Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1433: Mu Ying's anger

In the Red Leaf City Prison, Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang still stayed leisurely in the prison and meditated leisurely, without worrying about their own situation.

In the prison, without knowing it, the guard is no longer there. The monks who were imprisoned around hadn't noticed the strangeness yet, they were still fidgeting, waiting for the jailer's interrogation.

Because of the martial law in Hongye City, they were somehow caught here by the patrol, and none of the people who were taken out came back. This unknown future makes them a little at a loss.

"Have you noticed that the people around are gone." Xie Wushuang said to Zhang Ziling, but there were still prisoners in the prison opposite them.

Zhang Ziling naturally knew what Xie Wushuang was talking about. At the moment when the jailer left here, Zhang Ziling noticed something strange.

Obviously, there is a big man who is coming over, and he has also diverted others.

Which force is Li Yun? When the commander of the soldier brings Li Yun to the front of the major forces, the people behind Li Yun will definitely not sit still.

After all, that is a god.

In other words, he would definitely come to the prison to find Zhang Ziling to clarify the situation.

Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang are waiting in the prison, and the people behind the scenes will naturally find them by themselves.

Sure enough, Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang hadn't said how long, but an extremely powerful pressure came from outside the prison, sweeping the entire prison.

Almost for an instant, the whole prison was quiet, and endless fear appeared in the eyes.

People who exude such a strong breath make them feel scared.

It is the power of the real martial state!

"Here." Zhang Ziling's mouth raised slightly, stood up, and calmly looked outside his prison.

A white-haired old man wearing a gold silk robe and sticking a cane walked into Zhang Ziling's sight tremblingly.

The white-haired old man seemed to be faltering, falling down as soon as the wind blew, but anyone who knew this old man knew well that even if the old man took a casual breath, he could shake the entire Red Leaf City and kill countless people.

This white-haired old man is Mu Ying, the elder of the Mu Family, the eight-fold powerhouse in the True Martial Realm.

And Mu Yang is Mu Ying's grandson and one of Mu Ying's most beloved children.

Mu Ying is one of the real power holders of the Mu family, and his status is not even lower than that of the head of the Mu family. In the entire Mu family, no one except the ancestor of the Mu family can suppress Mu Ying.

Even the new generation of iron-blooded heroes and Mu Renxiong made countless people fearful, but he didn't have much confidence in front of Mu Ying.

Compared with Mu Ying's line, Mu Renxiong's line has no old people, and his background is much thinner.

Although Mu Renxiong's line is among the younger generation, Mu Bingmu is able to crush Mu Ying's line in all directions, but the strength gap between the older generation of strong people between the two lines is too large, even if it is Mu Renxiong did not dare to confront Mu Ying head-on.

Mu Ying walked to the outside of the prison with a cane, a pair of muddy eyes scanned Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang up and down, and finally asked in a hoarse voice: "It was you two who kidnapped Mu Yun?"

Although Mu Ying's voice was hoarse, the coldness in her tone couldn't be eliminated no matter what. Obviously...

Mu Ying made it clear that he had come to trouble Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang.

Hearing Mu Ying's words, Zhang Ziling not only did not panic, but a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

found it……

"So, that guy is yours?" Zhang Ziling stared at Mu Ying, and did not answer Mu Ying's question, but asked with a chuckle, with contempt in his tone.

What attitude?

Seeing Zhang Ziling just talking to herself like this, Mu Ying's expression turned gloomy at that moment.

Although in Mu Ying's view, Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang are likely to be strong in the True Martial Realm, but in the True Martial Realm, every three small realms, their strength will change dramatically.

Mu Ying is an eight-fold powerhouse in the True Martial Realm, and coupled with the background from the Mu family, Mu Ying can almost be said to be an invincible existence under the saints, and even some of the powerful nine-fold True Martial Realm with poor background are not Mu Ying. Opponent.

It can be said that in this Red Leaf City, Mu Ying has absolute self-confidence.

This is the confidence that strength brings him.

"Boy, pay attention to your words." Mu Ying narrowed her eyes, her voice gloomy, "Who do you think you are talking to?"

"You didn't introduce yourself, how do I know who you are?" Zhang Ziling didn't care about Mu Ying's attitude, ridiculing Mu Ying's contemptuously, making Mu Ying more angry.

Although Zhang Ziling already knew which family the old man in front of him came from, this did not prevent Zhang Ziling from disgusting this guy during the conversation.

Mu Yun is a disciple of his line, then it is impossible for Mu Ying to know that Li Yun has completely replaced Mu Yun. And... with Mu Yun's own realm and strength, it is absolutely impossible to obtain the ancient divine art alone.

The only way for Mu Yun to obtain ancient magic is from his parents.

Obviously, Mu Ying, who came to Zhang Ziling, was probably the culprit who practiced ancient magic for Mu Yun.

Zhang Ziling would not have a good attitude towards the monks who were in the same fashion with the ancient gods.

There will be no in any way.


Mu Ying roared out, and the voice swept around, causing all the monks in the prison to cover their ears and scream, feeling that their heads were about to explode. Even many monks had bleeding from their facial features and their souls were trembling.

The angry roar of the eight-fold powerhouse in the True Martial Realm was not something ordinary monks could afford.

Suddenly, the whole prison became noisy and wailed.

Mu Ying didn't care what happened to the other monks at all. She looked directly at Zhang Ziling coldly, her eyes flashing with cold killing intent.

He had planned to kill the others in this prison.

"Come out!"

Without any hesitation, Mu Ying slammed the crutches in his hand, and the mysterious iron prison in front of Zhang Ziling was instantly cut in half, and Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang were released.

At the same time, Mu Ying's pressure was once again on Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang, leaving no effort.

Zhang Ziling didn't react, but Xie Wushuang's face turned pale. With the strength of the eight layers of Xie Wushuang Heavenly Palace Realm, he wanted to resist Mu Ying's coercion, but he was still somewhat reluctant without Zhang Ziling's help.

The difference in reactions between Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang surprised Mu Ying, but Mu Ying didn't think much about it, but thought that Zhang Ziling had some kind of treasure on him to be shielded from her pressure.

Mu's family also has this kind of treasure, and Mu Ying is not surprised.

In Mu Ying's view, Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang's temperament are similar, and their strengths are almost the same. Since Xie Wushuang can't stand his pressure, Zhang Ziling's strength is definitely not much stronger.

Thinking of Zhang Ziling's weak attitude but so arrogant, Mu Ying's killing intent towards Zhang Ziling became more and more intense.

If it wasn't for Mu Ying who wanted to find out if Zhang Ziling knew about the existence of the gods, I'm afraid that Mu Ying would directly solve Zhang Ziling.

The existence of the gods is of great importance, and Mu Ying absolutely does not allow any outsiders to know any information about the gods.

Before figuring out the truth...

Mu Ying decided to let Zhang Ziling go alive.

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