Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1337: Everyone has to die

"Zhang Ziling, it seems that you haven't figured out the current situation." Zhao Wuxin looked at Zhang Ziling coldly, his eyes were cold like poisonous snakes, "You are already a mortal person, and the ancestors have not come out to see you. Necessary."

Zhao Wuxin sneered, the emperor rank array gave him immense confidence.

In this circle, Zhao Wuxin felt that he could kill anyone!

The other sages in the Zhao family have no time to take care of him at this moment. They have spent all their energy just resisting the coercion of the imperial circle, and there is no way to pay attention to the surrounding situation, and they can't even hear Zhao. What I said unintentionally.

Now they are completely filled with the fear of death.

And the few big figures of the Huang family and others who stayed have turned into blood in the emperor rank magic circle, and couldn't even find the bones.

In the imperial rank magic circle, except for the Zhao family, everyone else will be suppressed by the imperial rank magic circle.

Zhang Ziling looked at Zhao Wuxin's smile and couldn't help but shook his head. He ignored Zhao Wuxin's shoulders and closed his eyes.

Seeing Zhang Ziling closed his eyes, Zhao Wuxin couldn't help but feel angry.

"It's still pretending to this point, I see how long you can pretend!"

Zhao Wuxin decided to completely smash Zhang Ziling and began to drive the emperor rank magic circle, and the terrifying power burst out directly.

The colorful thunder in the sky will smash.



When Zhao Wuxin just roared, Zhao Wuwei's hoarse voice rang around, making Zhao Wuxin's movements suddenly stagnant.

"Father?" Zhao Wuxin turned around and looked at Zhao Wuwei in shock. At this moment, Zhao Wuwei was standing with Jin Ruofan and the two ancestors of Wang Zhi, with an imposing manner.

The three people who walked out of the cave sky have completely lost the depressed appearance in the cave sky. The three have become extremely solemn. Their aura as the superiors radiates from the three people, instantly suppressing the audience and controlling the situation. .

Zhang Ziling slowly opened his eyes and looked at the three of Zhao Wuwei, without any emotion in his eyes.

Zhao Wuwei glanced around coldly, then looked at Zhao Wuxin and said lightly: "Remove the circle."

Hearing what Zhao Wuwei said, Zhao Wuxin's eyes suddenly changed, and he cried out in disbelief, "Father!"

"I'll let you get rid of the magic circle!" Zhao Wuwei's tone became harsher, and the whole person's momentum became stronger, making Zhao Wuxin's face pale after a brush.

Although Zhao Wuxin is the same saint as Zhao Wuwei, what Zhao Wuxin fears most in this life is the ancestor of the Zhao family, his father.

Even if Zhao Wuxin didn't understand Zhao Wuwei's order, Zhao Wuxin did not dare to resist, and was unwilling to withdraw the emperor rank circle.

The terrifying power surging in the sky dissipated suddenly, and it became clear suddenly.

The other saints who stayed in Zhao's family felt very relaxed and felt that they had lost their lives.

Although they didn't know why Zhao Wuwei wanted to remove the emperor rank formation, they didn't care about it anymore.

When Zhao Wuxin acted on them in the Zhao family, he had already declared war on the forces behind them on behalf of the Zhao family.

Although the strength of their individual forces cannot compete with the Zhao Family, they can still fight the Zhao Family together.

"Zhao Wuxin, you will remember it to me, we will settle today's account sooner or later!"

The sages are not fools either. Now they know the identity of the Devil Emperor, and the Zhao Family also intends to kill them. If they continue to stay here, they are likely to get into more trouble.

Now it was the business to escape Zhao's house immediately.

Regarding the news of the return of the Devil Emperor, several saints don't even know how much benefit this news will bring them!

They believe that there will definitely be countless imperial Taoists going crazy for it.

However, there is a premise to get everything...

Escape from Zhao's house!

Several saints rushed out of the Zhao Family Holy Land like lightning, one running faster than one.

"I'm already a lot older, so why are you running around? Give me back."

Zhao Wuwei didn't care about the escape of the saints, he just said something softly, and then an extremely powerful spiritual force burst out of Zhao Wuwei's body, turning into giant claws and grabbing the few escaped saints.

In the sight of the Zhao family, those saints were forcibly pulled back by the spiritual power of the ancestors of the Zhao family, smashed heavily to the ground, and were immediately suppressed.

These sages are all low-level sages, and compared with Zhao Wuwei's Dzogchen, they are far behind.

Everyone in the Zhao family saw that Zhao Wuwei had suppressed a few saints in two or two, and they were immediately extremely excited.

At this moment, Zhao Wuxin also had a smile on her face, thinking that she understood Zhao Wuwei's intentions.

The ancestors decided to take the shot in person, not wanting to borrow the law array.

That's right, after all, it used to be a master and servant, and it can cut off the previous fetters with personal shots.

However, things did not develop as Zhao Wuxin thought, and what happened next even subverted all of Zhao Wuxin's cognition!

After Zhao Wuwei suppressed the sages, he knelt down in front of everyone...towards Zhang Ziling!

Not only Zhao Wuwei, Jin Ruofan, the ancestor of the Jin family, and Gu Tianming, the ancestor of the Gu family, also knelt down toward Zhang Ziling in front of everyone.

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly!

There was silence in the field.

Zhao Wuxin stared at Zhao Wuwei dumbfounded, unable to react completely, only feeling that a certain pillar in his heart began to collapse.

Even the sages who were suppressed by Zhao Wuwei stayed at this moment, lying on the ground staring at the three of Zhao Wuwei in a daze, with a dull expression, even forgetting that they were still being suppressed.

The kneeling of the three ancestors gave everyone a great mental shock.

Only Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the three of Zhao Wuwei, and did not speak, leaving them to kneel on the ground.

The surrounding atmosphere became heavier and heavier, and the Zhao family members did not know what to do at this moment.

The kneeling of the ancestors of the Zhao family also means that the Zhao family knelt down towards Zhang Ziling.

"Why kneel?" Zhao Wuxin murmured, his body began to tremble slightly, and then there was fear in his eyes.

"Could it be... the prediction is wrong? Demon, Demon Emperor... is his cultivation still still?"


Zhao Wuxin was thinking about it, and then he knelt down weakly, his face pale.

All his courage and self-confidence are based on the total loss of Zhang Ziling's cultivation.

If Zhang Ziling's cultivation base was still there, Zhao Wuxin knew that no matter what he did, it would be futile.

Everyone has to pay for that false prediction...

Everyone must die!

Zhang Ziling did not look at Zhao Wuxin, who was kneeling on the ground. He just stood in front of the three of Zhao Wuwei and waited for a while before slowly saying to the three of them: "The king is not here."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the bodies of the three Zhao Wuwei trembled suddenly, and their eyes began to be filled with fear, and they sweated profusely.

Is this... starting to ask the crime?

"Master, call him the younger one!" Zhao Wuwei didn't dare to hesitate at all, and quickly got up from the ground, but was interrupted by Zhang Ziling.

"No, let him go."

Zhang Ziling's voice was cold, and there was no trace of emotion, Zhao Wuwei's heart was like colic.

Zhao Wuwei knelt down to Zhang Ziling again.

Zhang Ziling looked at Zhao Wuwei's croaking look, his eyes were indifferent, and a wave of Emperor Wei suddenly radiated from his body.

After feeling the pressure of Zhang Ziling, everyone around them was silent and involuntarily knelt down towards Zhang Ziling.

The entire Zhao Family Holy Land, surrendered to the prestige of Emperor Zhang Ziling, was silent.

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