Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1400: Kill the Demon

The struggling of the inner demon is still going on, even if the power of the inner demon is about to bottom out, the power of the inner demon is still the supreme power and should not be underestimated.

There is no concept of time in this piece of nothingness, and it must have been a very short period of time outside, so Zhang Ziling naturally doesn't mind spending more.

As long as Zhang Ziling fights steadily, continuously condenses the power of the five supreme laws, and at the same time uses his own power to consume the spiritual power of the inner demon.

The ending is set, Zhang Ziling has no need to take risks.

The inner demon is now also aware of his current situation, his whole person has become more and more anxious, and he has begun to use various moves indiscriminately, trying to break this situation.

However, Zhang Ziling's moves of the Inner Demon's guild will be a city, plus the spirit power remaining in the inner body is not as good as Zhang Ziling...

The inner demon is a trapped beast, and the end is doomed.

"I'm not convinced!" The heart demon roared, and as the spiritual power in the body became less and less, the heart demon gradually began to run away.


Under extreme anger, a blood-colored force burst out of the inner demon, and Zhang Ziling's mental space began to vibrate violently.

The heart demon was originally a collection of all the negative emotions of Zhang Ziling, anxious, arrogant... all kinds of emotions exploded together at this moment, causing the heart demon at this moment to explode with an unimaginable force.

Even Zhang Ziling could feel the horror of that power from the current inner demon.

"Mutated?" Zhang Ziling squinted at the heart demon wrapped in a blood-red energy, and said softly.

Obviously, the power used by the heart demon at this moment is not owned by Zhang Ziling.

"You have a kind of fight with me!" The heart demon looked at Zhang Ziling and roared, blood-red energy rushed towards Zhang Ziling like a tsunami, and the black chains around him also vanished.

Even the palace condensed from the origin of the Five Great Avenue of Supreme Laws above the heart demon, at this moment, it began to vibrate violently, and it was in danger of collapse at any time.

Seeing the massive spiritual power coming over the sky, Zhang Ziling frowned slightly.

Zhang Ziling did not expect that the inner demon could still burst out with such a powerful force.

Things get a little tricky.

However, it's just a little tricky.

Even if the heart demon ran away, the strength in his body was no longer there. In this situation, Zhang Ziling would only need more effort to solve the heart demon.

The eyes of the heart demon were bloody, and the whole face became extremely distorted, with a beast-like sound in his mouth.


The heart demon's legs were slightly bent, and then the whole body turned into a **** glow, which smashed towards Zhang Ziling like a cannonball.

In an instant, the heart demon came to Zhang Ziling.

"Why struggle?" Zhang Ziling calmly watched the inner demon's fist getting closer and closer to him, without moving at all.

Around the heart demon, several black chains suddenly gathered, pulling the heart demon.

"Here! Me! Go! Die!" The inner demon roared, and the chains that bound him broke instantly, and the inner demon's fist slammed into Zhang Ziling's face.

The entire void space seemed to fluctuate.

Zhang Ziling was blasted out by the demons.

"Roar--!" The heart demon stared at Zhang Ziling's body as he flew far away, with blood in his eyes even worse. The whole person roared and rushed to Zhang Ziling again.

However, behind the heart demon, there is an endless chain turned into a giant hand, grabbing at the heart demon.

The heart demon roared, trying to get rid of the chains, but after punching Zhang Ziling, the heart demon consumed most of the power in his body.

The inner demon was unable to escape the chains now.

Zhang Ziling's figure gradually appeared above the heart demon, surrounded by the laws of the space avenue, with traces of blood on the corners of his mouth.

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the inner demon caught by the chain, his expression unchanged.

In order to consume the power of the heart demon, Zhang Ziling had to take the initiative to take the fist of the heart demon and exhaust the mutated power in the heart demon.

"I really underestimated you." Zhang Ziling wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, the breath of the Supreme Law surged all around, and the huge palace above was shining with dazzling light, and it was crushed to the heart demon.

At this moment, the heart demon is being pulled by endless chains. Although every moment the heart demon is erasing the chains that bind him, but the chains that are transformed by the laws of the magic way are more and more, and the heart demon can't even struggle.

"Roar--!" The heart demon roared, watching the palace in the sky press against him, his eyes filled with despair.

"It's almost over." Zhang Ziling said in a low voice, seeing the little spiritual power left in his body.

Although he is absolutely sure of Zhang Ziling, the upper heart demon, but I have to say that this is the most difficult battle for Zhang Ziling except for the starry Eudemons.

When the power of the five great avenues was poured on the heart demon, the great avenues became dimmed, and this time they consumed too much power.

Zhang Ziling put away the origin of the avenue, calmly watching the colorful light bloom below.

Accompanied by the howl of the inner demon, the power of the endless great path dissipated in this piece of nothingness.

The vibration of the space gradually subsided, and the light dimmed.

A world was born again, a wilderness appeared, and the sky was still gray...

Although this world is empty, it is not empty as before.

Zhang Ziling stood above his spiritual world, like a victor, looking down below.

The palaces that were transformed from the laws of the Great Way have all been completely consumed.

At this moment, the heart demon remained half of his body, lying weakly on the ground, covered in blood, and his eyes blank.

The power in his body has been exhausted, and now the heart demon can't even move a finger.

Zhang Ziling slowly fell from the sky to the ground, calmly watching the demons who fell on the ground.

"You won..." The heart demon looked at Zhang Ziling with difficulty and said softly, but there was no shock or anger in his eyes.

He knew from the beginning that he was going to lose.

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling said softly, without saying anything else.

No matter how the heart demon is Zhang Ziling himself, Zhang Ziling has not yet reached the point of even taunting himself.

"I have been sealed by you for thousands of years...Actually, I also know that if you let me out, I have no chance of winning at all."

Zhang Ziling was silent.

"I'm just being bored inside. I want to go crazy while my consciousness is still there. What if it succeeds?" The demon laughed at himself. "Although I think you are a trash now, you are not. Don't admit it, you do have a practice in cultivation."

"With me dragging, you can cultivate to this level. In the future, without my drag oil bottle, I don't know what realm you will reach."

Zhang Ziling glanced at the empty lower body of the demon, and said lightly: "It's time to hit the road."

"I see, waste." The heart demon smiled, "I was defeated, I am convinced."

"After absorbing my strength, remember to get Ziyou back..."

After saying this, the upper body of the inner demon also turned into a light spot and gradually disappeared.

Zhang Ziling's demons completely dissipated.

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the blood stains on the ground gradually disappearing, and slightly clenched his fists.


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