Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1405: Hongyecheng!

Three days later, Hongyecheng!

"Is this the Hongye City, one of the five major cities in the Wilderness Region? It is really impressive!" Standing at the gate of Xuanwu City in the East City, Zhang Ziling said with a soft smile, looking at the dozens of people in front of him.

Hongye City is the giant city where the Mu Family’s Holy Land is located. There are countless people who want to enter the city every day. There were tens of thousands of people in line, and there was a huge crowd of people looking around, with no end in sight.

"In thousands of years of development, in addition to the increase in the strong, the population of Xuanxiao Continent has also increased a lot. It can be considered a prosperous age." Xie Wushuang next to Zhang Ziling said, "However, even in the prosperous age, On Xuanxiao Continent, there are very few cities that can be compared with Hongye City."

"What Junior Brother Wushuang said is that our Mu family is about to step into the heavenly holy land, how can the city we occupy be stingy?" Mu Ke said with a smile on the side, quite proud.

As the first force of the Red Leaf City, the Mu family can be said that the entire Red Leaf City belongs to the Mu family. If other forces want to take root in the Red Leaf City, they need to tribute countless resources to the Mu family every year.

Even so, there are still countless forces who want to station in Hongye City but can't. After all, Hongye City is one of the five giant cities in the Heavenly Desolate Region. Regardless of security, there are resources and opportunities everywhere in it. If a force develops in Hongye City, it is not impossible to become a holy land.

This time when I came to Hongye City, Zhang Ziling only brought Xie Wushuang and Mu Ke. As for Mu Bing, she was practicing hard for the Hundred Academy Conference, so she did not come with Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling didn't worry about putting Xie Wushuang alone in the Baishi Academy. After all, he didn't watch it by himself, and Zhang Ziling couldn't think of what Xie Wushuang could do.

As for Mu Ke, Zhang Ziling found that this girl was getting more and more sticky to herself. This time when he visited Mu's house, Zhang Ziling doubted whether there was Mu Ke to help.

However, this meeting of the Hundred Houses was held by the Mu family, assisted by the other three families. Therefore, the venue of the Hundred Academy Conference is also in Hongye City. Zhang Ziling’s visit to Mu’s house this time can also investigate the situation in advance. For Zhang Ziling, this journey is not a waste of time, it happens to be under Zhang Ziling’s one stop.

The Baishi City where the Baishi Academy is located is also a large city. There is a teleportation array leading to Hongye City. However, in order to prevent hostile forces from using the teleportation array to break Hongye City, the teleportation formation of the Hongye City is built outside the city, so Zhang Ziling sent them. Come here, still outside the city.

"Ke, the Mu family invites us over, shouldn't we let us line up to enter the city?" Zhang Ziling glanced at the long line. If you line up honestly, I'm afraid you won't be able to enter the city for several days or nights.

"I've already notified the clan, someone should come to pick us up soon!" Mu Ke stood on tiptoe to the Xiangcheng gate, where thousands of elite soldiers from the Mu family were guarded, every one who wanted to enter the city The monks need to pay a lot of money to enter the city.

Although Hongye City is large, if the conditions for entering the city are not restricted, it will be overcrowded sooner or later, and this entry fee is a significant source of income for the Mu family, and the Mu family will naturally not give up.

Zhang Ziling does not reject the practice of receiving city fees. Even in the Qingdu City where the Demon Palace was once, the fees for entering the city are extremely high, even high-level monks can’t afford it, but even so... there are still countless monks. Save decades of money just to enter Qingdu City.

After all, the Devil Emperor was in Qingdu City all the year round, and there were sages walking everywhere in the city. Numerous high-level exercises were randomly placed on the stalls. The opportunities in Qingdu City were comparable to the forbidden soil in the burial ground. Compared with the dangerous degree of those secret realms, Qingdu City is definitely a paradise for the casual practitioners of Xuanxiao Continent.

However, with the decline of the Demon Palace, the Qingdu City nowadays is only a small city, and even if it encounters a larger wave of monsters, it needs to ask other cities for help, and Qingdu City has long lost its glory in the past.

Recalling the grand occasion of Qingdu City, the three of Zhang Ziling also waited for a while outside the city.

It was noon, and the blazing sun was shining. Even if the three of them were not afraid of the heat, they would still feel uncomfortable when the harsh sunlight shone on them.

"Why haven't you come?" Mu Ke was the first to wait impatiently, and stomped straight on the spot.

Seeing such a situation, Xie Wushuang's mouth evoked an inexplicable smile, and the expression in his eyes when he looked at the red leaf had no meaning.

Although Xie Wushuang's apparent identity was only a sixteen-year-old boy, with Xie Wushuang's city government, judging from their current situation, he also guessed the general situation.

At least, they will not be peaceful when they come to Mu's house this time.

As the top power in the Heavenly Desolate Territory, the Mu family has intricate relationships within the family. Even if Mu Ke is the daughter of the Mu family, there must be rival factions in the family.

It's almost a moment since they came outside Hongye City, but no one has come to pick them up until now. This kind of efficiency is not like a heavenly holy place.

Zhang Ziling naturally guessed one or two, but Zhang Ziling is not interested in the Mu family's internal fighting. Except for Mu Bing and Mu Ke, the other people in Zhang Ziling's view are about the same status as the Qi family, at best higher than the Qi family. Just one point.

Even if it is Mu Ke, except for the dozens of close people in the Mu family, other people have nothing to do with Mu Ke except for the surname Mu, and they are no different from strangers.

For the Mu family members, if the branches distributed throughout the wilderness area are aggregated, there will probably be millions of them. With such a large number of people, it is impossible to have any blood fetters.

There are countless great forces on the Xuanxiao Continent that are in the same situation as the Mu Family. The huge family is nothing more than a cold machine. Even the two empires established by the two branches of the family will not hesitate to choose to go to war when there is a conflict of interest.

Now the three of Zhang Ziling are hanging outside by the Mu family, obviously...

Mu Ke's subpoenas were not received by the family, or people sent from the Mu family were intercepted by people from other factions in the Mu family.

But in either case, Zhang Ziling is quite interesting.

Originally, Zhang Ziling thought that this visit to Mu's family was a boring trip, but from now on, it seems to be very interesting.

"By the way, teacher, I forgot to remind you... The four major families have mastered a lot of entrances to burial grounds, and most of those burial grounds are once ancient battlefields. Maybe some people have obtained some secret techniques!" Xie Wushuang looked at Mu Ke anxiously, and said to Zhang Ziling with a smile at this opportunity.

Zhang Ziling naturally knew what the secret technique Xie Wushuang said.

Ancient magic!

After using ancient magic arts, Zhang Ziling could also understand the meaning of Xie Wushuang.

Perhaps some of the people in this Mu family are already believers of ancient gods.

"What are you talking about? Isn't it normal for our Mu family to have secret techniques?" Mu Ke didn't understand the deep meaning of Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang's words. She has been a little anxious by the long wait.

"No matter! Teacher and brother, let's break into Hongye City!" Mu Ke was a little angry, and the cheek gang suggested to Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang, making both Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang a little surprised.

Forced into... Hongye City?

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