Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1356: Murderous

Many students were surrounded by Mu Ke's house today.

In the past few days, these students have regarded visiting Mu Ke as their compulsory course.

In fact, most of these students don't really want Mu Ke to speak. After all, there are too many outstanding people in this college, and they know that they cannot get Mu Ke anyway.

Even if Mu Ke favored themselves, they couldn't bear the anger of others.

They came here for the purpose of not only joining in the fun, but also to meet Mu Ke.

After all, it is difficult to see a person at the level of a goddess like Mu Ke. Now that there is a chance to come and guard outside Mu Ke’s house openly, there are naturally many people here to join in the fun, hoping to see Fangze.

"Look, everyone! Mu Ke has appeared!"

I don't know who yelled so, all the students guarding outside Mu Ke's house instantly cheered up and craned their necks to look out.

The students who can stay outside of Mu Ke's house are naturally not the outstanding students in the academy. Although there are senior students among them, none of the people in the academy are here. They can't afford to lose this person.

These students looked around and soon discovered that Mu Ke was walking slowly here with a young man.

Needless to think about it, the young man next to Mu Ke is the youngest instructor who has been in the academy recently, Zhang Ziling.

"Why is that guy here too?" When a group of students saw Zhang Ziling appear, they whispered suddenly, with bad intentions in their eyes.

"I heard that guy became a teacher by bribery. He is not particularly strong in his own right. He is completely close to Goddess Mu!"

"This damned fellow dares to mislead his son, we must teach him a lesson, Baishi Academy is really corrupt!"

"When he sees him approaching the goddess Kerr, he doesn't have any good intentions. Who of us will give him a chance!"

A group of students began to discuss how to deal with Zhang Ziling.

To enter the Baishi Academy, they are either the sons of the major forces or the geniuses in the eyes of others. They are naturally young and energetic. Seeing that Zhang Ziling is so young, I don't really appreciate the identity of Teacher Zhang Ziling.

"Those guys seem to be very disdainful of you." Mu Ke saw a group of students whispering in front, a look of disgust appeared in his eyes, and he couldn't help reminding Zhang Ziling.

In any case, these male students shamelessly guarded outside a girl's house because of the large number of people, and their behavior was really disgusting.

Zhang Ziling just smiled at Mu Ke's reminder and didn't care.

"It's okay, they will change their minds soon."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's confident tone, Mu Ke flashed a sly in his eyes, and took the initiative to grab Zhang Ziling's hand with both hands, and smiled: "Then please, teacher!"

After that, Mu Ke let go of Zhang Ziling and ran to the side.

Zhang Ziling stared blankly at the back of Mu Ke's cheerfulness, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and sighed, "This girl..."

Mu Kezhong’s grasping of Zhang Ziling’s hand was naturally seen by all the students. Those students who could stand at the door of Mu Ke’s house were all Mu Ke’s enthusiasts. Seeing Mu Ke holding hands with a strange man, his eyes rose with anger. Flame.

"Unforgivable!" a student shouted and rushed directly to Zhang Ziling, "I want to kill you bastard!"

Seeing a student in the Ning Palace realm rushing towards him, the smile on Zhang Ziling's face did not change. He stretched out his hand and slapped the student directly, and fell into the small lake next to him.

Zhang Ziling immediately caused an uproar among the students.

"The teacher beat a student!"

"Everyone, don't let go of the **** who got on Mu Ke!"

"He is just a trash that has defiled Mu Ke, don't be afraid!"

Suddenly, all kinds of curses sounded, and Mu Ke, who was smiling on the side, frowned instantly.

The development of the matter...something beyond Mu Ke's expectation, it seems that several people are actively inciting the emotions of the students behind them.

After being guided by a caring person, a group of students guarding Mu Ke's door finally couldn't stand the fire in their hearts and swarmed towards Zhang Ziling, greeted Zhang Ziling with various signature martial arts, regardless of what Zhang Ziling could not bear.

Hundreds of talented students’ powerful combined attacks, even those in the Celestial Realm, might not be able to bear it!

Mu Ke on the side saw the scene suddenly becoming chaotic, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, looking at Zhang Ziling with some worry.

Although the students are weak when they are picked up individually, they are still very lethal together, and Mu Ke thinks he can't stop it.

Mu Ke really did not expect that he shook Zhang Ziling's hand deliberately to make the scene so messy.

Mu Ke still underestimated his influence.

Fearing that he would take Zhang Ziling into the pit, Mu Ke rushed to Zhang Ziling, trying to help Zhang Ziling part of it.

"Goddess Mu, what are you doing? Get out of the way!"

"Ahhhhh! I can't hold it!"

"Don't persuade everyone! The opportunity is fleeting, kill this couple!"

