Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1401: One idea

Baishi Academy, forbidden place.

Xun Tianyi stared at the blocked Zhang Ziling with all his attention, clenching his fists, very nervous.

Before, the evil power that erupted from Zhang Ziling's body, even the Heaven Seekers outside the ban could feel the gloomy and terrifying aura.

If Zhang Ziling had gone violently at that time, the Heaven Seeker would never imagine what kind of calamity this Xuanxiao Continent would encounter.

But now Zhang Ziling was calm again, his spiritual power in his body was like a pool of stagnant water, but the Heaven Seeker did not feel relieved, but became even more nervous.

In the situation just now, the heaven seeker knew at least that Zhang Ziling was still alive, and now...the heaven seeker didn't even know whether Zhang Ziling's consciousness still existed.

In the torment of waiting, Tian Xun Yi felt very nervous.

"It seems...the result is already out." The meridians in Xie Wushuang's body were almost dredged, and he stood up directly from the ground and said with a light smile.

"How's the boss?" Seeing Xie Wushuang's movement, Xun Tianyi asked quickly.

Seeing Xuntianyi's anxious look, Xie Wushuang just smiled, then carried his hands on his back and flew out of the abyss.

If it's a normal Heavenly Palace realm, I'm afraid that under the natural pressure of the Heaven Seeker, I can't even speak, let alone flying.

Xuntianyi was in front of Xie Wushuang, it even forgot Xie Wushuang's realm now, and there was no way for Xie Wushuang to hire someone.

Seeing Xie Wushuang's back smaller and smaller back, Tianxunyi also subconsciously followed Xie Wushuang and flew up.

Waiting until the edge of the forbidden area, Xun Tianyi realized that Xie Wushuang was just a little guy in the Eighth Layer of the Heavenly Palace Realm, and it was completely unreasonable to suppress him.


Seeing Xie Wushuang's indifferent appearance, Xuntianyi was furious, and wanted to use his coercion to defeat Xie Wushuang's prestige.

However, before the heaven seeker had time to move, Xie Wushuang's voice rang in the ears of the heaven seeker, causing the heaven seeker to be stunned and interrupted his actions.

"Look, the Devil Emperor is awake." Xie Wushuang whispered.

Hearing Xie Wushuang's words, Tianxunyi quickly looked at Zhang Ziling and saw that the bans around Zhang Ziling were gradually disappearing, and the black chains turned into mist and dissipated.

Seeing the changes around Zhang Ziling, Xuntianyi felt a surprise in her heart, but then she became nervous again.

Before seeing Zhang Ziling awakening, Tian Xun Yi was still not sure whether Zhang Ziling won or the demons won.

The monks who were swallowed by the heart demon in the past will have their eyes turned blood red, and their personality is extremely violent. The weaker ones are all evil. If they are strong... they will slaughter the city and destroy the country at every turn, and they will go everywhere. Dead still.

For the monks who were swallowed by the heart demon, the major forces held the attitude of fighting with all their strength.

If the Devil Emperor is swallowed...Heaven Seekers cannot even imagine what kind of purgatory this world will become.

Compared to the tense celestial seeker, Xie Wushuang is extremely calm, even with a faint smile on his face.

Although Xie Wushuang can't tell who won, but...

Xie Wushuang traveled from Zhang Ziling to Xuanxiao Continent, watching Zhang Ziling from scratch, and finally became the supreme existence in Xuanxiao Continent. It can be said that Xie Wushuang knew him better than Zhang Ziling himself.

Xie Wushuang knows...

Inner Demon will not become a threat to Zhang Ziling.

In the quiet and somewhat tense atmosphere, Tian Xun Yi had survived an extremely difficult time before finally seeing Zhang Ziling slowly open his eyes.

When the Xuntianyi saw Zhang Ziling's dark and deep eyes, it almost didn't cry.

The boss won!

"Boss--!" Xuntianyi yelled and threw directly into Zhang Ziling's arms.

Seeing Xuntianyi rushing directly into his arms, Zhang Ziling was taken aback for a moment, then smiled gently, and whispered, "I make you worried."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Xuntianyi felt relieved.

Without Zhang Ziling by the side, Heaven Seeker was uncomfortable.

"It's all right, it's all right! I knew the boss, you wouldn't fall so easily! Whoops!"

Before Xuntianyi had finished speaking, Zhang Ziling gently knocked his head.

"Naughty!" Zhang Ziling whispered, but there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Xuntianyi chuckled, but didn't say any unlucky words.

"Boss, have you completely removed the inner demon now?" Xun Tianyi asked with concern. After all, there are still inner demons at the realm of Zhang Ziling, which is a big problem.

Zhang Ziling nodded slightly and said lightly: "Yeah."

"How do you feel now?" Xuntianyi asked curiously.

Slashing the heart demon usually absorbs the power of the heart demon.

"It is indeed a little different from before." Zhang Ziling smiled, then looked at Xie Wushuang, but said nothing.

Xie Wushuang and Zhang Ziling looked at each other. Although Xie Wushuang couldn't see the depth of Zhang Ziling's cultivation, Xie Wushuang knew...

After slashing the heart demon, Zhang Ziling definitely has a completely reborn change.

Only after breaking through the supreme did the heart demon be cut off...

Xie Wushuang recalled the history of Xuanxiao Continent, no matter how amazing the enchanting enchantment once had, no one has reached the level of Zhang Ziling.

Xie Wushuang remembers the Great Emperor Tianxu 300,000 years ago. He only cut off his heart demon when he first entered the realm of the Great Emperor. At that time, Xie Wushuang thought that the Great Emperor Tianxu was a peerless evildoer, but now...

Xie Wushuang smiled and realized that he had no way to evaluate the Devil Emperor.

Is this a blessing in disguise?

Xie Wushuang narrowed his eyes, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, staring at Zhang Ziling not knowing what he was planning.

Now that there is no demon, the next thing... of course, I have to start doing it.

Seeing that Xie Wushuang had begun to plan the next step, Zhang Ziling just smiled, not caring, and stood up from the spar.

Zhang Ziling couldn't figure out what Xie Wushuang was thinking about, and Zhang Ziling didn't even guess at all.

After all, as long as that time, Zhang Ziling would know what Xie Wushuang wanted to do.

The heaven seeker flew to Zhang Ziling's shoulder and sat with excitement on his small face.

Although Zhang Ziling did not say the exact change, the sky seeker could feel boundless power from Zhang Ziling.

Although before that, the Heaven Seeker also felt that Zhang Ziling's power was endless, but the Heaven Seeker Xianza could feel that the power in his boss's body had become different.

The sky seeker couldn't tell where it was different.

Absorbing the power of a supreme-level heart demon, and doubling the foundation of the supreme, the heaven seeker can't imagine what will happen.

Zhang Ziling glanced around. After the previous battle, the forbidden area of ​​the Baishi Academy had been completely annihilated and turned into an abyss.

The Ten Thousand Years Ling Milk Lake, naturally disappeared.

"If the little guy Mo Tianxing sees the forbidden ground now like this, I am afraid he will cry directly?" Zhang Ziling shook his head and smiled, then lightly stamped his foot.


Invisible fluctuations spread from the feet of Zhang Ziling to the surroundings, and then the entire forbidden area began to produce a wonderful change.

Those places that were bombarded by the battle have grown directly!

Xie Wushuang saw that the forbidden ground had returned to its original state in a short time, and even the Wannian Spirit Milk Pool had regrown, and Xie Wushuang's pupils shrank slightly.

One thought, this ability...

But it belongs to heaven!

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