Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1428: True Martial Realm Slave

What Zhang Ziling said, with a little coldness, made the surrounding temperature seem a bit lower.

Some slaves shuddered abruptly, the slaves of the True Martial Realm subconsciously clasped their arms and huddled in the corner.

Although she was rescued by Zhang Ziling, she still remained wary and could not easily believe Zhang Ziling.

After being deceived once, she would never trust others easily anyway.

Some slaves are not dull people, they are arrested only because of being framed or for other reasons.

When they heard Zhang Ziling's current tone, they realized that something was wrong.

At a time, many people stood up and left quickly, not wanting to cause trouble.

The slave who stood up and stopped Zhang Ziling naturally heard something wrong in Zhang Ziling's tone.

However, he was still a little unwilling.

Since they have such a strong strength, why can't they provide them with some protection? They are not asking for free, in his opinion...

They follow Zhang Ziling, as Zhang Ziling's servants, there is no harm to Zhang Ziling at all.

If he had such a powerful force, he would definitely do better than Zhang Ziling!

As a strong one, you must bear the responsibilities of the strong.

Thinking of Zhang Ziling's powerful strength and his current situation, the slave headed by him felt increasingly unfair.

Why is he a slave? Why is he not so powerful?

"You are so strong, why are you not willing to help us?" The slave headed out shouted at Zhang Ziling, and even started to scold Zhang Ziling, "This is not fair!"

God is unfair!

When the other slaves heard what the man said, their eyes changed slightly, their emotions aroused, and they began to question Zhang Ziling, hoping to let Zhang Ziling take them in.

However, many people still felt something was wrong, and left quietly before the situation became serious.

Even the slave of the True Martial Realm frowned slightly at this moment, stepped on his dirty feet, rolled off the prison cart and retreated.

After being imprisoned for a long time, those people seem to have forgotten... the living environment in the Xuanxiao Continent is actually no better than the cage.

The weak eat the strong, the strong respects the strong, everything is the tone of this continent.

Obviously, Zhang Ziling is the supreme figure on this continent... They are not qualified to talk to Zhang Ziling at all.

Thinking of these slaves, they flee faster and faster.

The slave became more excited as he spoke, as if he wanted to force Zhang Ziling to keep them.

After all, their requirements are not high.

"Senior, if you still have a conscience, just..."


The leader of the slave hadn't said yet, a light blade ran across the slave's neck, and blood splashed under the moonlight.

"How do you kill?"

"Why kill us?"

"Chi!", "Chi!", "Chi!"

The slaves who talked the most had their heads cut off at this moment.

The ground was red with blood, and the others were silent for a moment.

"Beautiful scenery..." Xie Wushuang hugged his knees and squatted on the boulder, smiling as he watched the slaves' heads slowly fall to the ground.

In this world, there has never been a shortage of monks who pray to others and even force others to save themselves. For this kind of people who put their hopes on others, Xie Wu will not show mercy in both directions.

As the headless corpses of those slaves fell to the ground, the other slaves who questioned Zhang Ziling instantly woke up, and their eyes looked at Zhang Ziling again full of fear.

The gratitude that was overflowing for being rescued by Zhang Ziling disappeared at this moment.

Everyone realized that Zhang Ziling was a terrifying existence that could slaughter tens of thousands of people in an instant, and it was not an existence that people like them could demand.

"Help, help!"

A group of slaves had infinite fear in their hearts, and began to rush to the surroundings in a panic, fleeing faster and faster.

For a time, all the slaves who were down by Zhang Ziling escaped, except for one woman.

Zhang Ziling looked at the woman in the tattered white shirt, bare feet and muddy all over, frowning slightly.

"Why aren't you leaving?" Zhang Ziling asked, with devilish energy lingering in his palm.

This woman has a real martial art realm, although Zhang Ziling is very surprised why a strong man in the real martial realm became a slave, but Zhang Ziling is not in the mood to pursue this now.

Maybe there are some stories behind her.

But what others do has nothing to do with Zhang Ziling.

The woman glanced at the headless corpse on the ground, then took a deep look at Zhang Ziling and ran away.

Although the woman's realm has a real martial realm, there is only a small amount of spiritual power that has just condensed in her body, which can only be used to maintain her basic physical strength, and she can't even fly.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the woman calmly, but did not take the woman to heart. After handling the slave's body on the ground at will, he turned and walked towards Xie Wushuang.

"If it were me, I would kill the slaves who stood up." Xie Wushuang jumped off the boulder and smiled at Zhang Ziling.

"I'm not you. In my opinion, other people are not guilty of death." Zhang Ziling glanced at Xie Wushuang faintly, and then walked towards Liyun.

"Although based on their status, it is estimated that they will not live long on this continent. However, there are still some talents among them." Zhang Ziling said, making a simple comment for the group of slaves.

Zhang Ziling found that the first group of people who left had the best xinxing.

As for what Zhang Ziling said, Xie Wushuang just spread his hands and did not argue with Zhang Ziling.

"What are you going to do with this guy?" Xiewu asked Zhang Ziling, turning the topic to the ancient god.

Zhang Ziling put his hand on Li Yun and said lightly: "I have some thoughts, but I need to confirm it."

The dark demon energy spilled out from Zhang Ziling's palm, wrapping Liyun, and then Liyun's entire body began to shrink rapidly, turning into a human monk.

"Do you think this guy is from Hongye City?" Xie Wushuang asked, looking at the strange man kneeling in front of Zhang Ziling, raising his eyebrows.

This Liyun was the same as Zhaoshi, because it was summoned by ancient gods and subsequently captured the body of the human monk and resurrected.

Before, Li Yun had always been the main body, so I couldn't see the appearance of the monk who took the house. Now that Li Yun has fallen into his own spiritual world, it is easy for Zhang Ziling to restore Li Yun to the appearance of a human monk.

"Perhaps." Zhang Ziling nodded, "Didn't you say that someone in the Mu family also possesses ancient magic?"

Seeing that Zhang Ziling pointed the finger at the Mu family for no reason, Xie Wushuang shrugged and smiled: "As you go..."

Anyway, Zheng Xie Wushuang is just acting as a guide beside Zhang Ziling, and Xie Wushuang will not express any opinions on what Zhang Ziling will do.

Otherwise, no matter what Xie Wushuang does that is subjective, he will probably be noticed by Zhang Ziling and deduced from it.

For example, Zhang Ziling has noticed that Xie Wushuang deliberately hides his information when facing the ancient gods.

As for why Xie Wushuang did this, Zhang Ziling also had several speculations in his mind. As long as Xie Wushuang's actions were clarified, Zhang Ziling believed that Xie Wushuang's motives for doing these things would also be clear.

Without saying too much, Zhang Ziling took out a sack from the space ring, and under Xie Wushuang's gaze, he put Liyun into it and tied it up with hemp rope.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's actions, Xie Wushuang's mouth twitched.

There is a supreme, like kidnapping, using sack to hold a monk...

Just thinking about it, Xie Wushuang felt a little weird.

What is this going to do?

Xie Wushuang realized that he could no longer see Zhang Ziling.

Putting the sack containing Liyun on his shoulders, Zhang Ziling looked up at the bright sky, turned his head and said to Xie Wushuang, "It's time to go."

Tian Jiangming, the movement in Qing Yaolin must be known to Hongye City.

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