A group of students just bombarded their attacks when they saw Mu Ke standing in front of Zhang Ziling and couldn't help but exclaimed.

In order not to hurt Mu Ke, many students still forcibly took their attacks back and received backlash.

However, many students still attacked Mu Ke indefinitely because they could not accept it or were provoked by some people.

Various martial arts converged to form a huge light group of spiritual power, which strangled everything around and rushed towards Zhang Ziling.

Under that huge spiritual power light group, there seemed to be some kind of murderous intent.

Looking at the colorful spiritual power group in front, Mu Ke gritted his teeth fiercely, the deep-hidden practice in his body began to operate, and the spiritual power in Mu Ke's body gradually turned gray.

Anyway, block a part first!

"Silly girl, what's the mess?" Just when Mu Ke was about to make up for his mistake, Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Mu Ke's ears. Before Mu Ke could respond, Zhang Ziling grabbed the incense shoulder and threw it behind him. .

Mu Ke sat down on the ground, the spiritual power running inside his body instantly dissipated, and the whole person stared at Zhang Ziling's back.

The colorful shock wave of spiritual power had already destroyed everything around him, and was about to reach Zhang Ziling.

After Zhang Ziling threw Mu Ke behind, he looked at the group of students who had been attacked by chaos, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"Unexpectedly, a few mice got in among these students...Is it to test me?"

Zhang Ziling said softly, and stretched out his finger to tap lightly on the students' fusion attack.


With a soft sound, the spirit power light group that the students' martial arts merged together was crushed.

In Mu Ke's eyes, time seemed to be slowing down. It was extremely easy to watch Zhang Ziling knock down the students who rushed over one by one.

In the meantime, several students even took out daggers, trying to stab Zhang Ziling a few times in the mess, but Zhang Ziling was easily subdued.

From the first student attacking to all the students lying on the ground...

The whole process does not exceed ten seconds.

Among the people standing in the audience, Zhang Ziling was the only one left in the blink of an eye.

Mu Ke opened his mouth and looked at the student who had fallen to the ground in a daze. He couldn't believe that Zhang Ziling did it.

This is the first time Zhang Ziling has demonstrated his strength in front of Mu Ke. It also made Mu Ke truly aware of the difficulty of Zhang Ziling.

At least, the enchanting evildoer who ranked first in Baishi Academy couldn't put these people down in ten seconds.

When Mu Ke was shocked, all the wailing students lying on the ground looked at Zhang Ziling with fear in their eyes. They did not expect Zhang Ziling to be so powerful!

The pressure felt on Zhang Ziling when they were fighting just now was only seen in their lives!

Zhang Ziling's strength surpassed everyone's imagination.


When all the students fell, the matter seemed to be not over yet.

Zhang Ziling walked among the students, looking around, as if looking for something.

All the students are now afraid of Zhang Ziling, and are afraid to provoke Zhang Ziling. They can only lie on the ground and wailing, not wanting to attract Zhang Ziling's attention.

Soon, Zhang Ziling picked out three people from more than one hundred students and threw them aside.

Mu could see that Zhang Ziling brought out three students from it, and he couldn't help but think of the sound that had just appeared in the crowd inciting students to kill.

"It's them?" Mu Ke's pupils shrank slightly, his expression instantly becoming serious.

"Who are you?" Zhang Ziling looked at the three people calmly and asked indifferently.

These three people are obviously different from those students. It was these three who had instigated and provoked among the students before.

"As a teacher, you beat so many students without telling you, and now you are pulling us out. What do you want to do?" Instead of answering Zhang Ziling's question, a student who was picked up by Zhang Ziling instead confronted Zhang Ziling, wanting to oppose the guest. .


Zhang Ziling didn't reason with him, he waved his hand and exploded the student's head, and blood splashed everyone including Zhang Ziling.

The students who fell on the ground all around suddenly became quiet.

Everyone stared at Zhang Ziling in amazement, without expecting that Zhang Ziling would actually kill him.

this is……

What do you mean?

As the headless body of one student fell to the ground, Zhang Ziling looked at the other two students indifferently, and asked indifferently: "Who are you?"

One of them was obviously greatly stimulated, and tremblingly pointed to Zhang Ziling and shouted: "You, you dare to kill us!"


The surrounding students blinked subconsciously, and then they saw the student's headless body collapse to the ground.

With blood on Zhang Ziling's face, he looked at the last student indifferently.

A strong smell of blood permeated all around.


The student was frightened by Zhang Ziling's methods and knelt directly on the ground, filthy flowing out of his pants.

"No, don't kill me... I, I am the servant of Qi Feng of the Celestial Saint, I just want to disturb the Baishi Academy by the order of the master..."


Before the student finished speaking, his head exploded and blood splashed all over the floor.

There was silence all around.

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