Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1397: In order to go one step further, cut the heart!

As soon as Zhang Ziling's words were spoken, the smile on the face of the inner demon was frozen, and then he smiled exaggeratedly.

The laughter of the inner demon reverberated in this world, as if he had heard the funniest joke he had heard since his birth.

"What did I hear? You want to kill me? You are not mistaken?" The heart demon looked at Zhang Ziling with joking in his eyes, "If you can kill me, can you keep me till now?"

"Do not make jokes!"

The inner demon's voice suddenly increased, and it exploded in this space, and the powerful sound wave spread to the surroundings, and the chains above vibrated.

The inner demon stared at Zhang Ziling, with blood flowing in his eyes.

"As long as you don't let go of the obsessions in your heart one day, I will be immortal!"

"No one knows you better than me, Zhang Ziling! You can never let go of that obsession. My existence is your only way to atone for your sins!"

"You know, if Ziyou knew that you had chosen to abandon her, she would never forgive you for the rest of your life! So you dare not tell Ziyou."

"Only I! Only I... is your only choice for atonement! You need me to help you bear the endless sins! You need me to help you find excuses, and you need to shirk all your own mistakes Give it to me!" The heart demon laughed at Zhang Ziling, and didn't think Zhang Ziling could kill him.

He even knows better than Zhang Ziling himself, what kind of people he two are...

After all, the inner demon is just a combination of all the negative emotions of Zhang Ziling.

The heart demon is still Zhang Ziling himself.

Zhang Ziling calmly watched the inner demon taunting herself, but there was no anger in her heart.

Obviously, Zhang Ziling had indeed shirk all his sins to his own demon, in order to make him feel at ease and let himself live in deception.

Advance in the beautiful blueprint that you have built.

However, when Xie Wushuang told Zhang Ziling that Zi You already knew all this...

Zhang Ziling knew that his escape had no meaning.

Zi You was able to promise Xie Wushuang to come to the Xuanxiao Continent together, something made Ziyou have to leave the earth and come to Xuanxiao Continent.

Zhang Ziling discovered that when he heard that Ziyou chose to go to Xuanxiao Continent, he didn't even think of blaming Ziyou!

He can understand that Zi You must have a reason to do this.

It was then that Zhang Ziling realized that Zi You never blamed herself from beginning to end.

No matter what the reason for leaving the earth to go to Xuanxiao Continent, Zi You would not blame him.

"I'm really an idiot." Zhang Ziling looked at the inner demon and laughed, making the inner demon suddenly startled.

It seemed that he was very dissatisfied with Zhang Ziling's smile. The demons couldn't help but look at Zhang Ziling and scolded, "Why are you laughing at trash?"

"I'm laughing at myself, I have never believed in Ziyou." Zhang Ziling looked at the demon and smiled, "I think you should understand why I escaped."

"I'm afraid that Zi You won't understand me. I'm afraid that Zi You will never forgive me after knowing the truth. I'm lose Zi You."

"But at the end of the day, I discovered that I never thought that Zi You didn't care about this. Compared to the past that I escaped, Zi You cares more. I keep you until now and tortured myself."

Listening to Zhang Ziling's words, the demons couldn't refute any of them.

Although the inner demon wanted to go back to Zhang Ziling and tortured Zhang Ziling's spirit, the inner demon found...

On the matter of Zi You, he couldn't say anything to refute.

The demons couldn't even say anything against their will.

Even if the heart demon is a collection of Zhang Ziling's negative emotions, his feelings for Zi You still only go to the other extreme, and the original intention is still to not want Zi You to be hurt in any way.

"So I think... Maybe Zi You will be happy only if I have a better life." Zhang Ziling's mouth raised slightly, "Moreover, only if you are completely cut off, I will have enough strength to face the next situation. Only then can Zi You be found again."

As Zhang Ziling said, the chains that locked the heart demon gradually disappeared, and even the runes on the two walls of the entire valley gradually disappeared.

The inner demon feels that his strength is letting go little by little, and is constantly improving.

Feeling the swelling power in his body, the inner demon didn't have the slightest joy in his heart, and his eyes were full of shock.

"You guy... how dare you?" The heart demon looked at Zhang Ziling and asked in a trembling voice. He had no idea that Zhang Ziling would actually do this!

Letting him out means that Zhang Ziling has given up all his previous efforts, given up these seals, and wants to fight himself.

The final result is only two.

Either the heart demon wins, wipes out Zhang Ziling's consciousness, completely seizes control of Zhang Ziling's body, and replaces Zhang Ziling's personality from then on.

Or, Zhang Ziling wins, cuts off the heart demon, gains the power of the heart demon, and his strength soars.

All the other cultivators have fought with their own inner demons, and either lost completely and turned into madness, or won and absorbed the power of inner demons and doubled their strength.

The reason why the saint wants to cut off the heart demon in preparation for becoming a great emperor is not only because the heart demon will backfire at any time, it is a time bomb for the body and needs to be eliminated as soon as possible.

More importantly, once the monk has solved the heart demon, the body will absorb all the power of the heart demon, so that his strength will skyrocket and directly double!

The saints absorbed the power of their own inner demons and doubled their own cultivation base to be able to reach the threshold of the Great Emperor faster.

However, no one can think of...

Zhang Ziling has broken through to the Supreme, and the inner demon still exists.

The heart demon who has evolved to the supreme realm...

If Zhang Ziling successfully cut off his own inner demons, it also means that Zhang Ziling will absorb all the power of a supreme.

Absorb a supreme cultivation base.

Even Zhang Ziling himself didn't know what kind of world he would enter when he took this step.

Zhang Ziling, it has been a long time since he went further.

However, the prerequisite for doubling one's cultivation base... is that Zhang Ziling can successfully solve the demons.

After all, Zhang Ziling's heart demon is also Supreme.

Fighting yourself is always the hardest.

There is no secret hole card between Zhang Ziling and the heart demon at all. The two cultivation bases are quite equivalent, and whoever can win depends only on whose will is stronger.

Being imprisoned in the valley by Zhang Ziling for thousands of years, the mind of the heart demon has long been tempered to an extremely terrifying point.

As the runes between the two walls of the valley became less and less, the inner demon felt that he had been suppressed for a long time, and was constantly returning to his body.

These seals held his seal, at this moment, in the eyes of the demons, they became fragile.

only need to……

Use a little force.

"This is your choice..."

The inner demon looked at Zhang Ziling, cracks appeared in the Xuanbing that sealed his lower body, and the black chain that pierced his arm gradually dissipated.

Zhang Ziling's entire spiritual world began to shake.

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