Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1423: Liyun escaped!

There are already less than 10,000 monks in the Shadow Merchant Legion. Although their numbers still seem to be a lot, everyone's faces no longer have confidence or indifferent expressions.

Zhang Ziling's methods of killing had completely defeated all of them.

The Shadow Merchant Legion now completely lacks the courage to fight, even unable to hold the weapons in their hands.

However, no one escaped.

It's not that they don't want to escape, but Zhang Ziling's momentum on them makes them dare not escape at all!

"You, don't come here!" Mingyueli retreated to the cage where Liyun was held, holding the switch of the cage with one hand, looking at Zhang Ziling in horror, her voice trembling.

Now Mingyueli regretted that she couldn't restrain her inner greed and wanted to swallow all the belongings of Zhang Ziling.

This guy from the emperor's orthodoxy, the strength has exceeded his imagination!

This tens of thousands of legions with powerhouses in the True Martial Realm could easily crush anyone below the seventh level of the True Martial Realm, and even the monks above the seventh level of the True Martial Realm, they have the power to fight!

However, Ming Yueli didn't even see how Zhang Ziling did it, but found that his legion was almost dead.

Seeing Mingyueli holding the switch that held Liyun's cage, Zhang Ziling stopped.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling did not approach him anymore, a glimmer of fortune flashed in Mingyueli's eyes, and the fear on his face was also diluted.

At least, the other party still has a handle on him.

This monster was purchased by the other party with one billion profound gold coins. It must be very important. If you release this monster by yourself, the other party will definitely suffer serious losses!

After figuring it out, Mingyueli firmly held the cage switch with that hand and looked at Zhang Ziling and shouted: "If you dare to come closer, I will open the monster's cage, and then everyone will have fun together!"

When they captured Liyun, they dispatched an army of 100,000 people! Moreover, Mingyueli could clearly see that Liyun was in a state of serious injury at that time, and even his sanity was no longer clear. The counterattack was completely instinctive anger.

But even so, their army of 100,000 people was only able to catch Li Yun and imprison it after seven or eight deaths.

How powerful Liyun is, Mingyueli knows better than anyone!

As long as this monster is released, no one can stop it!

Li Yun, who was detained in the cage, heard Mingyueli's words, and it was also a flash of inspiration, and immediately said to Mingyueli in a deep voice: "Mortal, as long as you release me, I will save you from the fire."

Li Yun's voice echoed in the green demon forest, with a trace of divinity!

"Really, really?" Mingyue was shocked when she heard Liyun's words, and asked quickly, with a flash of joy in her eyes.

In despair, to see a glimmer of hope, Mingyueli will not give up.

Zhang Ziling's strength was beyond his imagination, and Mingyueli didn't think he could escape by holding the switch of the cage that held Liyun.

Using Zhang Ziling's method, Mingyueli believed that as long as Zhang Ziling was willing, he had the means to kill himself before he opened the cage.

What he did now was just a short respite for himself.

If Liyun is released, with the power of Liyun, if he fights with Zhang Ziling... Mingyueli feels that he can still survive!

Now Mingyueli can no longer care about any property, as long as he can survive, he is willing to do anything.

"Of course! Mortals, I don't have much time for you. I don't care about your offense to me!" Li Yun's dull voice continued to sound in Mingyueli's ears, trying to make Mingyueli open his cage as soon as possible.

Now Li Yun's injuries caused by the ancient magic summoning error had almost recovered, but because the cage made by the profound iron **** gold trapped him, Li Yun had no way to condense his divine power.

If Mingyueli was killed by Zhang Ziling, Liyun didn't believe Zhang Ziling would let him out.

What Li Yun has to do now is to induce Mingyue Li to open the cage that locks her.

As long as he comes out by himself, all the mortals who offend him here...

All! Got it! dead!

Now... just slowly induce.

Li Yun's golden eyes stared at Mingyueli, as if to bring Mingyueli into the abyss.

Mingyueli stared at Liyun's golden eyes, swallowed slightly, her body began to tremble slightly, her hands touching the cage switch were already sweaty.

He has no other choice.

Zhang Ziling looked at Mingyueli and Liyun with interest, and did not say anything to stop or do anything else.

For Zhang Ziling, he also wanted to release Liyun in the end. No matter what Mingyue is doing now, it has no influence on Zhang Ziling.

On the contrary, Zhang Ziling looked at Mingyueli's hesitant and struggling expression, and there was a hint of joy in his heart.

Human heart...

It took an extremely high price to capture Liyun. It stands to reason that the two sides have now forged a deep hatred, but now Mingyueli is the only one that can rely on... but Liyun is left.

Presumably Li Yun also understood his current situation, so he didn't immediately release Li Yun.

He wasn't sure if Li Yun would retaliate against him after Li Yun came out.

"Mortal, what are you still hesitating? The enemy you are facing is not something you can solve. Only by letting me take action can we solve all this perfectly."

"If you hesitate any more, maybe you will have nothing."

"He will kill all of you!"

Li Yun Jian Ming Yue Li did not turn on the switch for a long time, and he couldn't help feeling a little irritable.

After all, Mingyueli was grasping the switch of this **** cage now. If Mingyueli died, then his hope of escape would become extremely slim.

Without supernatural power, it is after all fish meat that can be slaughtered.

He has had enough of the life of being held in a cage by a group of mortals!

He wants to come out... and kill everyone here!

"I, I..." Mingyueli was awakened by Liyun's words, and then quickly looked at Zhang Ziling.

Li Yun's voice kept echoing in Mingyueli's mind.

When Mingyueli saw the cold killing intent in Zhang Ziling's eyes, all of Mingyueli's sanity was completely swallowed by fear.

Do not open the cage... only death!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! You die!" Mingyueli's eyes turned red, roaring loudly, and directly opened the switch of the cage.

Seeing Mingyueli's movements, Zhang Ziling and Liyun laughed at the same time.


Along with a roar, the cage that closed Liyun was completely opened, and the chain that locked Liyun was also broken by Liyun at this moment.

The body nearly ten meters away from the cloud stood up, looking like a little giant.

The earth began to shake.

Li Yun smiled and looked around, the water mist around his body, and the endless divine power began to be poured into his body.

"My Shui Youshen Liyun... is back."

"You need... to welcome my return."

Li Yun raised his head and roared, his voice blasted into the sky, and even Hongye City, a hundred miles away, could hear clearly, and countless powerful men were startled!

The earth began to shake, the ground of the Green Demon Forest cracked, and the surrounding giant trees fell one after another.

Mingyueli was flew out with the momentum of Liyun, rolling dozens of times on the ground before she could stop it.

When Mingyueli got up, her face was already bloodstained.

"Good, so strong!"

Mingyueli looked at Liyun's tall figure with fear in her eyes.

Zhang Ziling looked at the rising power of Li Yun, his eyes flashed red.


He got in touch with the **** king!

The remaining legions all around looked at Liyun in horror, couldn't help the fear in their hearts, and threw away their weapons and fled.

None of them had seen Liyun's complete form. They really couldn't imagine that the monsters they had imprisoned had such a powerful strength!

Li Yun laughed and looked down at the cultivators scattered in the Azure Demon Forest with cold eyes, with water flowing in his fingertips.

Don't even try to escape!

"Great waterfall burial."

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