In Red Leaf City, Zhang Ziling swayed along the street carrying a sacks with Liyun, which attracted the attention of many monks.

"What the **** is this guy doing?"

"He's crazy!"

"Be careful, the patrol is coming!"

When the monks saw the strange behavior of Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang, after discussing a few words in a low voice, they all fled far away and did not dare to approach.

In Hongye City, which is under martial law, people who dare to be as maverick like Zhang Ziling have almost disappeared.

Approaching Zhang Ziling is undoubtedly asking for trouble.

The major forces have blocked the city. Hongye City is now only allowed to enter but not to leave. People watching suspicious on the street will be dragged by the patrol to be detained for questioning. The cultivators dare to be angry but dare not speak, and the city becomes depressed. Extremely.

"I heard that the princes of the major forces were killed by one person, and even Mu Family Mu Yang had his arm removed!"

"Really? Who is so ruthless to offend all the top forces in Hongye City?

"I heard that it was a guy named Zhang Ziling, a strong man in the True Martial Realm. At that time, the landlord of Tianyue Tower was slapped out, and the princes were even forced to kill each other. The scene was bloody!"

"This guy with the same name as the Devil Emperor is a cruel person!"

Zhang Ziling's fame has spread throughout Hongye City at this moment, and there are even cultivators who are joking in private about Zhang Ziling's demon emperor's style of leaving Xuanxiao Continent for several thousand years.

Of course, although the monks discussed Zhang Ziling in this way, no one really regarded Zhang Ziling as the former Demon Emperor Zhang Ziling.

The Devil Emperor has disappeared for almost six thousand years. This is everyone's consensus.

With this name spread throughout Hongye City, almost no one could think that he could escape.

"Grandpa, look, what is that guy doing?"

By the side of the street, a child asked Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang with an old man's finger, his voice did not hide at all.

It is too suspicious to carry a sack that seems to contain people in the street.

"Don't ask too much, come home with me!" The old man glanced at Zhang Ziling, and quickly took the child away, for fear of causing trouble.

Hongyecheng is under martial law, and if you just take care of strangers, you might cause yourself a lot of trouble.

"Look, almost everyone is avoiding you, and it is estimated that the patrol will be here soon." Xie Wushuang smiled behind Zhang Ziling, but there was no worry in his eyes.

After following Zhang Ziling into the city, Xie Wushuang basically knew what Zhang Ziling wanted to do.

Although this thing does seem a bit exaggerated, but...

Xie Wushuang shook his head and smiled, what Zhang Ziling did was also in line with his character.

Although this will be a lot of trouble, it will reduce the trouble of doing it yourself.


Sure enough, Xie Wushuang hadn't spoken for long. A patrol of nearly a thousand people had arrived in front of Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang and surrounded them.

A soldier in heavy armor came forward holding the hilt of the sword, and looked closely at Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang.

They received a tip in the morning saying that someone was tracing in the Red Leaf City, and then they rushed over quickly.

Perhaps because of the things Zhang Ziling did in Tianyue Tower, now every patrol army is fully armed, and even the armor is engraved with Spirit Gathering Array, which can strengthen its own three-tier strength.

It can be said that the patrol troops surrounding Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang are the elite of Hongye City.

In order to capture Zhang Ziling, the major forces have already spent their money.

It stands to reason that for the things Zhang Ziling did in Tianyue Tower, the major forces should have posted the portraits of Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang long ago.

However, no one thought that none of the dudes including Mu Yang could remember Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang's appearance, or even their approximate figure.

Although Mu Renxiong and Mu Ke remember Zhang Ziling’s appearance, they were tight-lipped and insisted that they did not remember that they were the core of the Mu family. Other forces, including those in Mu Yang’s line, would not dare to push too hard, so Zhang Ziling The portrait matter is also left behind.

This has also led to the fact that although the scale of the search in Hongye City is huge, everyone is like a headless fly, and they don't know who their target is. They can only catch anyone who is suspicious.

Now the prison in Hongyecheng is almost full, and the interrogators are very busy.

If the commander of the soldiers surrounding Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang knew that the man carrying the sack in front of him was the monster who committed the crime in the Tianyue Tower, I am afraid he would not ask Zhang Ziling, and he would directly raise his weapon to Zhang Ziling. Chopped over.

However, it is also fortunate that the chief guard did not know the identity of Zhang Ziling.


The consequences could be disastrous.

Seeing that a guard stopped him, Zhang Ziling raised his mouth slightly, threw the sack in his hand on the ground, rushed towards the guard, and stepped back.

Zhang Ziling's strange behavior caused the Chief Guard's brows to frown. After looking up and down Zhang Ziling carefully, he said to the young guard beside him: "You two, go and open this bag."


The two young guards put their weapons away, trot to the sack, and quickly untied the rope.

When they untied the rope, a human head was exposed from inside.


The two guards were taken aback and hurried back a few steps before they almost fell to the ground.

The surrounding guards drew out their weapons one after another, staring at Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang.

The chief of the guard saw a person in the sack, his brows were getting tighter, and he hurried forward and pulled the person out.

Still alive.

Feeling that there was still temperature from the cloud, the chief of the soldiers came to a conclusion.

Li Yun was still trapped in his own spiritual world at this moment, and his whole body fell to the ground motionless, it seemed that he was almost dead.

Seeing this man without clothes, the chief of the guard raised his head and asked Zhang Ziling harshly, "Who is this?"

There is a person in the bag, which is suspicious no matter what.

Faced with the question of the Chief of Guard, Zhang Ziling smiled and spread his hands without answering.

Seeing Zhang Ziling pretending to be dumb, the head of the soldier's face also sank, and he whispered: "Grab these two and take them back for interrogation!"

Since Zhang Ziling did not answer, he naturally had a way to get Zhang Ziling to speak.

Now Hongye City is under martial law throughout the city. Anyone who has any strange behavior must be arrested and interrogated.

Obviously, Zhang Ziling meets every criterion for arresting people.

"Don't hold me, I'll go with you." Seeing a few guards walking forward with weapons, Zhang Ziling finally spoke, but his tone was calm and very calm and scary.

It's as if Zhang Ziling was deliberately attracting people's attention to make people arrested.

The commander of the soldiers felt that Zhang Ziling was more and more strange, but this street was not a place to interrogate people, and the commander of the soldiers did not ask too much, so he could only say in a deep voice, "Take these two people down. amnesty!"


Several guards responded and took Zhang Ziling away with Xie Wushuang.

"These two guys...what do they want to do?" The chief of the guard whispered while looking at the backs of Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang, and finally turned his gaze on the strange man lying on the ground.

Playing kidnapping in broad daylight, there was no panic when he was discovered. The chief of the soldier admitted that he had worked in Red Leaf City for so many years and had never seen such a strange person.

Soon, Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang were taken to the iron prison of Red Leaf City and locked up, and Li Yun was also handed over by the soldier's chief of guard, wanting to tell them what they had encountered.

The high-ranking dignitaries of Hongye City got busy all at once...

"Your plan, can you do it?"

In the iron prison, Xie Wushuang asked Zhang Ziling leisurely, not at all like being locked up.

There is a shortage of manpower in Hongye City now, and there are people who are caught in because of strange behavior at all times, so no one has come to interrogate Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang for the time being.

"The seed has been planted. Next... just wait for it to sprout slowly." Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly, then stopped talking, and directly found a place to sit and practice!

Xie Wushuang didn't care about Zhang Ziling's approach, and began to sit cross-legged and practice.


The two hadn't rested long before, when a soft noise came from the cell door, which attracted their attention.

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