Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1381: College turmoil, and monsters

Baishi Academy.

It has been a week since Zhang Ziling made a huge disturbance in the Cangshu Pavilion.

The academy explained Zhang Ziling's powerful aura that swept the entire academy as a friend of Mo Tianxing who came to visit. The two had an impromptu discussion and accidentally damaged the library.

Under the coercion of Mo Tianxing Saints, the riots of Baishi Academy were quickly suppressed, and the library was closed directly, and the date of opening the pavilion was far away.

The students and teachers of Baishi Academy are quite veiled, and rumors are flying in private, even to the point where outside forces already know about it.

However, due to Mo Tianxing's face, everyone did not put this matter on the bright side.

Those rumors flying all over the sky, Mo Tianxing has no way at all.

Mo Tianxing's forced closure of the library was already under tremendous pressure. If the library was reopened according to the wishes of the students and teachers of the college, I am afraid that the entire Baishi Academy would be abandoned.

Because of the noise of Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushang in the library, the entire library has become dilapidated. Most of the martial arts techniques in the library have been lost, and all the emperor skills stored on the ninth floor have been destroyed. This can be said to be for the Baishi Academy. A devastating blow.

The culprit responsible for all this is now leisurely staying in his yard, as if nothing happened, leisurely guiding Mu Ke and Mu Bing to practice.

Although Zhang Ziling intends to compensate Baishi Academy, Mo Tianxing is now focused on Xie Wushang. In addition, Mo Tianxing is afraid of Zhang Ziling from the bottom of his heart. For a while, Mo Tianxing dare not come to Zhang Ziling to discuss the martial arts of the library. Zhang Ziling did not take the initiative to find Mo Tianxing, and the matter was put on hold.

After Zhang Ziling resolved the two men in black from the Qi family that night, there was no more movement in the Qi family, and no one even continued to monitor Zhang Ziling.

Although he doesn't know what the Qi family is doing, Zhang Ziling is sure that the Qi family will not give up.

Since Zhang Ziling came to the academy, the Qi family has been dead one after another. No matter how stupid the Qi family is, it can be inferred that Zhang Ziling is the initiator of all this.

The Qi family's temporary silence was just for the thunder eruption behind.

Being watched by a top power close to the heavenly holy land, I am afraid that even a saint can only choose to leave the slow domain and avoid the pursuit of the Qi family.

However, Zhang Ziling didn't care about it.

The more the Qi family's revenge came, for Zhang Ziling, it was only to make the Qi family go to ruin sooner.

In this way, this week, Zhang Ziling has been teaching the Mu sisters who stayed in their yard all day.

Originally, Zhang Ziling was unwilling to guide Mu Bing, but after Mu Bing received the guidance of Zhang Ziling for the first time, her previous doubts in her practice suddenly became clear, and Mu Bing saw Zhang Ziling easily erased. With the power of the True Martial Realm, Mu Bing also had a new understanding of Zhang Ziling's strength.

Not wanting to miss a big opportunity, Mu Bing stayed in the yard of Zhang Ziling for the reason of taking care of Mu Ke. Every time Mu Ke came to practice Mu Bing, he would follow him.

In the first two times, Zhang Ziling chose to ignore Mu Bing and put Mu Bing aside.

But later Zhang Ziling saw that Mu Bing was really pitiful, and Mu Ke kept begging for his sister next to him, Zhang Ziling finally pointed to Mu Bing helplessly.

The demon emperor's instructions, two random sentences are enough to compare with Mu Bing's ten years of hard cultivation, and they are naturally extremely precious.

In just one week, Mu Bing's strength has undergone an earth-shaking change from before.

Mu Bing himself had a mentor, and he was also a four-tiered real martial artist named Qin Ming Gong.

When Mu Bing started to practice in Zhang Ziling, Qin Minggong didn't care much, thinking that Mu Bing was to take care of Mu Ke.

But later, Qin Minggong discovered that Mu Bing went to Zhang Ziling every day, and even forgot that he had a mentor. Qin Minggong realized that something was wrong and became more dissatisfied with Zhang Ziling, thinking that Zhang Ziling had bewitched her students.

But the academy is not a sect after all. The instructor’s control over the students is not as strong as the master’s control over the disciples in the sect. In addition, Mu Bing comes from the Holy Land of the Mu family and has an extremely strong background. Although Qin Minggong is a real martial artist, But there is no way to stop Mu Bing from going to Zhang Ziling to practice.

In the end, Qin Minggong could only put his anger on Zhang Ziling.

Without instructing Mu Bing to practice for a long time, Qin Minggong naturally has no way to gain the favor of the Mu family, and may even be considered by the Mu family to neglect his saint...

For Qin Minggong, this is undoubtedly a huge crisis.

Of course, Zhang Ziling didn't care about the anger of the real martial artist. It was just that Qin Minggong came over to Zhang Ziling several times and even threatened him over and under, which made Zhang Ziling feel a bit annoying.

On the bright side, Zhang Ziling is still the seventh-tier strength of the Heavenly Palace Realm. Every time Qin Minggong looks for Zhang Ziling, he has a superior attitude. If it weren't for Zhang Ziling to stop making trouble for Baishi Academy, it is estimated that Qin Minggong would have been slapped by Zhang Ziling when he was looking for Zhang Ziling for the second time.

