Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1446: Famous gods

"Can I think that you are provoking me?" Si Ju narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard Zhang Ziling's words, looked at Zhang Ziling and asked, the power of God wafting around him.

The dull voice echoed in this space, like the muffled thunder between heaven and earth.

"Of course." Zhang Ziling chuckled, Si Ju's huge body did not give Zhang Ziling the slightest pressure.

"You should know what I am doing here."

Zhang Ziling's tit-for-tat words instantly blasted the kneeling people around, and everyone glared at Zhang Ziling.

"Bold fanatic, how dare you speak to Lord Celestial like this?"

"You are a lunatic, don't hurry to kneel down and apologize to Lord Tianshen!"

"How great is the God of Heaven, how can you allow this ant to bark here!"

Everyone is accusing Zhang Ziling, and what Zhang Ziling said is trampling on their dignity. In their eyes, God is the supreme existence, is their master, no one can blaspheme!

"Who are these people?"

Lin Xuan, who was hiding in the dark, heard a group of people accusing Zhang Ziling with an incredible look in her eyes. She didn't expect so many people in this world to worship an unknown creature so much that they would become enthusiastic!

"Is that a god?" Lin Xuan looked at the 100-meter-high giant, her clear eyes filled with curiosity. She grew up so big, but she had never heard of a **** in this world.

Moreover, there was a certain gap between Si Ju's appearance and the **** in Lin Xuan's heart.

In any case, the gods should also be immortal, right?

The doubts in her heart became more and more intense, and Lin Xuan also quietly approached Si Ju.

Faced with the reprimands of everyone around, Zhang Ziling did not listen to a word, with a faint smile on his face.

For Zhang Ziling, the barking of the surrounding ants is not worth paying attention to.

He came here and found a **** who was almost at the peak, which was already the biggest gain.

"Kill him." Si Ju's dull voice exploded in the sky, surging with divine power, and issued an oracle to the monks in this small world.

The eyes of the monks who pointed at Zhang Ziling and cursed instantly turned red, and the eyes of Zhang Ziling looked like he was killing his father and enemy.

"The blasphemer, I am going to kill you!" Suddenly, a monk in the Nirvana realm rushed towards Zhang Ziling with a machete, as if he wanted to cut Zhang Ziling in half to vent his anger.

However, before the monk approached Zhang Ziling, Xie Wushuang on the side appeared behind the monk like a ghost, stretched out his hand to grab the monk's head and squeezed it directly.

Blood splashed on Xie Wushuang's clothes, dyed red.

"I can help you solve this kind of miscellaneous fish, you have to solve it yourself for those above the real martial level." Xie Wushuang took out a handkerchief and wiped it on his face, then looked at Zhang Ziling and smiled, "Finally encountered I can move my own enemies."

With Xie Wushuang's current cultivation base in the Heavenly Palace Realm, only these cultivators of Nirvana Palace can easily beheaded.

"It's up to you." Zhang Ziling glanced at Xie Wushuang and said lightly.

Xie Wushuang just smiled and didn't care about Zhang Ziling's attitude.

They are not friends, and Zhang Ziling's Xie Wushuang attitude can also be accepted.

However, Xie Wushuang's move did not make the monks who yelled at Zhang Ziling timid, but made them even more bloodthirsty and crazy, rushing to Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang one after another.

"I'm going to kill you guys!" A cultivator in the condensed palace realm rushed towards Zhang Ziling, but just as he shouted, his body exploded into blood mist.

For a time, the scene became extremely bloody.

Si Ju indifferently watched his followers send Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang to death, without a trace of emotion in his golden eyes.

In Si Ju's eyes, all the people below are just slaves, and it doesn't matter how many deaths there are.

If these slaves can force Zhang Ziling out some real skills, then Si Ju's goal will be achieved.

The name Zhang Ziling has been spread among the ancient gods. The only **** that has fallen in the past ten thousand years has been rejected by Zhang Ziling. Even Li Yun is still trapped in his own spiritual world, unable to break free, and dead. different.

The gods are extremely rare, and each of them is extremely noble, but a mortal monk can solve the two gods in a short period of time, and such a record is enough to make any **** pay attention.

Obviously, Zhang Ziling came for them.

The King of God had already ordered that after seeing Zhang Ziling, he would kill Zhang Ziling at all costs.

So when Si Ju heard Mu Ying report that Zhang Ziling was going to see him, his true body arrived here the first time.

Now that Zhang Ziling came here, although Si Ju despised Zhang Ziling in his mouth, he was still very wary of Zhang Ziling in his heart.

Of course, Si Ju is no match for Zhaoshi and Liyun. He is the seventy-second **** of heaven. He is extremely powerful. Even if Zhang Ziling can slaughter the gods, Si Ju still doesn't take Zhang Ziling into his eyes.

Not to mention that Zhaoshi and Liyun were both in their weakest state when they met Zhang Ziling. Even when Zhaoshi and Liyun were at their peak, they would not even dare to speak in front of Si Ju.

Although Zhang Ziling had successfully slaughtered the gods, it was nothing but the weakest god.

Even in the years of war between the gods and the monks on the Xuanxiao Continent, on the side of the monks, apart from the human emperor, there were still some monks who could rival the weakest gods.

Therefore, although Zhang Ziling's performance has attracted the attention of the gods, it is not very unusual.

The most important task of the gods is to look for that prophecy...

A mortal who can bring disaster to the gods.

Si Ju's thoughts flashed by, blood was already flowing across Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang below, with stumps and broken arms everywhere.

"Both are crazy!"

Lin Xuan watched even the monk Ning Palace dared to rush towards Zhang Ziling without hesitation, and a terrible wave was set off in her heart.

She couldn't understand what those people were doing.

Even a dead man, this kind of meaningless death shouldn't be so decisive, right?

With the cultivation base of the Condensing Palace Realm, even the natural aura released by others can't resist, it explodes into blood mist at the periphery, what else is it used to fight?

Watching one after another weak monks go to death, Lin Xuan became more and more puzzled.

"Could it be...Is it deliberately to let En Gong relax his vigilance?" Lin Xuan suddenly had such a thought in her heart, and she began to quickly scan the surrounding monks who had not charged Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang.

She came here because she was worried about Zhang Ziling and afraid that Zhang Ziling was in danger. Now that there is a chance to help Zhang Ziling, Lin Xuan will naturally not let it go.

Soon, Lin Xuan found a few True Martial Realm cultivators who were not weaker than her in the surrounding crowd.

Those true martial arts cultivators are all condensed in aura, completely blending themselves into the weak cultivators around them, unremarkable. If you don't investigate carefully, you won't be able to discover that there are still real martial arts cultivators in that group.

Moreover, Lin Xuan discovered that a cloud of black energy was condensed in the abdomen of the cultivators, as if something was brewing.

"this is!"

Lin Xuan's eyes changed abruptly when he saw the True Martial Realm monks rushing towards Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang among a group of Ning Gong Nirvana monks.

They will blew themselves up!

"Benevolence, be careful!"

The author Wu Xiaowu said: The previous chapter has been blocked, Xiaowu has to deal with the previous chapter, and today there are only two changes... Khan -_-

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