Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1448: Mu Ying's death

Zhang Ziling's heart has been melted more than half by the bloodthirsty array, and Xie Wushuang and Lin Xuan have completely fallen to the ground, even moving them with great effort.

The only three Mu Ying saw were Zhang Ziling being the only one holding on. The excitement in his eyes grew stronger and stronger, and he couldn't help but ridiculed loudly: "Zhang Ziling, why should you continue to hold on? In this divine formation, whatever you do Nothing can be broken away. This divine formation ignores the cultivation base and can directly refine your heart. Even if you are a saint, you must die here!"

"Moreover, there is Lord God here, the mighty power, what storm can you make?"

Mu Ying's voice echoed in Zhang Ziling's ears, and Zhang Ziling's brows became tighter.

What is the principle?

Zhang Ziling didn't seem to worry about his heart being refined, but began to analyze the blood formation.

It is too weird to be able to ignore human cultivation and refine the human heart.

As far as Zhang Ziling knew about the formations mastered by human monks, there was no type of formation that could achieve the effect of Mu Ying's current formation.

This has completely broken the rules of the world, if everyone knows this magic circle, then the cultivator will naturally have no meaning.

Could it be... really a **** array?

Zhang Ziling was lost in thought, and he didn't even hear Mu Ying's mockery.

Zhang Ziling has also studied the formation method. Now he has encountered a type of formation method that Zhang Ziling has never seen before, and Zhang Ziling is completely attracted to it.

As for the heart being refined, Zhang Ziling didn't care at all.

With Zhang Ziling's current strength, even if there is only a drop of blood left, the power of qi and blood contained in it can easily kill all living creatures in this small world, including the ancient god.

"Hey... I said, how long are you going to study?"

Just when Zhang Ziling was fascinated by research, Xie Wushuang's weak voice rang in Zhang Ziling's mind, which caught Zhang Ziling's attention.

"I can understand your feelings, but after all, this is a sacred formation, not a formation belonging to the Xuanxiao Continent, but... if you delay for a while, the little girl and I will both die."

"That little girl and I are not so resistant to you!"

After all, Xie Wushuang currently only has the cultivation base of the Heavenly Palace Realm, and Lin Xuan also only has the True Martial Realm, and his body is not so immortal. Now their qi and blood center heart has been refined, and it is a miracle that they can sustain it till now.

This is because it is Xie Wushuang who is trapped in this formation, able to slow down his blood loss to the greatest extent. If you change to another monk of the same realm, I am afraid it will become a corpse now.

Hearing Xie Wushuang's words, Zhang Ziling stepped out of the structure of the Heart Eater Array and looked at Xie Wushuang and Lin Xuan who were lying on the ground dying.

"You finally woke up." Seeing Zhang Ziling's eyes regained his figure, Xie Wushuang suddenly showed a weak smile on his face, "Hurry up, I can't hold it anymore."

"It's really troublesome!" Zhang Ziling said lightly when he saw Xie Wushuang's words, but he still began to prepare to break the formation, and the dark devilish energy lingered around him.

Although Zhang Ziling hasn't figured out the principle of the Heartbreaking Array until now, it is very easy to seize the control of the Heartbreaking Array from Mu Ying's hands with Zhang Ziling's skills in the formation.

"Hahaha, it's useless! This is an ancient **** formation, which is completely different from the formation system of Xuanxiao Continent. No matter how high you are in formation, you will not be able to break this heart-wrenching formation!" Mu Ying saw Zhang Ziling He started to prepare to break the formation and laughed out loud, not thinking that Zhang Ziling could do it.

"You are doing useless work, go to death obediently!"

What's more, there is Si Ju behind Mu Ying. With the support of divine power, Mu Ying can exert a power that is ten times stronger than his usual.

"The gods are with me!"

Mu Ying opened her arms and shouted, the light radiating from the blood array became more dazzling.

He wants to avenge Mu Yang.

Even Xie Wushuang had a painful look on his face at this moment, and he was clearly on the verge of collapse.

Seeing the current situation of Xie Wushuang and Lin Xuan, Zhang Ziling's brows became more frowning, and then he sighed heavily, "No matter... if I have a chance, I will study again."

Although Zhang Ziling was very curious about the principle of this divine formation, the lives of Xie Wushuang and Lin Xuan were also very important to Zhang Ziling. In order to save their lives, Zhang Ziling could only destroy the divine formation.

Without hesitation, Zhang Ziling's devilish energy surged around and poured into the blood formation.

"It's useless, no matter what you do, you can't change...what?" Mu Ying didn't even speak, the whole person's eyes changed, and his face was suddenly full of fear.

"Huh?" Si Ju behind Mu Ying also noticed the strangeness, with doubts in his golden eyes, staring at Zhang Ziling closely.

"This is... interesting!" Si Ju laughed, as if he had seen Mu Ying's ending.

"Interesting mortal." Si Ju hummed lightly, ready to do it.

"This, this is impossible! Why are you... why are you able to seize my control of the Divine Formation?" Mu Ying watched as he lost control of the Blood Formation, and the whole person became panicked, watching Zhang Ziling growl. .

This is impossible!

The divine formation uses the power of the gods, even if he wants to control this heart-wrenching formation, he also relies on Si Ju's power, and there is no way to activate it simply by his own cultivation base.

But now Mu Ying found that no matter how she urged her divine power, she couldn't control the divine formation.

"It's nothing impossible."

Zhang Ziling waved his hand gently, the light of the surrounding blood array gradually dimmed.

Although Zhang Ziling seized control of the Heart-Biting Array, the source of the Heart-Biting Blood Array is still on Mu Ying’s side. Now that Mu Ying has lost control of the Heart-Biting Blood Array, the source of power of the Heart-Biting Blood Array is naturally interrupted. .

Xie Wushuang and Lin Xuan's refining heart slowly recovered, the lost blood qi was quickly replenished, and the whole person quickly returned to their peak state.

Mu Ying watched Zhang Ziling's breath resume, and the color of fear and doubt in his eyes became more and more intense.

what is this?

Obviously he has the help of the gods, and the opponents are only real martial arts realm guys, and even the saints haven't even arrived. How can he destroy the **** formation he built?

Mu Ying couldn't understand.

"You, you..." Mu Ying trembled, and kept backing away. The vengeance anger in her heart had been completely extinguished, replaced by fear of Zhang Ziling.

At this moment, Mu Yingcai remembered the contempt in Zhang Ziling's tone when he said to trouble the gods.

That is not arrogant at all.

At this moment, there was endless regret in Mu Ying's heart. Why should he be an enemy of Zhang Ziling? Why go to Zhang Ziling in person?

When Li Yun was released, it was entirely a bait set by Zhang Ziling, just to get his fat fish into the bait.

Zhang Ziling... didn't pay attention to the gods at all!

Suddenly, Mu Ying associates the name "Zhang Ziling" with the character who left more than 5,000 years ago.

Thinking of this, Mu Ying trembled.

"You, you...who are you?"

Mu Ying's stern questioning sound roared in this space.

With the disintegration of the heart-wrenching formation, Mu Ying already knew her end. The gods would not save him such a failed slave.

"Go to hell, someone will tell you."

Zhang Ziling's indifferent voice lingered softly in Mu Ying's ears, and then Mu Ying saw a black chain getting bigger and bigger in his sight.

Mu Ying's pupils shrank suddenly!



Blood splattered, and the dark chains penetrated Mu Ying's head.

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