Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1415: Storm bred

There was an extremely depressive aura in the room. Mu Renxiong's powerful aura made all the dandies who were fighting in the room stiff and afraid to move.

In this short period of time, two dudes have been torn to pieces by the six young masters, and two more bruised. It seems that they will soon be divided by the six.

After Mu Yang heard the dull shout, instead of any joy, there was fear in the depths of his eyes.

Mu Renxiong...

It's Mu Ke's father!

Thinking of the things he did today, Mu Yang didn't think he could eat good fruit in the hands of this uncle.

Although they are all members of the same family, the feelings between family members are really weak to the extreme.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for Mu Yang to let Tiemu deal with the commotion at the city gate so decisively, in an attempt to kill Mu Ke.

However, when Mu Yang saw his broken arm on the ground, the fear in his eyes disappeared again.

If Mu Renxiong does not come, Mu Yang believes that the lunatic who is still sitting in the chair will definitely dare to kill him!

Mu Renxiong is here, although he will have a lot of suffering in the future, but he still has his life back.

Thinking of this, Mu Yang's tight nerves relaxed slightly.

Using spiritual power to stop his blood from splashing, Mu Yang's eyes flashed endless resentment.

As long as he returns to Mu's house this time, he swears...

Zhang Ziling must be given revenge thousands of times!

Mu Renxiong slowly appeared in the room at this time, with short black hair and cold eyes, and his whole person looked full of masculinity.

Zhang Ziling glanced at Mu Renxiong, and could feel Mu Renxiong's explosive power from under Mu Renxiong's muscles.

"Deputy Patriarch Mu!" Tiemu and Louzhu Lin rushed into the room and saluted Mu Renxiong.

Mu Renxiong nodded slightly to the two, and then gloomily looked at the people in Yajian.

"Father..." Mu Ke saw Mu Renxiong appear, and the whole person was quite flustered.

After all, the scene in this elegant room is really chaotic.

Mu Renxiong's serious expression only eased slightly after seeing Mu Ke, but Mu Renxiong's relaxation did not last long before he became extremely calm again.

He naturally knew Mu Yang's small moves behind his back, but Mu Ren's ambition also tested Zhang Ziling's meaning as a Mu Ke tutor.

However, Mu Renxiong did not expect that Zhang Ziling had stabbed such a big basket in Tianyuelou!

Had it not been for the small servant of Tianyue Tower who had come to Mu's family to report and was intercepted by him, he would not have been able to temporarily suppress this matter.

The sons of several top forces in Hongye City were killed. Even Mu Yang's arm was cut off. If he didn't show up again, it is estimated that Mu Yang's life would not be saved.

This appearance is the core disciple of the Great Elder's line. Their status is similar to that of Mu Renxiong's line. If Mu Yang is dead, even Mu Renxiong can't handle this matter well.

Therefore, the appearance can not die!

Therefore, Mu Renxiong had to come forward to stop Zhang Ziling from continuing.

Only the teachers of Baishi Academy are so decisive and vicious to start, and they also have a way of manipulating people's hearts. Just a few words from the gate of the city to publicly intimidate Tiemu to the Tianyue Tower and let the dudes kill each other. Judging from the matter, Mu Renxiong knew that Zhang Ziling was definitely not an annoying fellow.

Seven or eight noble princes have already died in this elegant room, and the follow-up processing alone is extremely troublesome.

Other forces absolutely want Zhang Ziling to pay for his life. Mu Yang's father, Mu Tu, will certainly not give up, and Zhang Ziling is Mu Ke's mentor, and he has the power to kill the Qi family's Zhenwu realm powerhouse.

All these factors were entangled, so Mu Renxiong didn't know how to deal with it.

These troubles were entangled, and Mu Renxiong couldn't have a good face at all.

"Little brother, you have done this before." Mu Renxiong said to Zhang Ziling with a sullen face. Even Mu Renxiong's eyes were shocked to see the scenes of dudes killing each other.

For Mu Renxiong's words, Zhang Ziling smiled and said lightly: "You came out a little earlier."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Mu Renxiong's expression changed slightly, and he quickly said, "What do you mean?"

"I originally planned to kill that guy. After all, he was murderous against Mu Ke." Zhang Ziling pointed at Mu Yang who had broken his arm, making Mu Yang pale with fright.

"Uncle, save me!" Mu Yang couldn't care too much, and quickly asked Mu Renxiong for help.

Mu Renxiong glanced at Mu Yang coldly, but still blocked Zhang Ziling's sight to Mu Yang.

Seeing Mu Renxiong's behavior, Zhang Ziling smiled and put his hand back.

