Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1416: Movie business

The storm between the top powers of Hongye City has not yet blown Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang.

When Mu Renxiong was desperate, Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang were still wandering in the loose repair market in Hongye City.

It's not because Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang want to find some treasures in the casual repair market. After all, with the status of Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang, there are not many things that can attract them on the Xuanxiao Continent, and Items of that grade are not accessible to ordinary casual repairers.

Zhang Ziling came to this loose repair market mainly because this loose repair market is the place where news of Red Leaf City circulates the most. When strolling in this market, Zhang Ziling can also get a lot of news.

The revenge of the major forces will definitely come, but there will be a delay for a while, Zhang Ziling is not anxious about this, just wait slowly.

He and Xie Wushuang came to this Red Leaf City, and visiting Mu's family was just one of the things. The most important thing was to investigate things about ancient magic.

In the matter of the ancient gods, Zhang Ziling didn’t know what was wrong with Xie Wushuang. He wanted him to track down the ancient gods without telling him the details of the ancient gods, so he had to investigate them without clue. It made it more difficult for him to track down.

Although Zhang Ziling had already come into contact with the gods on Earth, Zhang Ziling had never seen alive the ancient gods of the Xuanxiao Continent except for the refusal. Zhang Ziling was not very clear about these things about the ancient gods.

Xie Wushuang has lived for endless years, and Zhang Ziling, the secret of Xuanxiao Continent, estimated that Xie Wushuang had almost understood it, but why Xie Wushuang was tight-lipped about this matter, which was also Zhang Ziling's doubts.

On the back of this world, something Zhang Ziling did not know must be gestating.

Moreover, it must be something even more terrifying than the ancient **** king!

Xie Wushuang knew about that thing, and Heavenly Dao knew about it, even Ye Zhiqing and Lin Mofan, who had betrayed the Demon Palace, knew about it...

It was clear that the secret was in front of him, but Zhang Ziling was unable to touch it. This kind of aggrieved feeling made Zhang Ziling quite helpless.

"I said Xie Wushuang..."

Zhang Ziling stopped suddenly, turned around absently and asked Xie Wushuang, "Is there something secret? It's not that you don't want to tell, but you can't tell, or..."

"Dare to say?"

Zhang Ziling suddenly asked these words, and Xie Wushuang also stopped, staring at Zhang Ziling quietly, but said nothing.

The atmosphere between the two seemed to have cooled down at this moment, incompatible with the lively pedestrians around them.

After a while, Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang looked at each other with a smile, and walked side by side again.

Xie Wushuang did not answer, and Zhang Ziling did not ask again.

As for what they were thinking about, no one knew.

"Two little brothers, I think you two have been shopping in this market for a long time. You must have extremely high vision. Would you like to take a look at my shop?" At this time, a thin old man smiled When he came to Zhang Ziling and Xie Wu both sides, he rubbed his hands and smiled at them, looking rather wretched.

"No." Zhang Ziling refused softly.

Not to mention that Zhang Ziling itself has no need for treasures. Even if there is, this kind of proactive search is almost a liar. Zhang Ziling has no interest in wasting time with a liar.

Being rejected by Zhang Ziling, the thin old man was not annoyed, and continued to stalker: "Don't get me wrong, two of you, our shop is different from these stalls outside. Normal customers are not eligible to enter our shop."

"Oh?" Zhang Ziling became interested when he heard the thin old man's words, raising his eyebrows slightly.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's interest, the light in the eyes of the thin old man seemed to brighten, and he quickly said, "Presumably two of you thought I was a liar, but I was not. Because our shop has a strange rule, no vision, vulgarity, and Waste guests will not be accepted at all. So we have to find good and discerning customers by ourselves."

"The two have extraordinary temperaments, and they must not be ordinary people, I just found them." The thin old man gave a flattering without leaving a trace.

Zhang Ziling is not interested in these compliments. On the bright side, Zhang Ziling is only the cultivation base of the Heavenly Palace Realm, and Xie Wushuang is also the Nirvana Realm. Such cultivation bases are placed in the giant city of Hongye City. It can be said that they can be seen everywhere. Even if it's not extraordinary.

This thin old man is likely to be a liar.

Without paying any attention, Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang walked straight forward.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling was not on the hook, the thin old man immediately became anxious, and hurriedly pulled Zhang Ziling's sleeves and said in a low voice, "As long as you have money, we can even sell you emperor magic artifacts!"

Hearing the words of the thin old man, Zhang Ziling paused slightly, then looked at the thin old man and asked, "Film business?"

Movie merchants in the Xuanxiao Continent refer to those merchants who specialize in shameful activities. Most of the treasures in their hands are obtained by murdering people, even the people of the emperor's ethics dare to move.

Every treasure in their hands is a hot potato. Once exposed to the outside world, they will be wanted by many forces.

However, although the film merchants are not able to see, they are also very discerning when they start. They basically pick the heirs of the big forces or people who have just come out of the secret realm. All of them have a lot of good treasures in their hands, and even many families. There are secret techniques that are not secreted by the film merchants.

Although those treasures are shameful, many people still venture to buy from film dealers, using those treasures as life-saving cards.

However, although the movie dealers are not easy to deal with, they are still very strict when choosing customers. Some customers who can reveal their secrets or traces will refuse to trade.

As soon as Zhang Ziling said what he said, the slender old man's eyes changed instantly, and it was obviously Zhang Ziling said.

"Brother has a good eye! We have a batch of imperial arts and immortal artifacts in our hands now, is my brother interested?" The thin old man instantly regarded Zhang Ziling as a knowledgeable person and asked directly.

Those who know that movie dealers can still be so calm, the thin old man doesn't need to think about Zhang Ziling is the kind of big customer who often deals with movie dealers.

Although the film dealer is very famous, it is also spread among a few people. The average person rarely knows the existence of the film dealer. This thin old man has handled a lot of goods in this casual repair market, and this is the first time he has been directly caught Debunked the identity.

If it is placed in the past, Zhang Ziling is naturally very interested in the things of the film merchants. After all, the film merchants are unforgettable opportunities. Many people want to meet the film merchants without any way. Zhang Ziling used to save a lot of life cards. Bought it from a movie dealer.

However, Zhang Ziling does not need emperor skills and immortal implements now, what the thin old man said is not at all attractive to Zhang Ziling.

"Sorry, I don't have any need for emperor art or immortal tools. You should find someone else." Zhang Ziling smiled at the lean old man and refused again.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's refusal, the lean old man panicked. After all, it was difficult for their film dealers to find a reliable customer. Before, he pulled Zhang Ziling just to try, and first sell some ordinary prices to explore the way.

But now it's hard to meet someone who knows how to do it. Naturally, those hot potatoes can sell as much as they can.

After all, what a movie business deals with is a deal that takes a few years, and a big, knowledgeable customer is very important to them.

"Brother, do you think about it again?" The thin old man didn't want to give up. "The emperor art and the immortal weapon are both top-grade. As a life-saving trump card, there is absolutely no loss!"

"Not interested." Zhang Ziling shook his head, gently shaking away the lean old man's hand, ready to leave.

Looking at the back of Zhang Ziling, the thin old man gritted his teeth fiercely, and is not interested in imperial arts. Obviously, he is a disciple from the imperial family tradition. This kind of person has grown up under the soaking of holy medicine since he was young, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Both are extremely expensive, and their shots are extremely generous, and they are not bad at all.

The lean old man naturally doesn't want to give up such a rare big customer.

It must be done!

"Two brothers, we also caught a god!"

The words of the thin old man spread to Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang's ears, and Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang stopped immediately.

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