Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1432: Elder Mu

Mu Family, Tianyun Temple, Temporary Office of the Great Forces in Hongye City.

"Where did you find him?"

In the Tianyun Temple, a dozen huge phantoms floated in the air, gushing out a terrifying aura, and there were colorful divine lights all over the body.

Those phantoms all come from the top forces of Red Leaf City, and they are the strongest standing at the top of Red Leaf City, and every move can affect the destiny of thousands of creatures.

Now they gather together, just for one person...

Zhang Ziling!

The unknown person who stirred up the entire Red Leaf City.

Almost everyone has heard of Zhang Ziling's name, but almost everyone has never seen Zhang Ziling.

In the center of the temple, a man in heavy armor knelt on the ground shivering, and a man in luxurious clothes lying beside him was Li Yun.

"Elder Hui, Hui, Mu, today we stopped two people carrying a sack, and the bag was Young Master Mu." The man in heavy armor is the guard who brought the patrol to stop Zhang Ziling today. Long, he instinctively doubted Liyun's identity, so he brought Liyun to his boss.

The commander of the soldiers did not expect that the unlucky young man he saved was a missing son of the Mu family, Mu Yun!

When others told him of Mu Yun's identity, the chief of the guard was aware...A major event had happened to Hongye City.

The matter of Zhang Ziling's massacre of the sons of the major forces in Tianyue Tower has not yet been resolved, and the person who kidnapped the Saint Son of the Mu Family seems to have appeared again...

These major events that occurred one after another made the Chief Guard feel the undercurrent surging under the Red Leaf City.

Perhaps at a certain point in time, the turbulent undercurrent will burst out and destroy everything.

The Chief Guard had that hunch, but he didn't dare to imagine what would happen.

He really couldn't think of what kind of storm it would be to destroy Hongye City.

"Where are those two people now?" The heavy voice from above the temple pulled the Chief Guard from his thoughts.

Chief Guard's body trembled suddenly, and instantly he realized that Hongyecheng's fate was not something he should worry about, and now he needs to do...just give things to the big figures in the temple. say clearly.

The person represented by each person's phantom here is the kind of existence that can kill him for no reason at the same time there are a lot of people applauding.

The chief guard did not dare to neglect, and quickly said all he knew.

"It's ridiculous!"

The phantom headed in the temple directly roared after listening to what the chief guard said. The terrifying spiritual power agitated in the temple. The chief guard felt that his head was about to explode and was in pain.

"Mu Yun has the strength of the ninth level of the Heavenly Palace realm, and the people who can kidnap Mu Yun are at least the real martial realm powerhouse. How can the strong people be arrested by nearly a thousand people in your district?" The leading virtual shadow asked the chief guard. He thought that the Chief Guard was talking nonsense.

The Chief Guard was frightened by the phantom’s questioning. His whole body was trembling, and he hurriedly bowed his head towards the phantom, and said with a trembling: "Hui, Hui-sir, those two did not resist, and even took the initiative to cooperate with us, so, so he only……"

As soon as the commander of soldiers said this, the whole temple was directly exploded, and all the phantoms were whispering to discuss the intention of kidnapping Mu Yun.

After the kidnapping of Mu Yun, he didn't do anything to threaten the Mu family. He just fainted and sent him back, and even fell into the net himself.

Among them, there is a strong taste of conspiracy.

However, no one can figure out what the people behind this really want to do.

"Elder Mu, I think there is fraud in this!" One of the ghosts in the temple said, reminding the leading ghost.

This thing is really strange.

"I think those two people should be killed!" Another phantom proposed to kill the conspiracy in the cradle.

"I feel wrong."

"I think it should be like this..."

Suddenly, the whole temple became a little noisy, and the big figures of all major forces were arguing about Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang's handling methods.

The leading phantom was silent, quietly listening to the heated discussion.


After waiting for a long time, the leading phantom slowly spoke, and the temple became quiet at this moment.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the phantom and listened with bated breath.

Although they all come from the major forces of Hongye City, they seem to be the top figures in this city, but everyone in this temple knows that compared to the phantom headed by them, all of them are just insignificant. Little people.

The only king in Hongye City is the Mu Family.

A heavenly holy land with saints... Mu Family!

"This is our Mu family's business. You are so concerned, the old man is very pleased, but..." Xu Ying said, her voice suddenly changed, her tone became extremely cold, and the temperature in the temple dropped a little. Minute.

The big figures behind all the phantoms felt a chill in their spine.

"Our Mu family's affairs should be decided by our Mu family. You you care too broadly?"

The inexplicable anger at the head of the phantom silenced everyone, and the atmosphere in the temple became very depressing.

"Elder Mu calmed down, it was us who talked too much!"

"This matter is indeed our poor consideration, and I hope Elder Mu will forgive me."

"Elder Mu, this matter is left to you to decide."

All of a sudden, all the big figures spoke, completely avoiding how to deal with Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang, all flattering Mu's parents.

Although everyone can realize that this is a matter for the entire Hongye City, one dared to defy the Mu Family.

When everyone changed their mouths, the face of the leading phantom changed to a visibly smile. After a light cough, he said to the chief guard who was kneeling in the temple: "Go and bring the two guys in the , The old man will meet them in person!"

"Elder Mu!" Hearing what the elder Mu said, the others were shocked and yelled subconsciously.

After all, the origin of the other party is unknown, and it is an unwise decision to approach it rashly.

"Huh?" Mr. Mu's old tone improved a bit, and the others were silent for an instant, and they never dared to speak again.

This so-called meeting is actually just a form. Everyone knows that the final processing result is what the Mu family meant.

If it weren't for Zhang Ziling to clean up Mu Yang from the Mu family at the same time that Zhang Ziling killed each family, I'm afraid the major forces can only swallow the broken teeth this time.

The raid this time, in a real sense, was a fight between Mu Family Mu Renxiong's line and Mu Family Elder Mu Ying's line.

Although everyone sees it thoroughly, they still have to do something.

After all, people are dead, what they do now...

It's just for other people alive.

Family members need that sense of belonging.

"If there is nothing wrong with you, let's go away. But this matter, I hope everyone has forgotten." The voice of the elder Mu became a bit gloomy, echoing in the temple, making everyone shudder.

The phantoms looked at each other, wondering why the elders of Mu were so clumsy, but...

"We will remember."

"Let's go away."

The voice gradually disappeared, and all the phantoms in the temple disappeared, leaving only the two soldiers and Liyun.

But before the soldier could breathe a sigh of relief, his pupils began to diminish.

On his neck, I don't know when, a blood stain appeared.

A white-haired old man walked into the temple with a cane, lifted up Liyun with spiritual power, turned and walked outside the temple.

From beginning to end, he didn't look at the body of the captain of the soldier.

"Who is it that discovered our secret?"

The old and gloomy voice echoed in the temple.

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