"However, since you are here, presumably you won't let these people die anymore, I will sell you a face." Zhang Ziling smiled, facing Mu Renxiong's momentum without panic, "After all, this is you. The daughter's business."

"Of course, it may soon become my business."

Having said that, Zhang Ziling stood up, waved to Mu Ke, and said, "Keer, you go back to Mu's house with your father first. It is estimated that the two of us won't be able to live in Mu's house anymore, so we need to send me a direct message."

"This visit will be avoided."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Muke suddenly looked embarrassed and quickly called out guiltily: "Teacher..."

After all, this matter started because of her, and Mu Ke could also imagine the troubles that followed. If his teacher and junior brother were to bear the anger of the major forces, Mu Ke could not do it.

"Don't worry, we will find a place to live by ourselves." Zhang Ziling smiled, seemingly not at all concerned about the revenge we will encounter next.

Zhang Ziling's decision not to go to the Mu's house also had his own considerations. After all, the Mu's house was not alone in Mu's family. With Mu Yang in the Mu's house, Zhang Ziling might encounter a lot of unnecessary troubles while staying there.

Zhang Ziling is not the kind of person who asks for trouble. He has to stay in Hongye City for a while. There are some meaningless troubles that can be avoided. There is no need to cause trouble.

"Ke, listen to your teacher." After Mu Renxiong heard Zhang Ziling's proposal, he immediately figured out the key point, looked at Zhang Ziling for a few minutes, and said to Mu Ke in a deep voice.

Hearing what his father said, Mu Ke also opened his mouth, and finally stopped saying anything.

Although Mu Ke escaped, he still dared not defy his father.

As long as Zhang Ziling did not go to the Mu's house, the trouble would not provoke the Mu's house, and the big forces in the city would only point the finger at Zhang Ziling. Mu Renxiong, who has no worries, would naturally be able to help in the dark and help Zhang Ziling out of danger. Component.

With this in mind, Mu Renxiong would naturally not let Mu Ke continue to follow Zhang Ziling, and now bringing Mu Ke back to Mu's house is undoubtedly the safest way for Mu Ke.

Moreover, this is currently the best treatment method.

He Mu Renxiong alone could not withstand the pressure of most of the top forces in Hongye City plus the Mu family elders.

It is the best and easiest choice to let Zhang Ziling go out alone to bear all this.

After all, it was Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang who did it from beginning to end, and the anger of other forces could not be cast on Mu Ke.

Of course, all of this is Mu Renxiong's own inference.

If Mu Renxiong knew that Zhang Ziling didn't want to live in Mu's house and accept Mu Renxiong's blessing just because he didn't want to be harassed by Mu Yang's trash, I'm afraid Mu Renxiong would be dumbfounded.

Zhang Ziling did not pay attention to all the forces in Hongye City from beginning to end.

Without thinking, Zhang Ziling waved to Mu Ke, Xie Wushuang also got up and left with Zhang Ziling at the moment.

When he was about to leave the room, Zhang Ziling stopped again, walked to a powerful young man covered in blood, whispered something in his ear, and then patted that dude's shoulder and walked with a smile. Got out.

And the dude who was slapped on the shoulder by Zhang Ziling stayed in place after hearing what Zhang Ziling said to him, his body trembled slightly, and the fear in his eyes could not be erased.

When the other dudes saw the person trembling, they also had a bad feeling in their hearts.

this matter……

It seems it is not over yet.

Until Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang left, the entire room was still extremely quiet.

Mu Renxiong was not in the mood to pay attention to what Zhang Ziling had said. He glanced at the endgame in the room and sighed heavily. He quickly ordered the Mu family to come and take all the injured out for treatment. The entire Tianyue Tower was blocked, and the major forces were notified of what happened to the Tianyue Tower.

There is no way to hide this.

Mu Ke and Mu Yang were taken back to Mu's house by Mu Renxiong and were put under house arrest.

Seeing the appearance of the broken arm, Mu Tu's anger also shocked the entire Mu family.

A huge storm has already begun to bred in Hongye City.

In Red Leaf City, in the loose repair market not far from Tianyue Tower, Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang strolled around the market in Red Leaf City.

"What did you say to that guy?" Xie Wushuang asked while looking at Zhang Ziling with a smile.

"It's nothing." Zhang Ziling walked forward while playing with the gadgets he bought from a certain stall, "Just to tell him that the four dudes did not die in a day, and my words are still valid."

Xie Wushuang paused, then shook his head, smiled, and followed.

"As expected to be the Devil Emperor."

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