Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1434: Top master of formation!

Mu Ying stared at Zhang Ziling, with a pair of turbid eyes shining dangerously, as if he wanted to see Zhang Ziling thoroughly.

At this time, the pressure released by Mu Ying had already overwhelmed the entire prison, cracks appeared on the surrounding walls, and the ground vibrated slightly.

Mu Ying's true martial art realm eightfold coercion was all on Zhang Ziling. Many monks in the prison were already lying on the ground, covered in blood, and could not even move their fingers.

Even Xie Wushuang retreated to the back at this moment, approaching Zhang Ziling without a trace, letting Zhang Ziling to share the pressure from Mu Ying on his behalf.

Now Xie Wushuang has a very bad impression of Mu Ying, the old man. If there is a chance in the future, Xie Wushuang may have to talk to Mu Ying himself.

"You guy..."

Mu Ying saw that Zhang Ziling was still unmoved even after bearing all his pressure, and Mu Ying was even more surprised at the treasure hidden in Zhang Ziling's body.

What grade is that?

Mu Ying suddenly felt a bit tricky.


Mu Ying slammed the ground with his crutches, and a barrier quickly condensed from under Mu Ying's crutches, wrapping Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang inside.

All the surroundings turned black and white, and the breath of other monks in the prison disappeared.

The world fell into silence.

Perceiving the strangeness around him, Zhang Ziling raised his brow slightly and looked at Mu Yinggao.

Based on Zhang Ziling's attainments in the formation barrier, he naturally could see that the barrier created by Mu Ying was not prepared in advance, but condensed temporarily.

In other words, Mu Ying's accomplishments in formation are not low, and she is a master of formation.

The formation master is already a very rare existence, and the top master formation is unique, and it is an important human resource that every major power extremely desires.

If a monk has extremely high attainments in the formation, he can even rely on the formation to complete the cross-border kill when fighting against people!

The combat power of an array mage cannot be judged solely on the basis of the realm of cultivation and the martial skills of cultivation.

This also means that Mu Ying, who has the eightfold cultivation base of the True Martial Realm, can even fight at the level of a saint if he adds a powerful formation enchantment!

"Interesting!" After seeing the structure of this formation, Zhang Ziling laughed, but in the eyes of Zhang Ziling looking at Mu Ying, in addition to a little more surprise, it was more joking.

In terms of formation skills, Zhang Ziling doesn't say that he ranks first on the Xuanxiao Continent, but the top three... are definitely there!

Back then, the Great Shougong Formation of the Demon Palace covered 30,000 li, and Zhang Ziling's unsuccessful formation was constructed by Zhang Ziling.

Only in the formation method, Zhang Ziling has never been afraid of anyone.

A ray of spiritual power lingered at Zhang Ziling's fingertips, and then silently sank into the surrounding enchantment without attracting anyone's attention.

"It's all right now, there is no one to bother us at this moment." Mu Ying looked at Zhang Ziling and smiled confidently. "If you want to get out of my barrier alive, it's best to tell your origins and purpose... Tell me everything clearly!"

After speaking, Mu Ying felt that just saying this would not make Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang realize the seriousness of the matter, so they planned to use the barrier to oppress Zhang Ziling.

Since the pressure of the Eightfold True Martial Realm had no effect, the enchantment he condensed could definitely have a great impact on Zhang Ziling!

Mu Ying smiled and tapped the ground lightly with a cane.

Enchantment, nothing happens.

Mu Ying's smile suddenly stiffened.

"Huh?" Mu Ying tapped the ground again with a cane, this time with a little bit of force, but the barrier still didn't respond.

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward, and even Xie Wushuang behind Zhang Ziling almost couldn't help laughing.

Mu Ying didn't know yet, at this moment Zhang Ziling had seized control of the barrier, and now Mu Ying was still there stupidly trying to activate the formation. This stupid act made Mu Ying look very funny.

"You, how did you do it?" Soon, Mu Ying also found out that Zhang Ziling had taken control of her enchantment. She was shocked and asked Zhang Ziling quickly.

Quietly seizing control of the barrier, this method...

Although this enchantment was constructed by him casually, it wasn't something that ordinary people could easily seize control.

Zhang Ziling was able to seize control without him noticing it, which also shows that Zhang Ziling's formation skills are not inferior to him, and even more than him!

When Mu Ying met an opponent who could match his own in formation, Mu Ying instantly felt that things became tricky.

No longer despising Zhang Ziling, Mu Ying's rickety body also became tall and straight, and his muddy eyes began to show sharpness.

Mu Ying's temperament as an eight-fold powerhouse in the True Martial Realm was thoroughly revealed at this moment.

"Boy, you are giving me more and more surprises." Although Mu Ying was surprised by Zhang Ziling's ability, it would not make Mu Ying fear Zhang Ziling.

The two have the same formation skills. Even if Zhang Ziling surpassed Mu Ying a little, as long as Mu Ying crushed Zhang Ziling on his cultivation base, Zhang Ziling would still not be able to overcome many waves, at most it would only make things more troublesome.

Although Mu Ying is afraid of trouble.

"You gave me a lot of surprises." Zhang Ziling waved his hand, and the gray surroundings had been restored to its original state. Although the whole prison was quiet now, the faint breath of many monks could be vaguely detected.

After such a period of time, Mu Ying’s pressure on others has not diminished, and the shrines in the bodies of some people with weak cultivation bases are even going to be destroyed. If this continues for a while...

In the prison, very few monks can survive.

"Let's go out to talk, how about?" Zhang Ziling scanned the other monks in the prison with his soul, then looked at Mu Ying and said.

Although Zhang Ziling could solve Mu Ying here, but considering that there may be other people behind Mu Ying, it is very likely that the dark hand and the ancient **** in the dark will escape.

Only by keeping Mu Ying alive can we catch more ancient gods.

Release Liyun as a bait. If the harvest is not great, how can Zhang Ziling be satisfied?

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Mu Ying scanned the surroundings, frowning slightly.

When Mu Ying discovered that Zhang Ziling's strength was not as weak as he imagined, the plan he had drawn up in his mind could no longer be used.

The prison here is Hongye City's public prison. The people who have committed crimes in Hongye City are usually held. The importance is not high, so the Mu family did not pay attention to it. The guards in this prison are extremely weak.

More importantly, there is no powerful circle for him to drive in this prison.

If Mu Ying is here, with Zhang Ziling's skills, he is not 100% sure to kill Zhang Ziling here.

And Mu Ying didn’t know if Zhang Ziling knew about the existence of a god. If anyone besides Zhang Ziling knew the identity of Li Yun, in case of an accident, he would mess it up...

Mu Ying didn't dare to imagine the serious consequences she would suffer!

Although Zhang Ziling actively asked to go out and said that Mu Ying was suspicious, but now Mu Ying couldn't find a better way.

Only by introducing Zhang Ziling to a place where there is a Mu family ban, can Mu Ying have absolute certainty to catch Zhang Ziling.

In the matter of God, even if there is a trace of uncertainty, Mu Ying dare not take risks.

He knew that God is in this world...

What a terrible creature it is!

Mu Ying narrowed her eyes, looked at Zhang Ziling and said, "You little bastard..."

"and so?"

"Come with me!"

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