Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1404: See Mu Jia

After dealing with Xie Wushuang's affairs, Zhang Ziling basically rested in his room for more than a month. Except for the two sisters Mu Bing and Mu Ke, Zhang Ziling basically disappeared.

In addition, Mo Tianxing already knew Zhang Ziling's identity, so he naturally didn't dare to use the dean's identity to oppress Zhang Ziling to attend classes, so Mo Tianxing simply gave Zhang Ziling a lot of privileges so that Zhang Ziling did not have to go to class.

Mo Tianxing’s actions even made other teachers start to guess whether Zhang Ziling was Mo Tianxing’s biological son or something. A series of actions by Mo Tianxing caused Zhang Ziling’s status in the academy to rise wildly, and some teachers who were jealous of Zhang Ziling were silenced. After that, no one came to trouble Zhang Ziling at all.

Even though Zhang Ziling has privileges in the Best Academy, Zhang Ziling is only an individual. In addition to the approach of the 100 Academy Conference, all teachers and students are preparing for the challenge. The privileges Zhang Ziling has did not cause much disturbance in the Best Academy. , It’s just that some teachers will chat up a sentence or two in their free time and complain a little bit.

Even Mu Bing and Mu Ke, who often come to practice in the courtyard of Zhang Ziling, are basically preparing for the Hundred Academy Conference during this period. As the top 100 students in the college, Mu Bing and Mu Ke have the opportunity to enter the funeral and other The college students compete.

More than half of the students died in each meeting of the Hundreds Institutes. The extremely high mortality rate and the great opportunities in the funeral site made the students both excited and nervous.

During this period of time, Xie Wushuang also entered Baishi Academy without any trouble and became a student. Later, Xie Wushuang rudely rushed to the tenth position in the academy in the most recent ranking match of Baishi Academy, directly in Baishi Academy. The college set off a huge storm, and Xie Wushuang instantly became a figure in the Baishi Academy, with countless suitors for a while.

Many Zhenwu-level instructors have thrown olive branches to Xie Wushuang, hoping to take Xie Wushuang to their own sect.

However, after Zhang Ziling's operation, Xie Wushuang was successfully accepted as an apprentice by Zhang Ziling, making all the teachers very envious. However, due to Mo Tianxing's face, no teacher dared to complain about Zhang Ziling this time.

As a result, Zhang Ziling became the only one in the college who did not teach any class to the students, but successfully accepted three top 100 talented students in the college, two of which were ranked in the top ten in the college!

Because Mu Bing had been practicing with Zhang Ziling for a long time, her mentor, Qin Minggong, could no longer withstand the tremendous pressure from the Mu family. Coupled with the fact that the academy’s senior officials were biased towards Zhang Ziling, Qin Ming was angry and resigned. Now he does not know where he went .

However, Zhang Ziling still vaguely remembered that after Qin Minggong had resigned, he specifically looked for Zhang Ziling once. The cold eyes that Qin Minggong looked at Zhang Ziling made Zhang Ziling also quite surprised.

It's as if there is a hatred of taking a wife between the two.

Zhang Ziling didn't care that there was a real martial artist who was thinking about him. After Qin Minggong left, Zhang Ziling completely left Qin Minggong behind.

"Did you know? This time the Hundred House Conference, the four big families are preparing to open a new burial site." When Zhang Ziling was lying in bed thinking about what he had done for more than a month, Xie Wushuang pushed in and laughed. He said to Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling didn't say anything like knocking on the door before Xie Wushuang entered the door. He just lay on the bed and replied indifferently, "So, what we need to do next is to enter the burial site?"

"Not all." Xie Wushuang picked up the teapot on the wooden table and poured himself a cup of tea. "The burial site was once an ancient battlefield. Although we want to go in, our main purpose is still the four. big family."

"The four big families?" Zhang Ziling got up, leaning on the wall and turning his head to look at Xie Wushuang, "Na Qi Mulin Cao, is the four top holy places in the wilderness, although they all have the strength close to the heavenly holy places... But what is worthy of my attention to these four humble forces?"

If outsiders heard what Zhang Ziling said, they might immediately violently yell at Zhang Ziling and laugh at Zhang Ziling as a fool, and would not know the horror of the four big families.

