courtyard, then drifted away and disappeared gradually.

In the courtyard in the cave, there was only one king left.

"Why... sir, why did you come back? Isn't it okay to die? Why do you want to come back now?" Wang Zhi raised his head to look at the image, bloodshot in the white of his eyes, and he began to breathe black.

"Why... why don't you come back sooner, sir, if you come back earlier...hehehe! Everything is too late, it's too late! Everything is too late, sir! Only you die can bring peace to the world! So sir, you do it for this The world, the cultivation base must be damaged, so go to die, OK!"

Wang Zhi's entire tone suddenly became extremely gloomy, and his aura became extremely weird. Under Wang Zhi's aura, the entire small courtyard became extremely cold, and the ground was covered with frost.

The peach trees in the yard are also withering rapidly at this moment, and soon they become dead trees, without their vitality.

If Jin Ruofan were still here, seeing the scene in the courtyard would be extremely shocked.

Everybody knows……

Jin Ruofan's spiritual power and the principles of the Great Dao he comprehend are all of the fire attribute!

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