Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1340: The person who drinks the sixth bowl of porridge

Zhang Ziling looked at the medicinal porridge that Zhao Wuwei handed over, without pretense, and directly took it.

From beginning to end, Zhang Ziling's expression remained the same.

Seeing Zhang Ziling taking the medicine porridge, tears burst into Zhao Wuwei's muddy eyes.

Zhang Ziling took a sip. Although the taste of the porridge is not good, it is still acceptable. Perhaps it is because Zhao Wuwei's body is already weak to the extreme, and many seasonings are not good enough. The taste is worse than the porridge that Zhao Wuwei used to give Zhang Ziling. A lot.

After all, the heart has also changed.

However, Zhang Ziling did not discard the porridge or not drink it, but drank it in front of Zhao Wuwei, leaving no drop.

Seeing Zhang Ziling finished drinking, the corners of Zhao Wuwei's mouth were also slightly raised subconsciously, and the muddy teardrops couldn't help falling.

The wish is over.

After drinking, Zhang Ziling also flicked his sleeves slightly, and the four bowls of medicated porridge on the table flew to Zhao Wuwei, Jin Ruofan, Gu Tianming... and Wang Zhi's body respectively.

"Taste it, Wuwei's porridge." Zhang Ziling looked at a few people and said lightly, "Aren't you the best friends ever?"

Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming glanced at each other, and then they were also holding the bowl, and began to drink the congee.

Compared with the delicacies of mountains and seas that the two of them tasted on weekdays, the bowl of medicated porridge made by Zhao Wuwei was hard for them to eat, but... when Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming were drinking the porridge, tears kept falling from the corners of their eyes.

This will be……

The last bowl of porridge in their lives.

The images of the past thousands of years of coexistence continue to flood into their minds.

Zhao Wuwei was shaking his hands, holding the medicated porridge cautiously, and taking sips.

Maybe it was because Zhao Wuwei was old now, very old, and Zhao Wuwei's appetite became very small. After a few sips, Zhao Wuwei could no longer drink.

Although Zhao Wuwei made this porridge, Zhao Wuwei had to admit that he made the porridge...

It's hard to drink.

hard to swallow.

Zhao Wuwei looked at Zhang Ziling and trembled: "Master, I..."


Zhang Ziling said two words lightly, which dispelled all of Zhao Wuwei's thoughts.

Zhao Wuwei opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything else.

In front of Wang Zhi's body, the bowl of porridge remained unchanged.

Everyone knows that the bowl of porridge will not move.

The king is dead, that bowl of porridge...maybe the only sacrifice to the king.

The dignified ancestor of the king's family has no tombs after death, no valuable funerary objects, only a bowl of medicinal porridge that even street vendors can make.

Outsiders can't imagine.

Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming were also quite moved about this.

However, Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming knew that they would eventually be the same as Wang Zhi.

The only difference is that they drank the bowl of porridge.

For them, this bowl of porridge is a sword to cut all the fetters of the past.

After drinking, they no longer have any relationship with Zhang Ziling.

What Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming can do now...

Wait for death.

On the stone table, there is also a bowl of porridge, the surface has been solidified, there is no temperature.

Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming have not understood until now, that bowl of porridge...

Who is it for?

"Is there any wine?" Zhang Ziling asked faintly, sitting on the stone bench.

"Master, you are young!" Jin Ruofan quickly took out an altar of "Emperor Drunk" from the space ring and sent it to Zhang Ziling respectfully.

"The emperor is drunk..." Zhang Ziling looked at the wine that Jin Ruofan had brought, and said softly, with nostalgia in his eyes.

He hasn't drunk "Teijin Drunk" for a long time.

After taking the "Emperor Drunk", Zhang Ziling said lightly: "The porridge is cold and the wine is ready. Isn't it coming out?"

Zhang Ziling's cold voice echoed in the space.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Zhao Wuwei, Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming all changed their expressions.

They don't know... there are other people in this cave!

Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming hurriedly spread the spirits out, carefully checked and searched every place in the cave, but they still did not find anyone there.

If you really want to say that there are still people in this cave who can hide from them...

There is no one but the emperor!

Who the **** is it?

Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming couldn't help becoming nervous. Although they had accepted their own destiny, if the emperor really came over, it would be hostile.

As the servants of the Devil Emperor, Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming will still stand in front of Zhang Ziling.

People's hearts are complicated, Jin Ruofan and Gu they can't see through their own thoughts.

After Zhang Ziling finished speaking, he took out the white jade glass and poured the wine on his own.

After the two wine glasses were filled, the space in front of the wooden house slowly cracked, and a heroic man walked out of the crack.

The man with long hair and shawl, wearing a long robe, holding a folding fan, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, the whole person is extremely handsome, and there is a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere around his body.

After he came out, the cave sky became a little unstable, and a powerful aura swept all around.

When Zhao Wuwei, Jin Ruofan and Gu Tianming saw the middle-aged man walking out, their pupils shrank, and their eyes were shocked.


They know this emperor.

"Master, you are still the same." The man shook the folding fan lightly, swaying the Avenue of Heaven and Earth with every move, all the frost in the yard receded, and the flowers bloomed all over the ground.

The withered crooked peach tree was also revived at this moment, full of peach blossoms.

In an instant, the whole yard was full of spring and extremely beautiful.

"Sit." Zhang Ziling put down the wine jar and said lightly.

The man smiled slightly and took a light step before he floated to the opposite side of Zhang Ziling's table and sat down, elegantly to the utmost.

Without speaking, the man picked up the solidified porridge, drank it, and drank it quickly.

"Wuwei's craftsmanship has stepped back." The man put down the bowl and sighed softly.

Zhao Wuwei stared at the man, trembling slightly, gritting his teeth.

"Why didn't the real body come?" Zhang Ziling looked at the man and asked.

The man smiled and shook his head, and said, "Don't dare to come, I'm afraid of death."

"Then why are you here?"

"Want to come, or miss the master."

After asking and answering, Zhang Ziling touched the man's glass and drank it all in one go.

"Good wine." The man put down his glass, "If the Teijin in the collection is drunk, it's as usual."

Jin Ruofan stepped forward to pour wine for Zhang Ziling and the man, but his hands kept trembling.

How could he come?

Thinking of Jin Ruofan, he couldn't help but glanced at Wang Zhi who fell on the ground.

Obviously, the appearance of the man shocked Jin Ruofan.

Obviously, Jin Ruofan didn't expect this to happen.

"The longer the wine is left, the richer it will be." Zhang Ziling looked at the man calmly, "However, people are different."

The man smiled slightly and shook the folding fan lightly, but did not respond to Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling looked directly into the eyes of the man Canruo Xinghe, his expression still calm, and said lightly: "I originally planned to visit you myself..."

"Ye Zhiqing."

Immortal Emperor swallowing stars, Ye Zhiqing.

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