The back garden became extremely quiet, Mu Yang waited to look at Zhang Ziling, his eyes were bigger than copper bells, and there was endless fear in his pupils.

Almost for an instant, Mu Yang was wet with sweat.

"You, how could you..." Mu Yang trembled slightly, pointing to Zhang Ziling and couldn't even speak completely.

Mu Yang never thought that Zhang Ziling would appear here!

Too terrifying.

With a faint smile at the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth, he looked at Mu Yang and said softly: "Meet again."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Mu Yang instantly reacted, this...not an illusion!

Zhang Ziling, really came to Mu Mansion!

Thinking of what Zhang Ziling did in Tianyue Tower, Mu Yang, who had already walked out of the shadows, felt endless fear in his heart.

His arm had just been connected, and now that Zhang Ziling came to him again, Mu Yang had no idea what he should do now!

"You, what are you doing? This is Mu Mansion!" Mu Yang yelled at Zhang Ziling viscerally as he stepped back, wanting Zhang Ziling to understand what exactly this place is.

The maidservants around were shocked when Mu Yang looked scared. I don't know why Mu Yang was so afraid of Zhang Ziling.

In their eyes, Mu Yang was a person who covered the sky in Hongye City, and no one dared to provoke him.

But that man... the maidservants all looked at Zhang Ziling, very curious about this young man.

Who is he?

Zhang Ziling did not release the killing intent to the maidservants, so the women did not feel too much pressure at this moment. The eyes looking at Zhang Ziling were also a little curious in fear.

"Mu Shao, don't be nervous." Zhang Ziling kept Mu Yang back, and moved towards Mu Yang, giving Mu Yang more and more pressure. "I just came here with Mu Ying to do some things. Come by. look at you."

"Mu Ying?" Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Mu Yang was stunned at first, and then shouted at Zhang Ziling, "Mu Ying is my grandfather and the elder of the Mu family. If you do anything to me, my grandfather will definitely not I will let you go!"

After knowing that Zhang Ziling knew Mu Ying, the fear in Mu Yang's heart was reduced a bit, but he was still extremely afraid of Zhang Ziling.

What Zhang Ziling did in Tianyue Tower really gave him too much psychological shadow.

And now Mu Ying is not by his side, Mu Yang has no sense of security at all.

Zhang Ziling still approached Mu Yang.

"Don't come here!" Mu Yang saw that he had said so much and still didn't stop Zhang Ziling, his whole person became even more panicked.

He didn't want to be chopped off by Zhang Ziling again.

Although the arm can be connected, Mu Yang simply can't bear the pain that penetrates into the soul.

Seeing Mu Yang's increasingly ferocious expression, Zhang Ziling's smile became stronger.

Up to now, Zhang Ziling hadn't even started to do anything. Mu Yang collapsed first. Zhang Ziling was also very happy to see Mu Yang struggling.

Zhang Ziling has always been a grudge, and Zhang Ziling can still remember the words Mu Yang said.

Every time Zhang Ziling took a step forward, the fear in Mu Yang's heart increased. Soon, the fear in Mu Yang's heart was all over his face, and Mu Yang's face became distorted.

"Come on! Help!"

When Mu Yang retreated to the edge of the pond, he finally couldn't bear the pressure Zhang Ziling exerted on him, and began to scream out.

Mu Yang's howl like a pig, resounded throughout the Mu Mansion.

This Mu Mansion is no better than Tianyue Tower. There are many strong people here. If you roar out by yourself, there must be strong people who can rush over quickly.

Although Mu Yang might endure some torture before those strong men rushed over, perhaps Zhang Ziling would have his arm cut off. But if Zhang Ziling was allowed to continue to approach, Mu Yang would not dare to think about what he would end up with.

After seeing Zhang Ziling's style in the Tianyue Tower, Mu Yang also knew that Zhang Ziling would not care about that person's background in killing.

Now the entire Hongye City people are looking for Zhang Ziling, but Zhang Ziling still appears swaggeringly in the Mu Mansion Garden. After seeing Zhang Ziling appear here, Mu Yang knows...Zhang Ziling is not an ordinary strong, and Not afraid of their Mu family.

If Zhang Ziling gets close, Mu Yang doesn't even know if he can shout again. If that time comes, I am afraid that no one in this world will be able to rescue him.

Seeing Mu Yang shouting for help, Zhang Ziling didn't mean to stop Mu Yang at all. After quietly waiting for Mu Yang to finish roaring, Zhang Ziling's fingertips popped out a spiritual blade and easily cut off Mu Yang's arm.

Blood splattered, and blood stained the earth.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The severe pain invaded Mu Yang's mind, and the broken arm fell into the pool and was swallowed by the carp that turned the demon in the pool.

Scarlet blood splashed all over the place.

Seeing the scene, the maids all around screamed and fled in panic. The harsh screams filled the surrounding area, attracting the attention of countless people.

Many strong men realized that something was happening in Mu's house and rushed to the garden.

Zhang Ziling didn’t care about those powerful men who were rushing in. At this moment, Zhang Ziling had already come to Mu Yang, looking down at Mu Yang, who was curled up with his broken arm, and his delicate face with a faint smile was dotted with two. A cold eye.

Zhang Ziling's eyes made people chill.

"You, you can't kill me..." Mu Yang's face was bloodless, and his whole body was completely wet with blood and sweat. "This is Mu Mansion. If you kill me, neither of you can escape!"

"You don't have time to leave now!" Mu Yang didn't dare to threaten Zhang Ziling with harsh words now, for fear of angering Zhang Ziling to let Zhang Ziling take his own life.

Although Mu Yang persuaded Zhang Ziling to leave, Mu Yang had already made up his mind to never let Zhang Ziling leave the Mu Mansion alive.

This Mu Mansion is the center of Hongye City. There are countless strong people. As long as Mu Yang supports the strong people who come to Mu Mansion, the situation on the scene will flow quickly.

At that time, Mu Yang swears... he will cut Zhang Ziling a thousand swords!

"Are you thinking now that you must cut me a thousand swords?" Zhang Ziling lifted Mu Yang's chin, his eyes flashed with deep blood, as if he was about to pull Mu Yang into the endless abyss.

As soon as Zhang Ziling said these words, Mu Yang froze in place and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Zhang Ziling said what he thought.

"I, I didn't..." Mu Yang stammered while watching Zhang Ziling, but he didn't dare to look directly into Zhang Ziling's eyes, for fear of being seen by Zhang Ziling.

A murderous demon stayed in front of him, Mu Yang trembled all over.

Looking at Mu Yang's erratic eyes, Zhang Ziling smiled slightly: "Come, look at my eyes."


Mu Yang's Adam's apple moved slightly, looking at Zhang Ziling's eyes, the whole person fell into it in an instant, his face became dull.

Mu Yang seemed to have fallen into a sea of ​​blood.


Just when Mu Yang felt that he was about to be completely swallowed, a dull roar rushed directly into Mu Yang's mind, pulling Mu Yang out.

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