Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1422: Finger homicide

Seeing Zhang Ziling picking up the mysterious gold coin he had thrown away, Mingyueli thought Zhang Ziling had acknowledged it and chuckled: "It seems that the guests are also aware of current affairs!"

Zhang Ziling got up and smiled without speaking.

"Lao Guo, you used to take the guest's space ring, the monster plus these expensive goods, I believe the property in the guest's space ring is enough to buy all these things." Mingyueli said without hesitation, putting Zhang Ziling on her body All things are treated as things in the bag.

Zhang Ziling is a disciple of the Emperor's Taoism inheritance, and he must have a lot of hole cards and weird methods. This is also the important reason why Mingyueli requires a legion of tens of thousands of people to encircle Zhang Ziling to prevent Zhang Ziling from escaping.

Moreover, if it is not necessary, it is natural to kill Zhang Ziling without killing Zhang Ziling. After all, the disciple of the Dimen Taoist inheritance will be killed, and the people in his school will know immediately, and it will alarm the supreme power of the Dimen Taoist. , Their film dealers will probably have endless troubles.

Let Zhang Ziling go back alive and bring the strong over, it is better than the supreme strong of the Dimen Taoist lineage directly.

The movie businessmen, who kill people and make money, all have the means to hide themselves. After doing this ticket and changing their status, no one will find them!

"Yes!" The thin old man replied, and then walked towards Zhang Ziling with a smile.

Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang were the prey he found. After this ticket was completed, the lean old man believed that his status in the film merchants must rise by a big margin.

Although Mingyueli must swallow the big head of the credit, as long as the lean old man drinks some soup, it will be enough to digest for a long time.

"Brother, give me the space ring." The thin old man walked to Zhang Ziling and directly reached out to Zhang Ziling.

Surrounded by a legion of tens of thousands of people, there are real martial arts powers on their side. With such a clear situation, the thin old man believes that as long as Zhang Ziling is not swayed by anger, he should know how to choose.

What's more, the sons of the inheritance of the Emperor's Taoism are the elites among the elites. Even if they encounter this kind of thing, their criteria is still to save their lives!

The lean old man believed that Zhang Ziling was smart and knew how to choose.

Zhang Ziling looked at the lean old man and said softly, "Did you... take it?"

Zhang Ziling placed the mysterious gold coin in the palm of the thin old man.

The lean old man was a little surprised, and didn't understand what Zhang Ziling meant by this sentence.

How much can a mysterious gold coin weigh?

The lean old man still stretched out his hands, thinking about what Zhang Ziling said.

However, when the lean old man saw that his palm was falling off his arm without warning, and blood was splashing out, the unbearable pain caused the lean old man to exhale his headache.

The mysterious gold coin... actually cut off his hand without warning!


He really dare to do it?

Mingyueli's eyes became completely cold when she saw an accident with the thin old man.

This desperate lunatic!

"Since you insist on seeking death, you can't blame me...give it to me!" Mingyueli yelled coldly, and the surrounding monks rushed towards Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang, shouting and killing.

All Zhang Ziling's belongings are in the space ring. Mingyueli is not worried that the space ring will be lost after the legion crushes Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang to pieces.

The army of tens of thousands of cultivators attacked together, and even true martial arts cultivators couldn't bear it, let alone a heavenly palace and a Nirvana cultivator.

Even if they are disciples of the emperor's Taoism inheritance, Mingyueli would bet that Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang could not even hold the first round of attacks!

However, things did not develop as Mingyueli had imagined. Faced with a legion of tens of thousands of people, the expressions of Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang did not change at all!

"Forcing it?" Mingyueli muttered in a low voice, Zhang Ziling's calmness caused a bad feeling in his heart.

Could it be...

Are there other strong people hiding around here?

Mingyue was shocked in the eccentricity and quickly looked around.

When he was suspicious in Mingyue's eccentricity, the thin old man was shot through the head with a mysterious gold coin by Zhang Ziling while howling.

The corpse of the lean old man fell to the ground, and tens of thousands of monks attacked immediately.

Faced with the attack from the Shadow Merchant Corps, Zhang Ziling did not rush, and after burning the thin old man's body, he snapped his fingers lightly.


Ten Supreme Rules.

The real way.

Way of death.

Without the slightest warning, half of the tens of thousands of legions were turned into fragments, and all the attacks disappeared at this moment.

The terrifying cry of killing suddenly disappeared at this moment.

The Azure Demon Forest, which had suddenly become somewhat empty, fell into a dead silence.

Mingyueli was stunned, she couldn't believe her eyes.

That half of people... how did they die?

"People, people?"

In the legion, someone suddenly asked such a question. The scene where the companion suddenly disappeared into fragments was very strange.

Everyone was completely filled with doubts.

"Actually, I don't want to make the scene too bloody. After all, this place is still too close to Hongye City. If there is too much blood, it will cause me a lot of trouble."

Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Mingyueli's ear, pulling Mingyueli back from the shock.

"After all, you people, a snap of your fingers is enough." Zhang Ziling looked at Mingyueli and smiled.

At this moment, Mingyueli looked at Zhang Ziling's eyes with endless fear.

"You, what did you do?" Mingyueli asked Zhang Ziling in horror, her body trembling.

Nearly 20,000 cultivators disappeared into fragments at the same time, without even leaving blood, Mingyueli couldn't even be sure whether those people died!

He had never seen such a weird method.

"I didn't do anything." Zhang Ziling walked slowly towards Mingyueli, "just sent them to hell."

"However, the method is gentler, so that they will die without pain."

"Oh—I'm still too kind."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Mingyue's pupils shrank suddenly, and she fell to the ground with fright.

"You, don't come over!" Mingyueli kept moving her buttocks back, trying to stay away from Zhang Ziling.

The means Zhang Ziling showed, instantly caused Mingyueli to collapse.

This time, the killing was overwhelming, and it hit the iron plate!

After seeing Zhang Ziling's methods, the powerful real martial artist hiding in the legion finally understood that Zhang Ziling was an easy character, and began to quietly retreat.

At this critical moment, saving one's life must be the most important thing.

However, before the True Martial Realm powerhouse acted, Zhang Ziling was in the process of stepping forward, and half of the monks dissipated into fragments, including the two True Martial Realm powerhouses.

Feeling that the aura of one's own powerhouse is getting less and less, even the aura of the two True Martial Realm powerhouses suddenly disappeared.

Fear, suddenly covered Mingyueli's face!

"Weird, monster!"

Mingyueli's screams resounded through the Green Demon Forest!

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