The four major families of Qimulin Cao are giants in the wilderness. Each family has a saint. The territory occupied by its power is extremely vast. There are even many large empires under his command, even the saints are not. Willing to easily grudge with the four big families.

When such a powerful holy land arrived at Zhang Ziling, it turned into an "inconspicuous force"?

Hearing such words, I am afraid that even Mu Bing and Mu Ke could not accept it.

However, in the eyes of Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang, this is a matter of course.

"Of course, the main purpose is not them, they are just bait." Xie Wushuang looked at Zhang Ziling with a smile, "After they open the burial ground, the four big families will be slaughtered."

Hearing what Xie Wushuang said, Zhang Ziling frowned.

The four great families fell...

The existence that can destroy the four top holy places should at least be emperor-level figures.

Zhang Ziling didn't think that the forces of the wasteland could attract the attention of the emperor.

Even the entire Jiu Yao Shang Shenzhou, there is no emperor's Taoism.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Ziling asked in a voice.

"Remember that the ancient **** you killed refused?" Xie Wushuang squinted and laughed, taking a sip of tea.

"Is the ancient **** staring at the four major families?" Zhang Ziling raised his eyebrows, and instantly became interested.

"You can think so too." Xie Wushuang nodded, "In order to give you a little motivation, I can also provide you with another piece of news."


"Three thousand years ago, the Three Hundred Holy Lands united to attack the Demon Palace. I did not participate." After Xie Wushuang said, he put the teacup on the table, "Tea is good tea, thank you for your hospitality."

Zhang Ziling was silent and did not respond.

Xie Wushuang didn't say much, got up and walked outside the house.

"Thanks to you, I am going to class now." Xie Wushuang waved to Zhang Ziling, "The teacher will not send it."

When the voice fell, Xie Wushuang left the room, leaving Zhang Ziling to sit on the bed alone.

"The destruction of the Demon Palace has nothing to do with Xie Wushuang..." Zhang Ziling chewed on Xie Wushuang's words, and then the corners of her mouth raised slightly, "Interesting..."


While Zhang Ziling was still thinking about the entanglement of interests, Mu Ke rushed directly into Zhang Ziling's room and disrupted Zhang Ziling's thoughts.

Zhang Ziling frowned slightly and looked at Mu Ke and said, "Why are you so frizzy?"

Mu Ke chuckled, sticking out his tongue at Zhang Ziling, and asked: "Teacher, is the guy who walked out just now my junior brother Xie Wushuang? The temperament is so special!"

"What's the matter?" Zhang Ziling didn't answer Mu Ke's question, and asked angrily.

During the days at Baishi Academy, Mu Ke had become acquainted with Zhang Ziling. He was so careless in front of Zhang Ziling, he respected his teacher at all.

Zhang Ziling didn't care about the red tape. On the contrary, Mu Bing scolded Mu Ke several times in private, but it didn't make any difference.

Mu Ke was already used to Zhang Ziling's straightforward questioning method, he smiled and said, "My father wants to see you."

"See me?" Zhang Ziling raised an eyebrow, "What are you doing?"

"Aren't you the mentor of my sister and me? As our mentor in the academy, our father is naturally very curious about you! In addition to the teacher, you have killed the Qi family's True Martial Realm powerhouse..."

Hearing Mu Ke's words, Zhang Ziling was a little displeased, staring at Mu Ke and asked: "Did you tell that matter?"

Seeing Zhang Ziling's dissatisfaction, Mu Ke quickly waved his hand to deny, hurriedly said: "No, no! It was discovered by our Mu family's eyeliner. Because the Qi family had a conflict with our Mu family, my father sent a lot of strong men here. Protecting us secretly, when the Qi family's strongmen broke into the teacher's yard, our Mu family..."

"I saw it?" Zhang Ziling asked.

Mu Ke nodded without making a sound.

" don't blame us?" Mu Ke looked at Zhang Ziling cautiously, "I was also shocked when I heard my father Chuan Xun talk about it."

"Fine, it's not a big deal anyway." Zhang Ziling waved his hand, "Come with you, how far is it from Baishi Academy?"

"Not far, thirty thousand miles."


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