Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1355: Be a teacher

In the past few days, Zhang Ziling knew that he had been targeted by the Qi family. However, Zhang Ziling didn't care about this. A few flies were willing to dangle outside. As long as it didn't affect Zhang Ziling, Zhang Ziling would not care about them.

The Qi family’s focus on himself did not affect Zhang Ziling. On the contrary, Mu chose a mentor. After the academy’s announcement, it caused considerable waves in the academy. Almost everyone knew that Mu chose a young man. The shameless youth as a mentor.

Mu Ke is one of the most popular goddesses in the academy. She didn't choose a mentor before, but many people didn't care about it. Only Mu Ke was arrogant and looked down on the half-bucket teachers of Baishi Academy.

But when Mu chose a tutor, and after some students saw Zhang Ziling's youthful appearance in the academy, this situation became very different.

There are many young teachers in the academy, but people are basically in their 30s and 40s. Only Zhang Ziling who seems to be about the same age as them has become a teacher, and he also accepted Mu Ke as a student separately. Some people read other meanings.

All kinds of rumors and rumors also spread, although Zhang Ziling didn't care, but Mu Ke was greatly affected.

Although Mu Ke looks lively, he hates someone pointing at her the most. Now some people in the academy say that Zhang Ziling is plotting against her, others say that she is in love with a young mentor, and others say that Zhang Ziling is a liar and is not worthy of being a teacher. ...

Some students did not want to accept the fact that Mu Ke was in contact with a young mentor every day, so they went to Zhang Ziling and Mu Ke's door.

Zhang Ziling drove all the students out with a brainstorm, but Mu Ke couldn't help it. Basically, she surrounded a large group of male students outside the house every day, which seriously affected Mu Ke’s life and made Mu Ke had to hide in Mu Bing’s. In the house, or boarding in Zhang Ziling's house.

"Hey! You caused this matter. You have to find a way to solve it!" In the Zhang Ziling yard, Mu Ke looked at Zhang Ziling with a grievance and shouted to Zhang Ziling, "I haven't returned to myself for many days. The house!"

After a few days of getting along, Mu Ke also changed his name to Zhang Ziling from "teacher" to "hey", and his attitude has also changed greatly.

Although Zhang Ziling was extremely accomplished in cultivation, Mu Ke benefited from a few words. But Zhang Ziling looked too young, and he was extremely energetic, so that Mu Ke could not feel the breath of an elder at all.

The age that the college announced to Zhang Ziling was 30. Of course, Mu Ke didn't believe the academy's statement, and now he completely regarded Zhang Ziling as a peer.

Based on Mu Ke's temperament, it is a bit difficult to call someone of his generation a teacher, so Mu Ke changed his name to Zhang Ziling unknowingly.

Zhang Ziling didn't care much about this.

Zhang Ziling was born in the modern age of the earth, and he does not have much idea about etiquette. Besides, Mu Ke is a little closer to him, Zhang Ziling is also convenient to study the secrets behind Mu Ke.

Although it is a bit despicable to secretly study other people's secrets, Zhang Ziling can't find other alternative methods.

Zhang Ziling was sitting on the Grand Master's chair at the moment, looking through the martial arts that Mu Ke had brought, thinking about how to improve.

After Mu Ke complained to Zhang Ziling full of resentment, Zhang Ziling smiled and closed the martial arts booklet, looked at Mu Ke and asked, "What do you want?"

"Isn't I looking for you without a way?" Mu Ke looked at Zhang Ziling with a smile on his face, and was immediately discouraged. "Now there are a lot of people around my house every day, although they dare not enter my yard. But this is not the answer after all."

"Isn't it enough to drive away? Just like me." Zhang Ziling smiled. Before his yard was surrounded by a large number of students, Zhang Ziling casually taught a top ten kid in the first grade, there was no more People dare to come.

As a teacher, Zhang Ziling personally taught the students. For this reason, he also provokes a few students' tutors to come and talk with Zhang Ziling. However, after eating Zhang Ziling's behind-the-scenes, those tutors were angry with Liao Hua.

Naturally, Liao Hua only smiled bitterly about this incident, and after symbolically warning Zhang Ziling, he exposed the incident.

Liao Hua was in a preference for Zhang Ziling, but the way he did it was to make a group of teachers suddenly realize that Zhang Ziling's background is not shallow, and over time...the students and teachers stopped coming to Zhang Ziling.

Without coming to find Zhang Ziling, there were more people on Mu Ke's side.

Instructor Mu Ke shot other college students for Mu Ke, this matter became more and more exaggerated in the college, and many people even believed that Zhang Ziling and Mu Ke had a leg.

Many students gathered around Mu Ke's house, in the name of pursuing Mu Ke, please explain.

There was no need for Mu Ke to explain to Biren about choosing a mentor. The mentors behind those students also had the idea of ​​giving Zhang Ziling a stance, which caused the two groups to stand in a stalemate, and Mu Ke's teeth were itchy.

"I'm not as good as you!" Mu Ke pouted, "Among those people are quite a few senior students. My sister couldn't get rid of them even if my sister tried to get rid of them. Now the Mu family is very nervous with the Qi family and can't smoke. Take it, I can only rely on you now!"

"You are the cause of the matter, and you are my teacher. If you don't help me solve it, who will help me solve it?" Mu Ke looked at Zhang Ziling pretendingly, and made love.

Hearing what Mu Ke said, Zhang Ziling also nodded and said seriously: "That's what I said."

Seeing Zhang Ziling nodded, Mu Ke couldn't help flashing a sly in the depths of his eyes, and then grabbed Zhang Ziling's hand and said loudly, "Teacher, everything! Give those guys a lesson!"

In fact, Mu Ke just wanted to trouble Zhang Ziling, after all, after Zhang Ziling took her as a disciple, he did not show his strength to himself.

Mu Ke took this opportunity to see what strength his young teacher had.

The last time he killed Qi Yang was too sudden. Mu Ke didn't know what Zhang Ziling used, nor could he see Zhang Ziling's strength.

This time, Mu Ke vowed to take a good look at how strong Zhang Ziling is!

Seeing Mu Ke's excited look, Zhang Ziling also shook his head and smiled, put away the martial arts booklet and stood up and said, "Go, lead the way."

"Hehe, teacher, please!" Mu Ke chuckled, wore a short floral skirt, and hopped out of the courtyard, quite lively.

"This girl..." Zhang Ziling just smiled in his heart for Mu Ke's excited look, letting her be like this.

Everyone knows that if you openly attack so many students, you will certainly offend many outside forces, as well as many teachers in the college.

As the daughter of the Mu family, Mu Ke would naturally ignore these things subconsciously. If Zhang Ziling was an ordinary teacher, he would have to consider the possible consequences of the move.

However, Zhang Ziling did not care about these.

Zhang Ziling could have a good relationship with Mu Ke even if he pushed the entire wasteland.

In the past few days, Zhang Ziling has determined that the technique that Mu Ke practiced secretly is the inheritance technique of a certain great emperor, and Mu Ke absolutely knows a great burial place!

Zhang Ziling has a hunch that Mu Ke is his goal or one of his goals in Baishi Academy...

Therefore, Zhang Ziling is naturally happy to do things that can make a good relationship.

Seeing Mu Ke's bounce back, Zhang Ziling's eyes also had a lot of extra meaning.

"Perhaps this teacher-student relationship is not pure..." Zhang Ziling said softly, "In order to compensate, let's try to be a teacher who protects the calf."

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