Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1398: Collision between supreme


The profound ice trapping the heart demon shattered, the chains above the valley broke one after another, the terrifying supreme power surged around the heart demon, and the space was shattered.

The inner demon stood up slowly, twisting his body slightly, his bones crackling.

"This valley, I wanted to destroy it a long time ago." The heart demon glanced at the rock walls on both sides, and the mysterious runes on it had disappeared.

The inner demon grinned and took a step forward slightly, and the entire valley turned into dust in an instant.

Without warning.

Zhang Ziling and the heart demon stood in the empty wilderness.

The valley is not there.

The sky was howling violently and dimmed.

Zhang Ziling looked at the inner demon calmly with his hands on his back, not surprised at the power displayed by the inner demon.

The heart demon is himself, the supreme realm, and everything in this world can be erased with a gesture.

Everything is under the supreme control.

To be honest, after Zhang Ziling stepped into the Supreme, he hadn't fought against an existence of the same level.

This heart demon trapped Zhang Ziling in the valley when he was still a saint. What Zhang Ziling did afterwards was just to continuously strengthen the seal of the valley.

"Such a powerful force... you can do everything you want, why do you have to take care of so much?" The heart demon felt the infinite power in his body and laughed intoxicated.

After the strength was restored, the inner demon realized that he was so powerful!

An addictive power.

That is, invincible.

"I'm not the same as you." Zhang Ziling looked at the demons indifferently, "Cultivation does not mean that you must be at the peak of loneliness. If you have no scruples, do whatever you want...until everyone around you leaves you..."

"What's the difference between that and an animal?"

"Isn't cultivation just to do what you want? With this invincible power, what do you care about other people? Women? Friends? Wealth? None of this makes any sense to us! Just power... even this world It has nothing to do with me!" The heart demon looked at Zhang Ziling and smiled.

"What's the point of a world that can be created at the fingertips?"

"When you let me out, I even thought about perfecting you for a moment, letting you save Ziyou out."

"But now, I find that with this supreme power, I will be omnipotent... I suddenly didn't want to." The blood in the demon's eyes became more and more intense, "Zi You, I will naturally save it."

"But before that, I have to deal with you first and go to the outside world to enjoy!"

The heart demon's voice fell, and the surrounding earth instantly shattered, and violent spiritual power poured over Zhang Ziling like a tsunami.

Seeing the attack of the heart demon, Zhang Ziling was not afraid, and turned into a black light to rush towards the heart demon.

In an instant, Zhang Ziling was tearing the offensive of the happy demon, with five fingers forming a fist, blasting towards the heart demon.

The world changes color, and the space collapses.

"Hahaha, good coming!" The heart demon laughed, did not flinch, and directly collided with Zhang Ziling's fist.

The power of the two supreme squeezed together.

All the power accumulated at one point, and this space instantly became pitch black, only the fist between Zhang Ziling and the heart demon had a hot white spot.

At the moment when Zhang Ziling and the heart demon collided, this world was wiped into nothingness by the raging supreme power.

The collision between the supreme makes everything disillusioned.

Baishi Academy, in the forbidden area.

Xun Tianyi nervously looked at Zhang Ziling who was sitting on the spar, clenching his fists.

Since not long ago, the Celestial Seeker discovered that the spiritual power in Zhang Ziling's body began to agitate, the entire forbidden area was suddenly hot and cold, and even Zhang Ziling's aura was constantly changing.

Sometimes, Tian Xun Yi couldn't believe that the momentum surging out of Zhang Ziling's body was his own.

Judging from Zhang Ziling's changes, Tianxunyi knew that Zhang Ziling had already been completely against the demons.

Of course Xuntianyi knew the horror of the heart demon. Although Xuntianyi didn't know what kind of destructive power the supreme might explode, but this did not prevent it from imagining the terror of the supreme.

The strength of the boss's heart demon must not be weaker than that of the boss, the two supreme beings fought...I am afraid the boss's spiritual world has completely collapsed.

Xuntianyi thought, very worried.

In case Zhang Ziling loses and the whole person is swallowed by the heart demon, Tian Xun Yi dare not imagine what will happen next.

After all, this battle is different from the past.

From the eyes of Heaven Seeker, Zhang Ziling could easily solve the previous enemies, so there was no need to worry too much.

But this time, Zhang Ziling's enemy is himself, and any result of this may occur, which is simply unpredictable.

Xun Tianyi was worried, but Xie Wushuang beside him was very leisurely, and even began to practice concentration, trying to clear the meridian that he was blocking.

"Aren't you afraid that the boss will lose?" Seeing Xie Wushuang so leisurely, Xun Tianyi asked with an expression of irritation.

"If the heart demon replaces the boss, we all have to finish it! I am afraid that the boss's heart demon has no interest in accompany you to the chess games you set."

Hearing the questioning of the heavenly seeker, Xie Wushuang opened his eyes to look at the heavenly seeker, and smiled slightly: "You are worried here, what help can you do to the devil emperor?"

The sky seeker was slightly stagnant.

Obviously, the sky seeker's approach did not help Zhang Ziling in any way.

Even Zhang Ziling could not notice the situation outside.

Seeing Xuntianyi's stunned expression, Xie Wushuang shook his head and smiled, then closed his eyes and started practicing.

"Wait quietly. Sometimes, things happen in the sky."

Xie Wushuang's words came into the ears of the heaven seeker, making the heaven seeker completely quiet.

No longer questioning Xie Wushuang, Tianxunyi looked up at Zhang Ziling above, muttering: "It's in the sky..."

At this moment, Zhang Ziling's whole body was surging with an aura that could destroy everything. If it weren't for the presence of enchantments around him, I am afraid that the entire wasteland of the Hundred Clan Caves would be destroyed under the surging momentum of Zhang Ziling.

The current Zhang Ziling is unconsciously exploding with all the supreme aura...

In Zhang Ziling's spiritual world, there is nothingness all around, and no light can be seen.

Only the dull clashing sound constantly sounded between this nothingness.

With every collision, there is endless power pouring out to the surroundings, which is terrifying.

The battle between Zhang Ziling and the heart demon has reached a fever pitch.

Zhang Ziling's spiritual world is as strong as the real world, and even stronger than the real world! But even so, the world is still annihilated under the collision of Zhang Ziling and the heart demon.

Zhang Ziling now has no energy to rebuild his spiritual world, and the entanglement of the demons has exceeded his imagination.

The collision between the Supremes can't tell the winner in a short time.

The battle between the two has become a tug of war.

Endless power is surging in this piece of void space.

"Hahaha! My body, aren't you trying to kill me? How come the attack is so soft? I can't feel any threat from you at all!"

"You admit defeat! Let me replace you completely!"

The laughter of the inner demon echoed in this space, constantly mocking Zhang Ziling.

The strength between the two of them is the same, and the inner demon is not afraid of Zhang Ziling at all.

Zhang Ziling did not show any anger or panic to the inner demon's ridicule, and he was extremely calm.

Although the strength of the two is equal, the situation is stalemate, but from the beginning...

Zhang Ziling never thought that he would lose.

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