Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1406: Unlimited madness!

"Forced into Hongye City?" Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Ke dumbfounded, not knowing what Mu Ke had planned.

Mu Ke is the saint of the Mu family. This Red Leaf City is equivalent to Mu Ke's home. How can there be any reason to break into your own home?

According to Zhang Ziling's idea, Mu Ke took them directly to the guards to show their identities, and they would naturally be able to enter, without "breaking" at all.

"Well! Just want to break! Make things big!" Mu Ke stomped and gritted his teeth, "I want to see, who is having trouble with this girl!"

Hearing Mu Ke's explanation, Zhang Ziling also shook his head and smiled, looking at Xie Wushuang and asking, "What do you think?"

"Brother Wushuang, help me talk to the teacher!" Mu Ke ordered Xie Wushuang in a low voice, with a faint threat in his tone.

In Mu Ke's view, even if Xie Wushuang's cultivation base is stronger than her, but he started later than her, then she is Xie Wushuang's senior sister. From Mu Ke's point of view, it is normal for the senior sister to threaten the younger brother to do things.

As for Mu Bing, Mu Ke naturally did not dare to say that he was her senior sister in front of his sister.

Hearing what Mu Ke said to him, Xie Wushuang also shook his head and smiled, bowing his hand to Zhang Ziling, and said, "Everything depends on the teacher."

Xie Wushuang was naturally not a person who was afraid of trouble. As an existence that shrouded Xuanxiao Continent under his own palm, even if the Hongye City was wiped out, Xie Wushuang didn't care at all.

Of course, if Mu Ke knew that the sixteen-year-old boy he threatened now was an old monster who had lived for countless years, and the teachers and juniors who followed him to Hongye City were the two largest and second largest in Xuanxiao Continent since ancient times. If he could, I'm afraid Mu Ke would be frightened directly.

Xie Wushuang's reaction did not exceed Zhang Ziling's expectation. In addition, Zhang Ziling himself was not afraid of things, so he simply agreed to accompany Mu Ke to mess around.

After all, the Mu Family left them outside the city for a quarter of an hour, and Zhang Ziling felt so upset.

Seeing Zhang Ziling nodded, Mu Ke also laughed, a sly flash in his eyes, pulling Zhang Ziling to the gate of the city.

Xie Wushuang followed closely with a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth.

Xie Wushuang couldn't remember how long he had been, and he hadn't acted willfully.


When Mu Ke brought Zhang Ziling to the gate of the city, a guard in heavy armor shouted at Mu Ke sternly.

"If you want to enter the city, honestly tell Lao Tzu to go to the back and line up!" The captain of the guard yelled to Mu Ke unceremoniously, "Otherwise, kill him!"

There are so many people who want to enter Hongye City every day, and it is impossible for the captain of the guard to be patient with everyone.

The other casual practitioners who honestly lined up to pay the money saw that Mu Ke wanted to enter the city without queuing up, and they couldn't help but watch Zhang Ziling and they deflated, and then after paying the fee, they arrogantly entered Red Leaf City.

In front of the Mu's guards, making trouble is tantamount to seeking death.

This is the consensus of every monk who enters the city.

"Teacher!" Mu Ke has no patience now, she is angry, naturally it is impossible to have a good face to her guards.

Hearing Mu Ke's call, Zhang Ziling also chuckled, and with a light push, the captain of the guard was directly pushed out by Zhang Ziling and rolled over ten meters on the ground.

The captain of the guard was pushed out by Zhang Ziling, and the entire city gate suddenly turned into a quarrel.

Those casual cultivators all looked at Zhang Ziling's three people in amazement, never expected that someone would dare to make trouble in Hongye City!

"Damn! Someone is making trouble, brothers copy guys!" After being pushed out by Zhang Ziling, the captain of the guard quickly got up from the ground and yelled.

"Step!", "Step!", "Step!"

