Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1439: Find Mu Yang again

"My son, come catch me!"

"I'm here, little beauties! Hahaha!"

In the garden of Mu Mansion, a man with disheveled clothes was chasing with a dozen delicate-looking women. The silver bell-like laughter of those ten women and Mu Yang's hoarse howling were mixed in this garden.

The man was Mu Yang. At this moment, he was groping around in the garden with his cloth blindfolded, trying to catch a beauty.

Mu Yang's severed arm has been taken by the Mu family, and the injury he suffered has been cured with secret medicine. He is in good spirits, and the whole person can't see any signs of malaise.

Even Mu Yang seemed to have completely forgotten what happened in Tianyue Tower.

"Two guests, this is the garden where Young Master Mu plays in. There is nothing to look at. Let's change the place."

The family of Mu Mansion took Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang to the back garden. After seeing Mu Yang chasing and playing with some maidservants in the garden, his complexion changed slightly, and he stopped and said to Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang.

Mu Yang's temper, the whole Mu mansion's subordinates know. As long as Mu Yang is disturbed while having fun, being chopped and thrown out to feed the dog is the lightest punishment.

Mu Yang's method of execution can be described as strange.

The two Mu Family Clan who brought Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang didn't want to disturb Mu Yang and cause trouble for themselves.

Anyway, this Mu's Mansion is very large, and there are several gardens larger than this small garden. Guests can visit those places if they want to.

Hearing Jiading's words, Zhang Ziling also looked at Mu Yang in the garden, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

He came specifically to find Mu Yang.

"It seems that this guy has not been affected at all." Zhang Ziling said softly.

Xie Wushuang on the side looked at Zhang Ziling's eyes gleaming with red light. He also shook his head and smiled, softly saying, "It's unlucky for him to provoke you."

After what happened in Tianyue Tower, Xie Wushuang knew that no matter what happened in the future, Mu Yang was dead.

However, the time of Mu Yang's death is uncertain.

Since Zhang Ziling came to Mu Mansion this time to find trouble with the ancient gods, but found that Mu Yang was in this Mu Mansion, it was normal to solve Mu Yang by the way.

As for the Mu family, Zhang Ziling never considered it.

"Two or two guests?"

When the two Mu's family members heard Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang's words, their hearts suddenly throbbed, and they had a bad feeling.

The two of them...have grudges with Young Master Mu Yang?

At the thought of this, the two Mu's family members were full of spirits, and wanted to run to the back garden to report.

Although Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang are Mu Ying’s guests, the family members all know that Mu Yang is Mu Ying’s favorite grandson. Which one is more important, as long as they are sober, they know which side to turn to. .

"If you want to die, just go ahead."

When the two Mu's family members were about to move, Zhang Ziling's icy voice sounded in their ears, making their bodies stiff.

That icy killing intent penetrated the bones of the two Mufujia Ding, making them feel as if they had fallen into an endless abyss.

At this moment, the same thoughts arose in both minds at the same time.

One step forward is death!

For a moment, the two of them froze in place, sweating all over, with fear in their eyes.

Zhang Ziling's words completely told them...

The comer is not good!


The two Mu's family members swallowed fiercely, turned their heads slightly to look at Zhang Ziling, and said with a trembling, "Guest, guest, me, we..."

"If you don't want to cause trouble, just roll back to your post, as if you haven't seen us."

Zhang Ziling glanced at the two Mufujia Ding lightly, and then walked to the garden, not paying attention to the two Mufujiading.

The two Mu's family members watched Zhang Ziling pass by them, trying to reach out to stop them, but found that they had no courage to move.

What kind of pressure is this?

There was a terrible wave in the hearts of the two Mu Family Ding, and it was impossible to imagine how powerful Zhang Ziling was.

Xie Wushuang, who was following Zhang Ziling, also chuckled as he walked by the two Mu Family Dings: "Friendly reminder, it's best not to do unnecessary things, after all, you brought us the two."

Hearing what Xie Wushuang said, the bodies of the two Mu Family's families were shocked, and the thoughts in their hearts disappeared.

As soon as Xie Wushuang said this sentence, it completely blocked the possibility of the two Mu Family Clan to report.

These two people who wanted to do something against Mu Yang were brought over by them. Even if they reported this to the senior officials of the Mu Mansion, they would not receive any rewards, and they would even cause them to kill themselves.

They were originally subordinates of the Mu family, and not the dead men of the Mu family, so naturally they would not take their lives in to save Mu Yang.

After Xie Wushuang's words reminded them, the two Jiading knew that they had no other choice but to have never seen Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang.

If asked from above, they could only say that they had brought Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang to the Pian Ting, and that the back garden was found by Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang themselves.

After understanding their own situation, the two families didn't dare to stay here any longer and hurried away.

What happened next has nothing to do with them.

Xie Wushuang looked at the escaped Jia Ding with a smile, joking in his eyes, then Xie Wushuang didn't say anything, and followed Zhang Ziling.

Mu Yang was still playing in the garden at this moment, completely unaware that Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang had already entered the garden.

The danger is approaching.

The maidservants all saw Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang, and from their eyes, they all felt something wrong.


Just as a maidservant had just exited, she saw black energy lingering around Zhang Ziling, and the powerful pressure immediately caused the maid to close her mouth and did not dare to speak.

Suddenly, the silver bell-like laughter in the garden disappeared, and the maidservant was in the same place, looking at Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang and wondering what to do.

They have a hunch that if they act rashly, they might be killed in an instant!

The maids did not dare to move rashly, and the atmosphere in this garden suddenly became extremely strange.

"Little beauties, come here soon!"

Mu Yang hadn't realized that Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang were already in front of them, still groping in the garden, with extremely wretched smiles on their faces.

A dozen or so servant girls looked at Mu Yang with complicated faces, and did not dare to remind Mu Yang what had happened.

"Huh? Why aren't you talking anymore?"

Mu Yang noticed something wrong, stopped, and touched both hands in the air.

"You guys are talking?"

Seeing that Mu Yang was angry, a dozen or so servant girls looked at Mu Yang with ugly faces, but they didn't dare to speak at all.

"Say! A bunch of bitches, where are you? How did I find you if I didn't speak?" Without a response, Mu Yang became more irritable and began to yell at viciously.

"Dare to play with me! I must kill you!"

Mu Yang rudely tore off the blindfolded cloth, his eyes full of anger.

However, when Mu Yang saw Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang standing in front of him, Mu Yang's hideous expression instantly stiffened.

The air suddenly solidified.

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