Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1414: Demon crawling out of the abyss

Xie Wushuang sat in a chair elegantly and drank the unique Baiyue wine in Tianyue Tower. The **** scene in this elegant room did not affect him at all.

Although for Xie Wushuang, the ants in this elegant room did not pose any threat to him, so he didn't need to look at it.

Even Xie Wushuang didn't recognize them as human beings.

However, occasionally when I heard that the ants were slandering him, he would easily crush a few ants to death. This was also a very good way for Xie Wushuang to vent.

From beginning to end, Xie Wushuang never regarded the young masters and ladies here as human beings.

Had it not been for Zhang Ziling's presence, with Xie Wushuang's temperament, I am afraid that the people here would have been dead for a long time.

All beings are chess, and the people in Tianyue Tower are not even as good as chess pieces to Xie Wushuang.

In a sense, Xie Wushuang and Zhang Ziling are the same kind of people.

The only difference is that Zhang Ziling has a more human touch than Xie Wushuang, and he doesn't treat all creatures as chess pieces that can be discarded wantonly.

However, when someone stands opposite Zhang Ziling as an enemy, Zhang Ziling's hand is not lighter than Xie Wushuang.

Whether it is Zhang Ziling or Xie Wushuang, their enemies have never had a good end.

In the elegant room, quiet to the extreme.

Because Mu Ke didn't want to see Mu Yang's group of people, he took the initiative to walk far away to look at the garden scenery in this elegant room.

And a group of dudes stood in front of Zhang Ziling. Without Zhang Ziling's words, no one dared to move at all. Every nerve of them was tense and might collapse at any time.

Mu Yang was at the back of the crowd, because he was blocked by the dude, Mu Yang did not face Zhang Ziling directly, making Mu Yang less pressure.

Even if four people died in Yajian, Mu Yang never thought he would die.

He is the son of the Mu family.

The four people who died were all the young masters of the top big forces in Hongye City. Once the things here today spread out, you can imagine what kind of big shocks Hongye City will have.

But the powerful son, four people have now died, and the matter has already become a big deal. Under this circumstance, the public would naturally not think that Zhang Ziling would not dare to kill them.

It makes no difference whether four die or more die.

It is possible to die at any time, leaving the dudes in the room with extreme psychological torture, which is even more painful than physical pain.

However, all this is the best result for Mu Yang.

This time Mu Yang completely admitted his plantation, gave up resistance, and began to figure out how to retaliate against Zhang Ziling after returning to Mu's house.

Although he can't move Mu Ke on the face, Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang are nothing but teachers and students of Baishi Academy in his opinion. As long as they are not in Baishi Academy, there are ways to kill them.

It's just that before I go back, I may have to be beaten.

Mu Yang thought in his heart, hating Zhang Ziling more and more.


Suddenly, a powerful young man knelt down to Zhang Ziling, washing his face in tears.

"I, I'm wrong! Please, please forgive me, Senior! My father is the elder of Zhao's family, Senior, you let me go, I can give you what you want!" The young man cried and begged Zhang Ziling for mercy, and his spirit was broken.

The first one kneeled down and begged for mercy, the second one.

These dudes have been making fun in Red Leaf City all year round, and have already put their cultivation aside, and many of them have never seen such **** scenes.

There are servants who die in front of them on weekdays, and they don't even blink their eyes, showing their coldness.

But when death fell on their own heads, they felt the fear of death, but they were more cowardly than anyone else.

One by one, the young princes and ladies in the room soon all knelt down to Zhang Ziling, crying and confessing their mistakes, begging Zhang Ziling to spare them their lives.

Xie Wushuang, who was behind Zhang Ziling, saw the cowardly look of everyone begging for mercy, and a trace of boredom flashed in his eyes, with killing intent surging in his heart.

Humble ants!

Mu Ke, who retreated to the distance, heard the cry of the crowd, but he couldn't bear it.

Although she was very angry when she heard these people insulting herself before, she wished to kill all these people with the sword. But when MOOC saw that these people didn't even want their dignity, and just wanted to survive, they felt that they were extremely pitiful.

After all, Mu Ke was a teenage girl, and she couldn't help it.

This kind of person, even if they survive, has no meaning at all.

Naturally, there is no point in killing them.

Of course, Zhang Ziling would not change his mind easily just because the young people begged for mercy, and even the kneeling of these people did not make Zhang Ziling's heart a little turmoil.

In Zhang Ziling's heart, these people have already been classified.

What should be done is still to be done.

Must impress these people.

To...engrave deeply in the soul.

"He, he, he, he..." Zhang Ziling pointed to four of them, and the kneeling dudes were taken aback for a while, and the crying stopped abruptly.

"Six of you, whoever kills one of the four of them will be fine." Zhang Ziling said softly, making the young ladies who heard Zhang Ziling's words chill all over.

This this……

What are you going to do?

"Whoever didn't do it would destroy the shrine and abolish his limbs."

Zhang Ziling chuckled, and the voice shocked everyone. The four people named by Zhang Ziling were even more pale, with fear in their eyes.

They are going to kill themselves!

Those who were not named began to hesitate.

"What are you doing? Don't be provoked by him, that guy wants you to kill each other!" Mu Yang didn't seem to want to see his comrades kill each other and shouted.

"When you shouldn't talk, don't talk." Zhang Ziling glanced at Mu Yang lightly, and a black air blade flew out from his fingertips, easily cutting off Mu Yang's left arm.

Blood gushing.


Mu Yang's beheaded arm completely stimulated the young princes in the room. The six young men who had not been named showed hideous faces, and they slaughtered the other four without hesitation.

If you don't kill them, you will die!

"What are you doing?"



A stern howl echoed in the room, the six figures seemed to have completely released the demons in their bodies, and they acted mercilessly. Even the superpower princess who looked great did not hesitate to stab her sword into her companion. Her heart was splashed with blood.

That person even Mu Yang dared to act mercilessly... The huge fear made them realize that they were in a desperate situation now.

If they don’t do it, they will die...

Everyone wants to live!

Killing others can survive, and they can do it without hesitation.

The cruel fight in the room continued. The only two young men who didn't utter foul language watched their companions biting each other in horror, their bodies trembling slightly.

Outside the private room, Tiemu and the landlord Lin witnessed everything with their own eyes, and their bodies trembled involuntarily, and their eyes looked at Zhang Ziling with infinite fear.

At this moment, they only have one comment on Zhang Ziling...

The devil crawling out of the abyss!


Just as Zhang Ziling watched those people fighting together, a cold snort sounded in the room, and an incomparably terrifying aura filled the room, oppressing everyone, and immediately interrupting the fighting in the room.

When the host Tie Mu and Lin outside the room heard the cold snort, their expressions changed and they couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice.

"Mu Renxiong!"

Mu Renxiong, the eight-fold powerhouse of the True Martial Realm, the deputy head of the Mu family, the terrifying powerhouse standing at the top of the Pyramid in the Desolate Region!

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