Qin Minggong also went to Mo Tianxing once, in order to report to Mo Tianxing that Zhang Ziling had robbed his students, hoping that Mo Tianxing would come forward to solve the matter and give Zhang Ziling a certain punishment.

Qin Minggong considers himself a real martial artist, and although it is not easy to surrender himself to Zhang Ziling in the academy, he must have a certain status in the academy because of his weight.

Mentioning such a sentence to the dean will naturally achieve the desired effect.

However, what Qin Minggong never expected was that his self-confidence just touched Mo Tianxing's enzyme head.

Mo Tianxing was hiding from Zhang Ziling before it was too late, but was asked by Qin Minggong to trouble Zhang Ziling. Mo Tianxing was so angry that he cursed Qin Minggong with a slap in the face.

After all, Mo Tianxing was already devastated because of Xie Wushang.

Although Xie Wushang's injuries would not leave a dark illness, it was a bit serious after all, and Xie Wushang couldn't get out of bed this week.

In this regard, Zhang Ziling was also quite helpless.

Xie Wushang suffered more mental damage. This kind of recovery can only be done in peace, and after the battle of the library, Mo Tianxing was completely afraid of Zhang Ziling, for fear that Zhang Ziling would be unhappy one day. Xie Wushang was directly erased.

Not daring to get angry at Zhang Ziling, Mo Tianxing naturally sprinkled the anger on Qin Minggong.

Zhang Ziling was in the yard and laughed when he heard Liao Hua telling him about this. He didn't think it had anything to do with him.

"I said Ziling. Although I admit that you are very attractive and can attract the two sisters of the Mu family, Qin Lao is a powerhouse in the True Martial Realm after all. You rob his students, if he retaliates, you can bear it. Is it?" Liao Hua said to Zhang Ziling with a smile watching Mu Bing and Mu Ke sitting on the ground in the yard practicing.

The fact that Qin Minggong sued and was scolded by the dean was already known to the whole hospital, and now everyone knew that Zhang Ziling had married Qin Minggong.

Except for Liao Hua and Xu Xian in the entire college, the other teachers no longer dared to have any intersection with Zhang Ziling.

"It's okay, that girl volunteered." Zhang Ziling didn't care about Liao Hua's reminder, just waved his hand.

"I've been a girl all day, and I'm only that little old." To Zhang Ziling's words, Liao Hua could only smile and shook his head, not knowing what to say.

Suddenly, Liao Hua frowned again, and whispered to Zhang Ziling, "However, you have been a little more careful recently. Qin Minggong has been emotionally unstable recently."

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling nodded, but didn't take this matter to heart.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's absent-minded appearance, Liao Hua could only smile and shook his head, and stopped mentioning this matter.

In Liao Hua's view, Zhang Ziling is now a disciple of Mo Tianxing. Although Qin Minggong's grudge is troublesome, it has little effect.

Focusing on Mu Bing and Mu Ke, Liao Hua was also very emotional.

In the past week, the strength of the Mu family's two sisters has improved, and Liao Hua can really see that Zhang Ziling's cultivation attainments, even Liao Hua has benefited a lot.

Regarding Zhang Ziling's amazing performance, Liao Hua could only attribute it to the talent of the Child of Chaos against the sky, and cultivation was no problem for him.

It was also seeing Mu Bing and Mu Kexiu advancing so fast that Liao Hua did not oppose Mu Bing's cultivation here.

After all, the responsibility of the academy is to cultivate top-level experts, and it doesn't matter which tutor you follow to practice.

Zhang Ziling was also looking at Mu Bing and Mu Ke at the moment, and when he discovered that the exercises in the two women's bodies had run for thirty-six weeks, he smiled and said, "Okay, I'm here today. Let's go back."

Zhang Ziling's voice came to Mu Bing and Mu Ke's ears, and Mu Bing and Mu Ke woke up from the state of being in Ding.

"Teacher, I broke through!" As soon as he woke up, Mu Ke excitedly reported to Zhang Ziling that he had survived.

"Nirvana Realm Fourfold!"

Seeing the excited light in Mu Ke's eyes, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly and nodded before looking at Mu Bing.

Mu Bing saw Zhang Ziling's gaze fall on him, his cold face couldn't help but a little blush, and then he whispered: "I have touched the threshold of the Heavenly Palace Realm... I guess it will be done soon..."

Speaking of this, Mu Bing himself felt quite incredible.

Touched the threshold of the Heavenly Palace Realm...

Before meeting Zhang Ziling, Mu Bing thought that he would need at least a year.

But now, she only spent a week.

This is really...too illusory!

Mu Ke was very excited on the side. After hearing what Mu Bing said, he was taken aback for a moment, then he became more excited, and jumped up with Mu Bing's hand.

"Great! Sister, you are finally about to step into the Heavenly Palace Realm! Those old guys in the clan can finally shut up!"

Liao Hua, who was on the side, looked at the excited two women, also opened their mouths, and finally could only spit out...


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