Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1354: Receiving Muco

After Zhang Ziling made a joke and gave Mu Ke bluffing for a while, Zhang Ziling did not continue to tease Mu Ke, and simply held a small ceremony to accept Mu Ke as a student.

As for the follow-up procedures, Zhang Ziling left it to Liao Hua to do it.

It’s strange to say that although Zhang Ziling should be a newcomer in the academy, and many things need to be done by himself, he said that because of Zhang Ziling’s talents, Liao Hua and Xu Xian took special care of Zhang Ziling, and Zhang Ziling also received a lot of privileges and many things. No need to do it yourself.

For Mu Ke, although students and apprentices are different, the nature of the two is similar. Since Zhang Ziling has accepted Mu Ke as a student, even with other purposes, Zhang Ziling still regards Mu Ke as his own. It was simply giving instructions to Mu Ke.

Zhang Ziling's level of cultivation can be said to be standing at the top of the Xuanxiao Continent, and Mu Ke can benefit a lot from a few words at random.

Zhang Ziling said a few words casually, and Mu Ke understood that Zhang Ziling was not simple, and his background was definitely not so young on the surface.

As for the secrets of Zhang Ziling, Mu Ke couldn't find out now.

Naturally, Zhang Ziling did not ask Mu Ke’s secrets at the beginning. After all, people were wary at the beginning. If Zhang Ziling came up and revealed Mu Ke’s most secret secrets, I’m afraid Mu Ke would consider what’s next. Use the Mu family to kill people.

After all, Zhang Ziling is here to pursue the secrets of Baishi Academy, and Mu Ke is the only possible candidate at the moment. If Zhang Ziling makes the relationship between the two people stiff, even if Zhang Ziling will search for the soul of Mu Ke, I am afraid that some secrets are in the soul search. It was annihilated in the soul in an instant, which was not worth the loss for Zhang Ziling.

Sometimes the necessary patience is the key to success.

In any case, what Zhang Ziling needs to do now is to gain Mu Ke's trust, and it will be done slowly.

Of course, the fastest way to gain trust is to treat it sincerely.

After all, Zhang Ziling has no malice towards Mu Ke. Although he has the idea of ​​exploring the secrets behind Mu Ke, there is a high probability that the level of Zhang Ziling will not overlap with Mu Ke himself. Maybe he can help Mu Ke in the end.

Even if Mu Ke is the inheritance of the ancient emperor, it is still a lot worse than Zhang Ziling's inheritance.

Zhang Ziling didn't need any means to deal with Mu Ke, just be a good teacher with peace of mind.

After leaving Mu Ke to practice for a while in the yard, Zhang Ziling drove Mu Ke out and asked Mu Ke to go back to his house to practice.

"This Ziling is really a weird person!" After being driven out of the yard by Zhang Ziling, Mu Ke also whispered in a low voice. He looked at Zhang Ziling's yard, and then he walked helplessly to his yard.

In fact, for Mu Ke, she was also under great pressure to choose Zhang Ziling as her mentor. After all, Zhang Ziling was the culprit who caused the current anxiety of the Baishi Academy. Once the killing of Qi Yang is exposed, Zhang Ziling will definitely be madly retaliated by the Qi family. , Even Best Academy would not come forward.

And Mu Ke, who chose Zhang Ziling as his mentor, would definitely be implicated when things were exposed, and even spread to the Mu family.

No one can stop the Qi family's anger this time, even the Mu family has to weigh it.

However, after a fierce psychological struggle, Mu Ke finally chose to find Zhang Ziling and let Zhang Ziling be his mentor.

For some reason, Mu Ke felt that Zhang Ziling had a sense of mystery, like a candlelight, but he was a moth fighting the fire, just rushing forward desperately.

As for what the result will be, Mu Ke is not clear, but Mu Ke can't think about that much now, so he can only take one step.

"There is no evidence for that anyway, no one knows who did it!" Mu Ke thought of the depths and couldn't help but pat his chest to comfort him.

"Ker, why are you here? I have been looking for you for a long time."

Not long after Mu Ke came out of Zhang Ziling's residence, Mu Bing found you Mu Ke and asked with concern.

