Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1338: Extermination

The surrounding atmosphere became heavier and heavier, Zhang Ziling did not speak, and no one around dared to speak.

The three ancestors of Zhao Wuwei knelt on the ground and shivered. They did not dare to look up at Zhang Ziling, their eyes were full of fear.

The process of waiting for execution is always suffering.

I don't know how long it took, Gu Tianming finally couldn't bear the pressure, lowered his head and trembled: "Master..."

"Go in and say."

Zhang Ziling flicked his sleeves slightly, interrupting Gu Tianming's conversation, and walked straight into the cave.

The three ancestors looked at each other, and after all they sighed deeply, got up and followed Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling's tone didn't contain any emotion, and the three of them knew that if they followed the master in, they might never get out again.

However, they had to go.

The Zhao family members watched as Zhao Wuwei and the three followed Zhang Ziling into the cave. Before they realized what Zhang Ziling wanted to do, the entire Zhao Family Holy Land was filled with unimaginable murderous aura.

Zhao Wuxin's face changed drastically, and she quickly looked back, only to see densely crowded people standing in the sky of the Zhao Family Holy Land, agitated.

Seeing the murderous monks, Zhao Wuxin suddenly felt ashamed and trembled and said, "The Zhao family... is over."

Standing in the sky of the Zhao Family Holy Land are the ancestors of the other nine heavenly holy places and the strong in their clan.

The blades in the hands of those strong men are still stained with blood, and the spiritual power in their bodies is still tossing... Obviously, people from these nine major families have gone to the Jin family, Wang family and Gu family for a stroll.

Now, only their Zhao family is left.

Zhao Wuxin also thought that after Zhang Ziling brought his ancestors into the cave, he would flee with the flames of the Zhao family to preserve the roots of the Zhao family...

But from now on...

The Devil Emperor never gave them a chance to escape.

The reason why the Devil Emperor waited outside for so long... was to allow the clans who were dealing with the other three families to have enough time to come over.

Facing the nine great clans, more than twenty saints...Zhao Wuxin, who had closed the emperor rank circle, had no capital to resist at all.


A cold word was spit out from the mouths of the nine ancestors, and the strong behind them rushed to the Zhao family one after another, raising the butcher knife mercilessly.

Puff, puff...

The Zhao family members were killed before they even had time to shout.

The scarlet blood of the Zhao family dyed the entire holy land red, making everyone fearful.

The smell of blood went straight for nine days.

"No, don't..." Zhao Wuxin looked helplessly at the Zhao family's children who were mercilessly slaughtered one after another, desperate in his heart.

He was already suppressed by the six saints, and the sharp blade pierced his chest relentlessly.

Even the saints who were suppressed by Zhao Wuwei were also ruthlessly greeted by the saints of the nine great clans, blood staining the Holy Land.

Compared to the **** scene in the Zhao Family Holy Land, the cave sky seemed very quiet.

Zhao Wuwei and both of them knew what was happening outside, but... at least from their faces, there was no mood swing.

They all know that fate is doomed.

Zhang Ziling walked in front alone, and the three of Zhao Wuwei followed behind. Everyone was quiet and no one spoke.

Soon, Zhang Ziling came to the entrance of the other courtyard where Zhao Wuwei lived and stopped.

When the three of Zhao Wuwei saw Zhang Ziling stopped, they also hurriedly stopped, not daring to overstep.

At this moment, they seemed to have become Zhang Ziling's servants again.

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the courtyard in front of him. The structure of this wooden house and the courtyard was exactly the same as the place where he once lived.

Zhang Ziling stopped for a long time, then sighed quietly, opened the door and walked in.

The three of Zhao Wuwei quickly followed.

In the yard, there was a corpse frozen in ice, and the entire yard was covered with ice.

The three of Zhao Wuwei didn't feel it just now, but when they stepped into the courtyard, they felt a biting chill on their faces.

"Elder Wang?"

Seeing Wang Zhi's death, the three directly exclaimed.

They can be sure that there are no other people in this cave except them, and even if Wang Zhi fell into the heart demon and committed suicide, with Wang Zhi’s spiritual attributes, the final result should be to burn himself. May appear in this bitter chill!

That ice cube, like ten thousand years of profound ice, could never have been made by the king!

But, if it's not Wang Zhi, who did it?

The three of them quickly looked at Zhang Ziling, but realized their situation, and finally did not ask.

No matter how Wang Zhi died, he will eventually die.

They are the same.

"It's a pity this crooked peach tree." Zhang Ziling didn't seem surprised that Wang Zhi was frozen by Xuan Bing, but expressed regret for the withered peach tree, and then sat on the stone bench of the crooked peach tree.

The three of Zhao Wuwei stood in front of Zhang Ziling at a loss, panic.

The air in this yard is very cold because it freezes the piece of Xuanbing Wangzhi.

Even the saints Zhao Wuwei, Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming felt an unbearable chill.

They have not been able to tell whether the chill in this yard comes from Xuanbing or...

From the master.

Involuntarily, they remembered when they were once brought out by the master from the slum, from the dead pile, from the slave market.

At the beginning, they were grateful to the master and vowed to be loyal to him for a lifetime.


People will change.

Zhao Wuwei regretted it, very regretful...He felt that he shouldn't betray the master.

But, if you give Zhao Wuwei another chance to come back...

Zhao Wuwei found that he still couldn't let go of this Zhao family.

Even if the Zhao family was destroyed in his own hands, Zhao Wuwei was unwilling to hand over the Zhao family.

Is it selfish?

"Master... the little one doesn't ask the master to forgive, nor ask the master to let me go..." Zhao Wuwei looked at Zhang Ziling and said with a trembling voice, tears raging.

"The small and the small only want... the small one can cook another bowl of porridge for the master."

Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming shook their bodies, and then they trembled violently.

Muddy tears kept slipping from their eye sockets.

Ten thousand years ago...

Three teenagers, once watched a teenager, spent a month carefully cooking a bowl of medicated porridge, once watched the teenager happily carrying medicated porridge to the top of the magic palace, once saw with his own eyes As the young man passed the porridge to a young man, only that the young man could smile.

Thinking of those past events, Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming burst into tears.


I can't go back.

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at Zhao Wuwei, who was a little apprehensive, without showing any emotion in his eyes.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling did not agree, Zhao Wuwei's whole person became extremely old, the palace shrank in his body, and his breath began to decline rapidly.

Soon, Zhao Wuwei couldn't even stand firmly, and completely became an ordinary old man.

Zhao Wuwei abolished his cultivation.

"Wuwei, let's cook six bowls of porridge."

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