Almost in an instant, thousands of guards came with heavy weapons and stepped neatly.

The murderous aura permeated the gate of the city, and the casual Xiu queuing up suddenly fell silent, feeling tremendous pressure.

this is……

Mu's elite!

In front of the Mu family elite, even the Heavenly Palace Realm powerhouse would not dare to be presumptuous and would be instantly killed.

But when Mu Ke saw such a big battle coming out in an instant, instead of being afraid, he became more excited.

Mu Ke knew that Zhang Ziling had the ability to instantly kill the strong of True Martial Realm, and these thousands of guards would not pose any threat to them at all.

Now that things are getting bigger, the bigger the better.

Anyway, the Mu family will come out to clean up the situation in the end, and they will be fine.

"We are going to Hongye City today, I see who would dare to stop this girl!" Mu Ke said loudly, facing the thousands of guards with his arms on his hips, as if he was not afraid of the sky.

The casual cultivators around saw a stunning beauty so arrogant, they sighed and shook their heads, regretting Mu Ke.

In front of the Mu family elite, there is no difference between beautiful women.

Anyone who dares to make trouble in the city will be killed without mercy.

"This girl, is she crazy?"

"The two young people behind her are also stupid, don't know how to stop her!"

"It is estimated that they are the princesses and princesses of a certain small town. They are usually domineering and don't look at where they are! They are just looking for death!"

Some casual cultivators whispered, only mocking what Mu Ke did.

"You stinky girl, look for death!" The guard who was pushed out by Zhang Ziling saw that Mu Ke was so arrogant, his face suddenly became pig liver-colored, and he grabbed the heavy sword and slashed at Mu Ke.

But before the guard's epee hit Mu Ke, a black shadow stopped in front of Mu Ke, and his white palm directly shattered the guard's epee, pinching the guard's neck.

"My senior sister, it's not something you can touch." Xie Wushuang lifted the captain of the guard, his eyes flickered, and he grinned evilly.

"Kang Dang!"

The broken sword in the hand of the captain of the guard fell on the ground, his eyes were full of horror, his hands were rigid with Xie Wushuang's palms, and he wanted to break free.

The thousands of guards saw that the head of the guard had grabbed them directly, and they all held their weapons and locked onto the three of Zhang Ziling.

With a single order, they will crush those who dare to make trouble!

The casual cultivators around also stepped back subconsciously, realizing that Zhang Ziling and the three were ruthless characters.

The captain of the guard had the strength of the Nirvana Realm no matter what, but now he was raised like a chicken...The strength of Xie Wushuang surpassed everyone's imagination.

"Wushuang." Zhang Ziling's voice sounded indifferently around, "Don't kill it."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Xie Wushuang smiled, but still threw the purple-faced guard captain out and threw it into the casual repair crowd.

A group of casual repairers hurriedly backed away, not daring to touch the captain of the guard.

Xie Wushuang carried his hands on his back, a white robe moving with the wind, and looked at the thousands of guards ahead without any fear.

For a time, Xie Wushuang's aura even overwhelmed those thousands of guards!

The casual practitioners around also realized that the three people who made trouble...

It's definitely not easy!


There were serious shouts among the thousands of elite guards, and all the soldiers stepped forward neatly, pressing down on Zhang Ziling with a powerful momentum.

They are not afraid of just three monks.

Feeling the aura from thousands of elites, Mu Ke was under great pressure, and he couldn't hold it.

She is only the four levels of Nirvana, and she can't stand this army at all.

However, Mu Ke hadn't endured the pressure for long, and Zhang Ziling was blocking the front of Mu Ke and dispelling the pressure from Mu Ke's body.

Zhang Ziling raised his eyes slightly, stood in front of Xie Wushuang and Mu Ke, glanced at the thousands of soldiers in front of him, and grinned: "From now on, who dares to prevent my apprentice from entering the city..."

"Who died."

The breeze is blowing, and the green silk is flying!

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