Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1447: crisis?

Lin Xuan rushed out subconsciously, trying to stop those real martial arts cultivators.

The other monks around all sacrificed their prepared magical artifacts and enveloped themselves in it.

Lin Xuan knew that the black energy condensed in the monk's abdomen was a suicidal attack that could directly detonate all of her cultivation base, pouring all the explosive power on one person.

Unless this kind of method is completely in desperation and there is no hope, no one will use it at all.

After all, the best result of this method is just to die.

Lin Xuan really did not expect that someone in this small world would not even want his own life in order to kill Zhang Ziling!

What kind of hatred is it?

Hearing Lin Xuan's voice, Zhang Ziling still looked at Lin Xuan who had rushed out with a bit of astonishment. He didn't expect Lin Xuan to be in this small world at all.

Hasn't she been distracted?

Zhang Ziling was taken aback for a moment, and then he saw Lin Xuan had blocked himself and the monks who rushed towards him.

"These are the powerhouses of the True Martial Realm, they want to blew themselves up and kill you, Grace! Hurry up and get away!" Lin Xuan quickly said to Zhang Ziling, and at the same time condensed a barrier in front of her to block both Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang. Behind myself.

Lin Xuan wanted to use her body to block the power of the explosion and give Zhang Ziling time to escape.

It stands to reason that Lin Xuan has no obligation to do these things. Even if Zhang Ziling rescued her, Zhang Ziling also made it clear that she did not need her in return.

Even Lin Xuan regretted the moment she stood in front of Zhang Ziling and wanted to escape from this place.

Repaying gratitude to repaying gratitude, but why should you take your own life into it?

Lin Xuan couldn't figure it out and scolded herself for being stupid.

But now it was too late for Lin Xuan to escape.

The black energy in the abdomen of the several True Martial Realm cultivators who rushed forward has exploded, and their entire bodies have become pitch black.

"Long live the gods!" The True Martial Realm monks roared, their bodies swelled rapidly, and Lin Xuan closed his eyes subconsciously.

It's over.


The violent explosion exploded between the sky and the earth, forming a huge mushroom cloud.

The violent shock wave swept around.

"What are you doing here?"

Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Lin Xuan's ears.

"Huh?" Lin Xuan opened her eyes subconsciously, just in time to see Zhang Ziling standing in front of her, her deep eyes staring at her.

There was a dazzling light behind Zhang Ziling, and the explosion swept around, except that the direction blocked by Zhang Ziling was intact.

A crystal barrier completely blocked the power of the explosion.

Lin Xuan stared blankly at Zhang Ziling, who was standing still in the roaring flame, her brain blank.

That was... the self-destruction of the True Martial Realm.

If placed on the earth, the power is far better than a nuclear explosion!

Lin Xuan didn't understand why Zhang Ziling could easily block it?

How strong is Zhang Ziling's strength?

Lin Xuan looked at Zhang Ziling's deep eyes and found that Zhang Ziling's expression was extremely cold.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's delicate but indifferent face, Lin Xuan's heart suddenly moved and she sank in.

Who is this person... on earth?

"I want to ask you something."

Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Lin Xuan's mind, pulling Lin Xuan back, Zhang Ziling's voice had become gentle and calm at this moment.

Lin Xuan was a little flustered, stepped back subconsciously, and almost didn't fall, she didn't look like a true martial arts monk at all.

"I, I..." Lin Xuan didn't know what to say for a while. She was here to help, but she didn't expect it to help again.

Zhang Ziling didn't need her help at all. He came back and dragged his feet, and was rescued by Zhang Ziling again.

Seeing Lin Xuan's embarrassed appearance, Zhang Ziling didn't need to think about it. This girl wanted to repay her kindness again, but she finally messed up.

Obviously he has the strength of the True Martial Realm, but the feasible things are so simple and simple, it doesn't look like a casual cultivator at all, it is probably from a large family.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ziling shook his head helplessly and sighed.

"Do you think it is safe to block the self-destruction?"

Just when Zhang Ziling and Lin Xuan were chatting, a **** formation appeared around them.

The monks who had prepared for a long time got out of the magic weapon and dug out their hearts one after another, and then threw their hearts at Zhang Ziling, bloody, but no one screamed.

Everyone is expressionless.

Those hearts did not touch Zhang Ziling, they were swallowed halfway by the blood in the magic circle, and then they were completely integrated into the magic circle and became the power of the magic circle.

When Zhang Ziling heard about his reputation, he saw that Mu Ying didn't know when the blood formation started, and Zhang Ziling's three people were enveloped in it.

This blood formation also contained Si Ju's power, causing the power of the formation to skyrocket, with a strong smell of blood surging around Zhang Ziling, and the aura was extremely strange.

Several thick blood vessels were born in the circle to connect with Mu Ying's body. Mu Ying's pale hair also turned blood red, his eyes glowed red, and the blue veins all over his body skyrocketed.

"This is a heart-splitting formation. It is a magical technique given to me by Lord God. It needs 3,300 living human hearts to start the formation. It can ignore people's cultivation and turn the hearts of the people in the formation into blood."

"The stronger the cultivation of the person whose heart is refined, the stronger my magic circle will be." Mu Ying looked at Zhang Ziling and laughed, her eyes full of madness.

"Aren't you crazy? Isn't it fun to kill people? When you just wanted to kill people, I built this big formation. I see how you can escape now!"

Mu Ying laughed, most of the surviving monks in this small world dug out their hearts and sacrificed themselves without hesitation.

Obviously, they were instructed by Si Ju.

To die for God, this is their supreme glory!

"Zhang Ziling, let me see how you solve my divine formation!" Mu Ying smiled, the heart-biting blood formation has absorbed the last living human heart, and it has been successfully constructed!

"Ignore people's cultivation?" Zhang Ziling frowned slightly when he heard Mu Ying's words, and put his hand on his chest.

Zhang Ziling could feel that his heart was really turning into blood, as Mu Ying said, and Zhang Ziling didn't feel it at all.

What is the principle?

Zhang Ziling frowned. This was obviously an ancient god's method, too weird.

Thump... thump...

At this time, Xie Wushuang and Lin Xuan collapsed to the ground at the same time.

"Xie Wushuang, Lin Xuan?"

Zhang Ziling is okay, Xie Wushuang and Lin Xuan can't stand up at this moment, their hearts have completely melted into blood, and they have no physical strength. They are now completely supported by spiritual power.

"Hahaha! Blasphemer, if you kill my grandson, I will leave you dead!" Mu Ying's frantic laughter echoed in the space. Obviously...Zhang Ziling without a heart is completely gone. The strength of energy and blood will drop by at least 90%!

At that time, Mu Ying would deal with Zhang Ziling as he wanted.

"It seems... Lord God King exaggerated it."

Si Ju saw Zhang Ziling's situation in the Heart-Biting Array, and his eyes flashed with disdain, thinking that Zhang Ziling had stopped here.

The body of a mortal monk is too fragile, without a heart, it will become vulnerable.


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