Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1424: I bought you


Outside the Green Demon Forest, there was a loud roar, causing the earth to start shaking.

It seemed that something terrible was about to strike.

The monks running behind suddenly saw the monks in front turning around and running towards them, their eyes were full of doubts, and they were taken aback for a while.

"What are they doing?"

However, when they saw the flood roaring from behind the monks, their doubts were completely replaced by fear.

The flood came, and no one survived wherever it swept.

"Help, help!" The monks yelled in panic and fled back madly, but still did not escape the fate of being swallowed up by the flood.

The floods roaring from all directions completely submerged the Green Demon Forest, and countless creatures were washed to pieces in the wailing, desperate wailing, accompanied by the roar of the flood, echoing in the world.

Li Yun laughed, enjoying the desperate howling of those mortal people.

To be caught by a mortal is an endless humiliation for Li Yun and he needs to vent as much as he can.

Mingyueli watched in horror as the caravan was swallowed by the flood, and watched the endless waves invading her.

"It's over..." Mingyueli didn't believe that she could survive this flood.

Xie Wushuang glanced at the flood that was rushing around him, smiled lightly, and fell directly in front of Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling turned to look at Xie Wushuang, his eyes calm.

"I don't have the ability to withstand attacks of this level right now." Xiewu spread his hands in both directions, and stayed beside Zhang Ziling comfortably.

Obviously, although this flood might be powerful, it did not pose any threat to Zhang Ziling.

"Destroy it!"

Liyun's arrogant laughter echoed in the sky, and endless divine power surged around.

Zhang Ziling can clearly feel that although Liyun's divine power attribute is different from recruiting, in essence...

It's all the same.

"Is the **** in charge of three thousand weak waters? Interesting." Zhang Ziling looked at Li Yun with a chuckle, the flood that rushed from all directions hit the barrier that did not know when it rose, and the flood was blocked outside. .

Hundreds of monks remained alive in the enchantment, and they looked at the rushing flood outside with lingering fears, and saw that everything outside was strangled by the flood.

This was the first time they clearly felt the destruction brought by water.

Mingyueli also happened to be in the barrier of Zhang Ziling. Looking at the flood that was blocked outside the barrier, Mingyueli's legs trembled slightly, and wetness appeared between the two strands.

This is the first time Mingyue is so close to death.

In the indirect fight between Zhang Ziling and Li Yun, Li Yun understood...This was no longer a field they could reach.

Are they saints?

The thought of bringing tens of thousands of people around is like robbing a saint... Mingyueli couldn't wait to slap herself twice.

Now that others are trapped in this enchantment and can't get out, Mingyueli can't see any hope for her escape at all!

The first thing that Liyun came out was to make their movie dealers dead and wounded. Mingyueli knew that it was a wrong choice to let Liyun come out, and to rob Zhang Ziling was also a wrong choice!

Now that he is still alive, it's completely that Li Yun hasn't taken care of himself, so he can linger for a while.

Whether it is Zhang Ziling or Liyun, whichever side of them wins, they have no hope of living.

Everything... is over.

Thinking of this, Mingyueli actually burst into tears, feeling desperate.

"Huh?" Li Yun found that the flood was blocked, his eyes were also narrowed, and he looked at Zhang Ziling.

"This humble ant can actually block my great waterfall burial?" Li Yun looked at Zhang Ziling and said softly, her golden eyes could not help becoming serious.

"Mortal, don't you surrender to me?"

The voice of Liyun echoed in this space. Although the barrier under Zhang Ziling's cloth blocked the flood that Li Yun summoned, in the eyes of Li Yun...Zhang Ziling's barrier was still vulnerable.

"Surrender?" Zhang Ziling raised his eyes to look at Liyun, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "How do you think you came out?"

"My recovery is God's will. This is an irreversible thing." Li Yun's fingertips were entangled with flowing water again, and his divine power surged in Liyun's body.

"Mortal, you have offended the gods several times, and you have not changed it after repeated teachings. It really disappointed me."

A water arrow shot at Zhang Ziling and passed over Zhang Ziling's cheek, causing the ground behind Zhang Ziling to collapse.

"Tsk tusk..." Xie Wushuang looked at the broken ground behind Zhang Ziling and shook his head, his eyes full of jokes.

"But mortals, I will give you one last chance." Li Yun's huge voice blasted in Zhang Ziling's ears, still carrying endless divine power.

Li Yun valued Zhang Ziling's strength.

Since Li Yun recovered, there are still many things he needs to do. Although Li Yun doesn’t want to admit it, he still has to face the fact that the Xuanxiao Continent is now ruled by mortals. He needs mortals to do many things. help.

Zhang Ziling has good strength, in the eyes of Li Yun, he is capable of serving as his servant.

To be a servant of God, in the eyes of Li Yun, that is the supreme glory.

Zhang Ziling dismissed his words only because he had not seen the power of God.

"As long as you have seen my power, you will understand...As a servant of God, you will reap the lofty glory!"

Liyun opened his arms, and countless water dragons surged from the earth, surging around.

The power of God was thoroughly demonstrated in front of Zhang Ziling.

Many of the monks in the enchantment were swallowed by the water dragon at this moment, with no bones left.

"The **** of mercy! The **** of mercy!"

"We are willing to follow the gods!"

"Hope the gods bestow us with supreme honor!"

Some monks saw those water dragons raging in the barrier, and sooner or later they would die under the water dragon. Under the duress of death, they knelt down to Liyun one after another, wanting to become Liyun's servants.

And those who knelt to Liyun, the water dragons that attacked them turned into drops of water and dissipated. The remaining monks saw that Xiang Liyun surrendered and could live, and no longer cared about their dignity, Xiang Liyun knelt down and swore to follow. The oath is as exaggerated as it is.

Even Mingyueli at this moment is like catching the last life-saving straw, knelt to Liyun frantically.

For a moment, only Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang were still standing in the barrier.

Li Yun was very satisfied with his move and made all the other ants kneel and surrender.

This is enough to shock people.

However, Li Yun's favorite person was still standing, which made Li Yun quite unhappy.

It seems that this ant must be taught a more profound lesson!

Li Yun thought in his heart, and immediately manipulated several water dragons to bite Zhang Ziling.

"Mortal, you still have time to repent!" Li Yun looked at Zhang Ziling with a smile, and the water dragon rushed to Zhang Ziling.

"Repent?" Looking at the several water dragons, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth raised slightly, "It seems that you, the god, have not figured out your current situation."

As the voice fell, a dark flame suddenly rose up around Zhang Ziling, instantly burning the surrounding water dragons into steam!

The entire enchantment was flooded with dense fog.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's methods, Li Yun's eyes changed slightly.

That dark flame...

Li Yun felt a slight threat from it!

Zhang Ziling walked in towards Liyun slowly. In the fog, Zhang Ziling's figure could be seen by Liyun.

"You are the **** I spent a billion to buy..." Zhang Ziling looked at Liyun, with compassion in his eyes.

"Are you too arrogant to face your master?"

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