Mu Ke was still thinking about Zhang Ziling. Mu Bing suddenly appeared in front of her and shocked her. Seeing Mu Bing's caring expression, Mu Ke couldn't help but ask with some guilty conscience: "My sister is looking for me. What's the matter?"

She was afraid that what she had just read would be heard by Mu Bing.

After all, because Qi Yang blew himself up recently, the anger of the Qi family has also spread to Mu Bing. Although it is not a big danger for Mu Bing, it has an impact after all.

For this, Mu Ke still feels guilty.

If I didn't make such a bet with Zhang Ziling at that time, would things be different?

This matter is what Mu Ke thinks most these days, but it has already happened, and Mu Ke can only accept this result no matter what he thinks.

Seeing Mu Ke's absent-minded appearance, Mu Bing was also full of doubts.

Since the incident that Qi Yang blew himself up, Mu Ke has always been like this, and Mu Bing thought Mu Ke was worried about her.

"You haven't been to class these days. Several tutors have responded to the college. Teacher Liao found me and asked me to ask you what's wrong?" Mu Bing grabbed Mu Ke's hand, "Xiao Ke, yours. The talent is better than me, but I can't waste my cultivation because of other things."

Seeing Mu Bing's caring look, Mu Ke also suppressed the other thoughts in his heart, with a smile on his face, and said to Mu Bing: "Sister, I'm fine. I'm just preparing to choose a mentor recently. Go and recognize the tutor."

"Choose a mentor?" Hearing Mu Ke's words, Mu Bing couldn't help but flash in surprise. She is very clear about Mu Kezhi's personality. Although Mu Ke smiles every day, he looks very lively and cheerful, but who can Mu Ke compare to? She must be proud, and the average teacher is not convinced. Even the elders in the family, few can manage Mu Ke.

Mu Ke did not choose his mentor before, Mu Bing persuaded him several times, but with Mu Ke's insistence, Mu Bing gave up and let Mu Ke go on like this.

But now that Mu Bing heard that Mu Ke had found a mentor, he was naturally very curious about that mentor, and wanted to know who was so attractive.

In the Mu family, even if the elders of the True Martial Realm came to teach Mu Ke, Mu Ke was all superficial and secretive and did not listen to discipline. Now Mu Ke took the initiative to find a mentor, which is great for the entire Mu family. news.

It is definitely not easy for someone who can impress Mu Ke!

"Xiao Ke, did you find a mentor? Who is he? Do I know? I'll pay a visit some time?" For a while, Mu Bing was as excited as seeing his daughter getting married, and asked Mu Ke repeatedly.

Although Mu Bing is usually cold, he is very caring about Mu Ke.

Mu Ke knew that things would turn out to be like this. After holding on for a while, Mu Ke couldn't hold back Mu Bing, so he had to confess Zhang Ziling's information.

Anyway, the matter of choosing a mentor is not a private matter. This kind of matter has to be reported to the college. Sooner or later, Zhang Ziling will let everyone in the college know about his mentor, and there is nothing to hide.

After getting information about Zhang Ziling, Mu Bing was also excited as if he had discovered a new world. He even forgot what he wanted to do to find Mu Ke.

After finally supporting Mu Bing, Mu Ke breathed a sigh of relief. He stomped and walked to his residence.

After Mu Ke and Mu Bing separated, two men in black walked out of the dark, with solemn faces and extremely gloomy aura.

"Did you see any clues?" a man asked softly.

"The two sisters of the Mu family are hiding very deep, and I haven't found any clues in the past few days, but Mu Ke seems to have something on his mind, maybe she knows something.

"Then we should focus our investigation on Mu Ke?"

"Think about it and report to the owner first."


"By the way, there is a new teacher in the college. Liao Hua has protected that teacher very well. Maybe there is some secret in it. We can't rely on Baishi Academy to solve this matter, we must do it ourselves."

"The teacher, I will send someone to keep an eye on it. This time the family has already been upset, and the murderer should be found out early, which is good for all of us."

The two whispered, their figures gradually disappeared into the shadows, as if no one had ever been here.

In the courtyard of Zhang Ziling, Zhang Ziling lay leisurely on the Grand Master's chair, with a faint smile on his mouth.

"Those people... don't seem to be fools!"

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