Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1430: True samurai girls


Zhang Ziling opened his eyes, looked at the empty cell door and asked lightly.

However, no one answered.

Obviously, this is not the cell opened by the jailer.

In this prison, the population is too dense. Zhang Ziling's spirit scanned it roughly, but he didn't realize who did it.

Xie Wushuang looked at the open prison door, opened his mouth slightly, and couldn't help but look at Zhang Ziling with a look of surprise.

This is really unexpected. They didn't count that someone would come to open their prison door.

This is... to save them?

Zhang Ziling shook his head slightly, hooked his finger, and then closed the cell door.

If Zhang Ziling wanted to go out, no one could stop it.

Now that Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang stay here, it is naturally their own choice.

After all, the entire Red Leaf City was under martial law, and even all the rooms in the inn were booked by major forces. Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang were outside, and they couldn't find a place to practice with peace of mind.

Sitting and practicing in prison is a relatively quiet place for Zhang Ziling.

After all, when a monk was practicing in the cave, the surrounding environment was not much better than this prison.

After closing the prison door again, Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang simply stopped taking care of the outside, and started practicing on their own, waiting for the matter of the high-level of Hongye City to ferment.

However, Zhang Ziling hadn't entered the Ding for long before he opened his eyes again.

"What's the matter?" Xie Wushuang frowned slightly, looking at Zhang Ziling and asked.

With Xie Wushuang's current strength, Divine Soul is not very strong, naturally there are many things that cannot be detected.

"Nothing..." Zhang Ziling shook his head, took a deep look outside the cell door, and then closed his eyes again.


Once again, the prison door was opened again, and it looked weird.

"I'll go out and have a look."

Before Xie Wushuang could move, Zhang Ziling stood up and glanced at Xie Wushuang who wanted to move. Then Zhang Ziling waved his hand gently, and a forbidden circle formed around Xie Wushuang.

"You just stay here quietly, don't go anywhere." Zhang Ziling said, leaving a phantom of himself in place, then walked out of the prison door and closed it easily.

"What's all this?" Xie Wushuang saw Zhang Ziling disappeared into his line of sight, looked at the forbidden circle around him, and couldn't help but smile.

With the magic array set up by Zhang Ziling, Xie Wushuang probably couldn't do anything now.

At this time, outside the prison.

A long and pretty woman dressed in plain clothes, staring at the entrance of the prison with piercing eyes, kept her fingers together and drew something.

If you look closely, you can see a hint of spiritual power at the woman's fingertips.

Cold sweat broke out on the woman's forehead, and the whole person was obviously extremely nervous.

"what are you doing?"

Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's voice rang from behind the woman, shocking the woman.

"Who?" The woman turned around subconsciously and slapped Zhang Ziling with a palm. There was an extremely powerful force under her weak palm, which even caused the surrounding air to explode.

However, no matter how powerful the woman is, Zhang Ziling still grabbed the woman's wrist easily, looked at the woman and asked faintly: "I ask, what are you doing?"

Staring at Zhang Ziling's rather cold eyes, the woman couldn't help but blush. She wanted to withdraw her hand, but found that her hand held by Zhang Ziling didn't move.

What a powerful force!

Seeing such a situation, the woman was quite embarrassed, lowered her head and asked Zhang Ziling: "Can you... let me go?"

The woman's faint voice made Zhang Ziling slightly surprised.

In Zhang Ziling's view, this woman also has the strength of the True Martial Realm. Although the behavior of opening and closing her prison door repeatedly is a bit strange, she wouldn't blush when she saw herself?

Seeing the woman's embarrassment, Zhang Ziling couldn't help touching his chin, and began to reassess his charm.

is not it……

Too handsome?

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you! Now that you have come out, I, I will leave!"

After being let go by Zhang Ziling, the woman quickly bowed and apologized to Zhang Ziling, and then she was about to leave.


Zhang Ziling let the woman pause with a soft drink, her body still trembling slightly.

Zhang Ziling walked to the woman, looked at the woman carefully, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Did you not know me?" The woman saw Zhang Ziling asking such words, and a trace of loss flashed in the eyes covered by Qingsi.

"Benevolence?" Seeing the strangeness of the woman, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He didn't remember when he helped such a woman.

Although this woman is not absolutely beautiful, she is very beautiful, and she has a true martial art cultivation personality, but she is so timid, but it gives this woman an indescribable charm.

Zhang Ziling believed that he would remember such a person once he saw it.

However, Zhang Ziling really had no impression of this woman.

"Well, benevolence took me last night..." The woman lowered her head and wringed her fingers, the blush on her face could not disappear for a long time.

If outsiders see the appearance of a woman, they might think that Zhang Ziling has done something damaging to this woman.

"Last night?" Zhang Ziling was taken aback when he heard the woman's words. Last night he was massacring the Shadow Merchant Corps and dealing with the ancient **** Liyun, but he didn't remember having an in-depth communication with such a woman.

"I am a slave saved by En Gong yesterday." The woman looked up at Zhang Ziling, bit her lip and said, looking very pitiful.

"It's you!" Zhang Ziling suddenly reacted when she heard what the woman said, looking at the woman in front of him in a rather unbelievable manner.

Fair face, smooth skin, standard figure...

Among the slaves rescued by Zhang Ziling on a whim, there was indeed a female True Martial Realm slave, but the woman was dishevelled and had a weak breath. Zhang Ziling did not pay too much attention to her, so it is not clear what she grew up. appearance.

Now the woman appeared in front of Zhang Ziling after dressing up. Zhang Ziling was a true martial arts slave who did not associate this woman with last night.

After knowing who this woman was, Zhang Ziling was also quite surprised, and then asked: "What are you doing here?"

After Zhang Ziling rescued the slaves, he made it clear that he had nothing to do with the slaves, and they did not need to repay Zhang Ziling.

Now that the woman came to be called Zhang Ziling En Gong, Zhang Ziling was also quite helpless.

"I, I saw that my benefactor was arrested by the guards, so..." The woman lowered her head again and whispered to Zhang Ziling.

After all, this is Hongye City, and there are many strong people. If caught...

The woman thought that even Zhang Ziling would not be easy to escape.

Hearing the woman's words, Zhang Ziling looked at the woman with some helplessness, and said with an aura: "So, are you here to save us?"

The woman immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice, seemingly excited because Zhang Ziling understood her intentions.

"Hey..." Zhang Ziling sighed helplessly as he looked at the woman's excitement.

The prison is heavily guarded, and if they can really be rescued by just opening the prison door... the major forces in Hongye City won't have to mix up.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ziling also turned and walked towards the prison again.

"Since you saved me, you have repaid me. There is no other relationship between us. Let's go." Zhang Ziling waved his hand to the woman and said softly.

Although the woman was naive, Zhang Ziling still accepted her kindness.

Seeing Zhang Ziling went to the prison again, the woman couldn't help but panicked. She grabbed Zhang Ziling's hand and shouted, "Gongong, you can't go there!"

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