Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1382: Refining blood and raw meat

"In just one week, one broke through a small realm, and the other touched the threshold of the great realm of the heavenly palace. Although both of you have excellent talents, you have to say..." Liao Hua said When he got here, he looked at Zhang Ziling with a wry smile, "A monster teacher came to our Baishi Academy."

Suddenly, Liao Hua suddenly understood why Zhang Ziling insisted on being a teacher.

It turns out that he not only guards the sky in talent, but also far surpasses others in teaching students.

Now Liao Hua is considering letting Zhang Ziling accept a few more students.

In this way, it is also good for Baishi Academy.

"Of course, don't look at whose teacher it is?" Mu Ke tilted his head, revealing his white neck, like a proud beautiful swan.

Since Mu Ke agreed with Zhang Ziling, she has been protecting Zhang Ziling, and she has to speak for Zhang Ziling no matter what, even if she heard other colleges in the college talking bad about Zhang Ziling, Mu Ke could not help but take the initiative to teach those guys.

Even Mu Bing was smiling at the moment, agreeing with Mu Ke's words.

Although Mu Bing's personality is a bit cold, but beside Zhang Ziling, the iceberg seems to be melting.

"The main reason is that you two have excellent talents. Otherwise, even with my guidance, it is impossible to cultivate so fast." Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Bing and Mu Ke chuckles, "Mu Bing pays attention to it in the past few days. It's possible to break through. Don't go to any dangerous place to avoid accidents."

Both Mu Bing and Mu Ke have made breakthroughs in today's cultivation, which can be regarded as gratifying. Zhang Ziling naturally did not stingy with his praise, so that Mu Bing and Mu Ke burned their faces after listening.

Mu Ke didn't care very much, but Mu Bing could only respond in a hurry, at a loss.

In my impression, this was the first time Zhang Ziling praised them, which made Mu Bing feel a little strange.

After all, even though Zhang Ziling is their teacher, he looks too young, and he doesn't have any pretensions...

In the past, Mu Bing and Mu Ke looked down on others, naturally because their peers were too bad for them, and they looked down on them.

Zhang Ziling didn't care about Mu Bing and Mu Ke's strange emotions towards them, only that it was a normal performance as a young girl, and it would be better to have a few days.

"Okay, let's stop here for today's cultivation. Go back and have a good rest. Recently, I have nothing to teach you." Zhang Ziling waved his hand and said that he wanted to rest.

Mu Bing and Mu Ke said that the confusion they encountered in the practice, Zhang Ziling, had been informed, and then they only need to do it step by step.


When Zhang Ziling asked Mu Ke to go back, he looked at Mu Ke more, his eyes full of meaning.

Mu Ke has been suppressing the cultivation of the Yinmian exercises recently. Coupled with the guidance of Zhang Ziling, Mu Kexiu's rapid advancement has made the two exercises in his body on the verge of imbalance.

Although Mu Ke did not realize the seriousness of his internal condition, in Zhang Ziling's opinion...

I'm afraid I'm busy.

He didn't directly point out Mu Ke's question. After Zhang Ziling let Mu Bing and Mu Ke leave, Liao Hua also said goodbye to Zhang Ziling and left the yard.

After everyone left, the smile on Zhang Ziling's face slowly disappeared, and he sat in a chair and started to think.

"Mu Ke's current situation is very unstable. Although this is a bit of a risk, there is no other way." Zhang Ziling rubbed his temples and said to himself.

The technique that Mu Ke practiced secretly was a bit strange. Although it was so powerful, it might not be acceptable to ordinary people. This was also the reason why Mu Ke kept concealing that technique.

I'm afraid that the emperor who created that cultivation method was not a good person in his lifetime.

If Zhang Ziling came up directly and told Mu Ke that she said there was a problem with the cultivation technique, I am afraid that the relationship between Zhang Ziling and Mu Ke would break down in an instant.

No matter how it looks, it looks like something special.

The best way, naturally, is to let Mu Ke come to help himself.

"No matter, during this period of time before Mu Ke loses his balance, let's see how Xie Wushang's situation is..." Zhang Ziling shook his head, putting Mu Ke's affairs aside.

"Although Xie Wushuang's memory has been erased, Xie Wushang himself is too clever, and he needs to pay more attention in the past. And..."

At this time, a semi-transparent diamond-shaped crystal appeared in Zhang Ziling's palm, floating quietly in the air.

That is……

The memory crystal of Xie Wushang!

"It took me great effort to keep this memory and Xie Wushuang's consciousness..." The corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth raised slightly, "I have almost everything prepared,"

Although Zhang Ziling had no way to remove this memory crystal to see Xie Wushuang's memory, Zhang Ziling had been preparing for the refining of the human body for more than a week.

Refining blood and raw meat Dafa.

This is an ancient magic of the ancient gods of the Xuanxiao Continent that Zhang Ziling once found in a forbidden place.

This ancient magical technique is quite tasteless to Zhang Ziling. If it weren't for Zhang Ziling who wanted to accept Xie Wushang as his apprentice, and didn't want to give up Xie Wushuang's memory consciousness, Zhang Ziling would not even think of this ancient magical technique.

This ancient magical technique is very simple, similar to the cloning technique that Zhang Ziling has seen on the earth, and can use the flesh and blood of Xie Wushang to re-refine a doll that is exactly the same as the body.

And the only mystery of this ancient magical technique is that it can even copy the soul of its body.

However, this kind of engraved soul is unaware. Although the created doll is wise, it does not have the ability to think for itself. It can only do things according to the instructions of the creator, which is equivalent to a robot.

The original intent of the ancient magic was used to build a powerful army, but Zhang Ziling seemed to suit their current situation.

Engraving Xie Wushuang's memory on the copied soul may be able to awaken the puppet.

Xie Wushuang, who only has a puppet body, is the same as Xie Wushang in terms of cultivation talents, but he is not blessed by heaven and luck.

In other words, Xie Wushuang's incarnation is equivalent to only reincarnating once, and apart from returning to zero, it has not gained any substantial benefits.

Not the son of chaos, Zhang Ziling had to face a Heavenly Palace realm eight-fold Xie Wushuang, and he had to relax a lot.

Although the idea is very beautiful, Zhang Ziling has never used the ancient magic technique of "refining blood and producing flesh", and even peeling memory crystals from the consciousness space was accomplished by Zhang Ziling relying on the origin of the Supreme Law. This technique may be from ancient times. No one has tried it so far.

Even Zhang Ziling is not sure whether it will succeed.

However, since Zhang Ziling wanted to leave Xie Wushang, then using this ancient magic to create puppets to re-enact Xie Wushuang became the only solution for both.

If it succeeded, Zhang Ziling naturally grasped the initiative in the face of Xie Wushuang. No matter what game Xie Wushuang had, Zhang Ziling could also have more choices.

Failed, at best, Xie Wushuang's memory crystals were lost, and Zhang Ziling could still rely on Mu Ke to track down Xie Wushuang's whereabouts, and things just returned to the origin.

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