Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1380: Qi San Qi Qi

Stay here...

Zhang Ziling's icy voice fell, and the cold wind blew Qi San and Qi Qi's necks, causing them to stand upright!

They didn't even know when Zhang Ziling appeared behind them, and they didn't realize it at all.

Zhang Ziling’s ghostly figure, coupled with the voice like from Jiuyou, almost instantly caused the two of them to have a mental breakdown.

In the Baishi Academy where the strong gathered, they had already taken a huge risk when they sneaked in, plus the shocking news they just received...

This sudden coldness made their reaction extremely huge.


The two dared not stay where they were anymore, quickly moved a distance from Zhang Ziling, turned around and looked at Zhang Ziling guardedly, and shouted in a low voice.

Qi San and Qi Qiyi were tall and short, and their appearances were similar. Even if they were full of fear at this moment, they still couldn't hide the jealousy in their eyes.

People like this are basically desperadoes with hundreds of monks' lives on their hands, and they are the backbone of the Qi family.

However, when they saw Zhang Ziling's delicate appearance, the two men in black from the Qi family were stunned.


Feeling that Zhang Ziling was not very old, Qi Sanqiqi and the two could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, thinking it was a false alarm.

Although they heard the word "Devil Emperor" from Mo Tianxing's mouth, they did not notice Zhang Ziling who had just stood at the top of the library, but thought that Zhang Ziling was the student who had found them.

After all, the movement in the library just now was a bit big, even though Mo Tianxing had already dispersed the students, it was not impossible for some curious people to hide in the woods and peek.

Perhaps they were too concentrated just now, and then they didn't find Zhang Ziling appeared behind them.

Just such a young guy, how great is it?

As if they had taken a reassurance pill, Qi Sanqiqi and the two men also relaxed, the fear in their eyes gradually disappeared, and they were covered by cold killing intent.

Now that the whereabouts have been discovered, it is natural that Zhang Ziling cannot be allowed to go back alive.

Zhang Ziling could see clearly the emotional changes of the two Qi family members, and felt quite funny.

"You two sneaky guys, since you broke into the Hundreds Academy..." Zhang Ziling smiled with his hands on his back, "Do you think it is you who do it yourself, or am I here to get your heads?"

But this time, when Zhang Ziling said such words, not only did the Qi family's eyes disappeared from fear, but their eyes became more fierce, with a faintly shining look of mockery.

Just now they were too nervous to be frightened. Now that they calm down, it is naturally impossible to be bluffed by Zhang Ziling.

"I really don't know the height of the earth." Qi San heard Zhang Ziling's arrogant words, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, "If you know who we are, I'm afraid you won't talk like that."

Qi San ridiculed, Qi Qi couldn't hold back, and wanted to vent the hatred he was scared before.

With his mouth open, Qi Qi looked at Zhang Ziling and sneered: "You guy looks like a kid with no hair growing. With such a beautiful face, I guess I haven't experienced any big storms. I have read two books. The vernacular novel thinks that he is the protagonist of the evildoer who can change his fate against the sky. He wants to give the academy a head, but he does not weigh how many catties he has.

"Although you look useless, your tone really scared me just now. This is worth encouraging." Qi Qi took out a dagger from the space ring and licked it on the cold blade with his tongue, scarlet Surrounded by spiritual power, it looks very cruel, "We who lick blood on the knife edge are different from you."

Looking at Qi Qi's actions, Zhang Ziling was quite interesting, but his intention to kill both of them increased.

In Zhang Ziling's eyes, these two guys had completely become dead.

"Boy, if you kneel down..."

"Alright Qi Qi, a little play is enough, don't talk nonsense with this guy, quickly solve him, we have to go back and report about the Devil Emperor!" Qi San doesn't seem to want to stay in Baishi Academy anymore, He directly interrupted Qi San's next words.

Although Zhang Ziling was just a humble student in their eyes, it was not a threat to them at all. But after all, this is Baishi Academy, and their whereabouts have indeed been discovered. If they continue to play around, they may have to capsize in the gutter.

"whispering sound!"

Being interrupted by Qi San, Qi Qi was also completely out of interest, and an expression of impatientness suddenly appeared on his face, but he did not disobey Qi San.

Qi San is a real martial artist, and Qi Qi's older brother. As long as the two perform tasks together, Qi San requires Qi Qi to order and prohibit.

"Boy, if you go far, I guess you will die very comfortable today!" Although Qi Qi said on his mouth, his momentum was condensed, like a dormant tiger, his aura locked Zhang Ziling.

The two of them have a Heavenly Palace Stage Nine Stage, and a True Martial Stage Stage One. If they use their full strength to kill a student of the Baishi Academy, they are confident that no student can escape from their hands!

Dark red spiritual power hovered around the two black-clothed men of the Qi family, and this bamboo forest was completely sealed off by them.

"Looking at you, it seems that you are confident of your own cultivation level, but I just don't know where you rank in the Best Academy..."

"If you are the number one, then I would be very excited to kill you today!" Qi Sanzhen's martial arts realm burst out and rolled over to Zhang Ziling, "Although victory is not martial, but...this is reality."

Before his words fell, the whole person had already appeared behind Zhang Ziling, and his palm slashed towards Zhang Ziling.

"It's a pity a genius, if it were from our Qi family, it would be great." Qi San said indifferently. In his eyes, Zhang Ziling was completely dead.

Qi Qi didn't make a move, but he kept staring at Zhang Ziling, in case Zhang Ziling did something to inform the strong of the academy.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling did not respond to Qi San's attack, Qi Qi was completely relieved.

Sure enough, he was just a student, not to worry.

However, before Qi Qi put away his dagger, he was horrified to see that Qi San was behind Zhang Ziling, turning into two halves without warning, splashing blood.


Qi Qi saw that Qi San was suddenly cut in half, and the long-lost fear in his eyes resurfaced on his face.

Encountered hard stubble!

There was almost no time to think, Qi Qi gave up Qi San directly, rushed outside the Baishi Academy, and at the same time crushed the messenger talisman around his waist.

"Where did this guy come from?" Qi Qi growled and ran away desperately.

Looking at Qi Qi's panicked back, Zhang Ziling's mouth raised slightly, and his figure gradually disappeared in place.

In an instant, Qi Qi rushed to the gate of Baishi Academy, with ecstasy on his face.

Just escape...


Suddenly, Qi Qi seemed to hear the sound of bone being chopped up.

In the next moment, Qi Qi saw his lower body, and his eyes gradually became trance.

"this is……"

Under Qi Qi's blurred consciousness, he seemed to see Zhang Ziling behind half of his body.

The student with a delicate face... blood was splashing on his face at the moment.

Is that... my blood?

This was the last thought that flashed through Qi Qi's life.

Under the shining of the moonlight, Qi Qi's body was already broken in two.

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