Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1339: Six bowls of porridge

"Six bowls?"

When Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming heard Zhang Ziling's words, they couldn't help but wonder, and they didn't understand Zhang Ziling's intentions at all.

But Zhao Wuwei couldn't take care of the others anymore. After abandoning his own cultivation base, Zhao Wuwei felt quite difficult to even walk. How could he still think of other tempts, and hurriedly walked into the wooden house with his crutch.

Zhao Wuwei occasionally makes a whim and makes himself some food, so in the wooden house in the cave, there is a kitchen and a lot of ingredients.

Six bowls of porridge is more than enough.

Perhaps because of the Xuanbing that freezes the king's corpse, the entire yard is covered with frost, and Zhao Wuwei also fell a few times.

However, no one helped Zhao Wuwei up. He just watched Zhao Wuwei get up from the ground with difficulty, and then watched him carefully move towards the wooden house.

The distance between the courtyard and the wooden house was less than ten meters, and it took Zhao Wuwei more than ten minutes to walk into the wooden house.

If the outsiders were to see that the ancestors of the Zhao family were so weak today, they would be shocked.

Who would have thought that the strong man who once had the great consummation of the saint now looks like an old man whose oil lamp is about to run out.

Zhang Ziling calmly watched Zhao Wuwei walk into the wooden house, his expression still calm.

I don't know how long it took before Zhang Ziling finally spoke, and said to Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming, "Turn the profound ice away."

Upon hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming did not dare to hesitate, and quickly urged the spiritual power in their bodies to melt the profound ice that had frozen the king.

The two powerful saints at Dzogchen could not help feeling a biting chill when they first touched Xuanbing. The chill even touched the soul.

Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming's expressions were slightly aside, and they knew the horror of Xuan Bing immediately, so they didn't dare to be careless and started to use their spiritual energy with all their strength.

Although Xuanbing began to melt, the speed was rather slow.

In the process of waiting for Xuan Bing, Zhang Ziling did not go to see Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming, but closed his eyes and took a nap.

The process of melting profound ice is much more difficult than imagined. Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming consumed half of the spiritual power in their bodies, while the profound ice only melted less than a third.

They really couldn't think of what kind of ice in this world could resist the spiritual power of both of them.

Apart from other things, the characteristics displayed by this Xuanbing ice alone can be regarded as the ultimate treasure, and it can be used to temper a magic weapon.

Where did this Xuanbing come from?

The doubts in their hearts became more and more intense.

One hour, two hours...

It took three full hours before Wang Zhi's body finally came into contact with the air.

At this moment, Wang Zhi's body was completely frozen, and he couldn't feel a breath at all, just like a stone.

Zhao Wuwei was still in the wooden house, the porridge did not come out, only a little medicinal fragrance drifted out.

Given Zhao Wuwei's current physical condition, it would be harder to cook a pot of porridge.

Time passed bit by bit, and the Zhao family outside had been slaughtered by the nine clans. Zhao Wuxin was lying alone in a pool of blood, with more than a dozen weapons stuck in his body, and his body was covered with hideous wounds.

Zhao Wuxin's eyes have become hollow, and there is no breath.

The Patriarch of the Zhao family has already fallen.

The people of the nine major clans have already begun to clean the battlefield. The resources of the Zhao Family Treasure House were pulled out by carts and carts, and then sent to the direction of the magic palace.

The corpses of the Zhao family were also dug into a big pit by the people of the nine major clans. The corpses were all thrown in, buried with the saints outside, and finally cremated together.

The old man who had met Zhang Ziling before was hiding in the dark, witnessing everything that happened in the Zhao family, his eyes and aura were very different from before.

Without saying anything, the old man glanced at the half of the blood-colored gou jade in his hand, then put it away, and the whole person turned into a black mist and disappeared.

From beginning to end, the powerful of the nine clans did not find the old man, nor did he know that there was a "fish that slipped through the net" in this Zhao Family Holy Land.

In their eyes, everything is settled.

"Shall we go in?" The ancestors of the Bai family could not help but look at the entrance of the cave, with hesitation in his eyes after handling the matters in his hands.

"Master said, we will retire after doing everything and don't do unnecessary things." Ming family ancestor said in a deep voice, "Ye Zhiqing and Lin Mofan still don't know what to do. This matter is very complicated. Let us not act rashly as we have been commanded."

The ancestor of the Bai family nodded solemnly and said, "This is extremely true."

Several ancestors summed it up a bit, and also speeded up the cleaning of Zhao's family, and then quickly evacuated Zhao's family.

The entire Zhao family quickly turned into a dead zone, enveloped by a faint smell of blood and coke.

In the cave sky, Wang Zhi's corpse had been taken out of the profound ice. Most of the profound ice had melted. Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming panted heavily, and the medicines in the same place and the strong fragrance of medicine were still in the air.

In order to melt and freeze the king’s profound ice, the two of them spent more than two hours before taking the king’s body out of the profound ice.

At this moment, Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming have completely understood that there may be some great secret hidden in Wang Zhi!

This level of profound ice, even if the king has water attributes or ice attributes, it is absolutely impossible to create this kind of profound ice.

However, Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming had no idea how this Xuanbing appeared.

After more than two hours, a strong medicinal fragrance finally floated out of the wooden house. Zhao Wuwei tremblingly held six bowls of medicinal porridge, moving out step by step.

Every step Zhao Wuwei took, he had to rest for a long time, for fear of spilling the porridge on the plate.

If it hadn't been for Zhao Wuwei to fly away his own cultivation base, and the muscles all over his body were atrophy at this moment, I am afraid that Zhao Wuwei could cook these six bowls of medicinal porridge in less than an hour.

Zhao Wuwei spent most of his time on finding materials, handling materials, and starting a fire. Every step was extremely difficult.

Now Zhao Wuwei is too slow to act.

Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming watched Zhao Wuwei move a short distance in one step and rest for a long time, their eyes flashed unbearable.

It is better to die if a saint becomes like this.

Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming had an urge to help Zhao Wuwei, but they didn't dare to move around without Zhang Ziling's words, and could only watch in silence.

When there is no porridge, it takes more than ten minutes to walk ten meters away from Zhao Wuwei, let alone now?

Seeing Zhao Wuwei walking to Zhang Ziling with the porridge, and carefully placing the plate on the table, Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming even forgot how long Zhao Wuwei had used.


It's already cold.

"Old man...Drink porridge."

Holding a bowl of porridge, Zhao Wuwei knelt in front of Zhang Ziling with difficulty, handed the wrinkles made by the elixir to Zhang Ziling, and said with a trembling voice.

In the tone, with sincere expectation.

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