Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1450: En Gong is the emperor?

While Lin Xuan was still shocking Zhang Ziling's origins, the aura of Zhang Ziling and Si Ju had already climbed to a certain limit, and the coercion of the two would pervade this world, bringing the world to the brink of collapse.

Lin Xuan could even see the particles of this world, the endless gaps in space would heal without breaking open.

The terrifying coercion went from top to bottom, and Lin Xuan instantly felt the overwhelming coercion.

Two hundred-meter-high figures stood between the sky and the earth and stared at each other. What they stepped on was the ruins, and the lingering spiritual power or divine power behind them spread all over the sky.

Si Ju looked at Zhang Ziling's appearance that was almost the same as his own body, his brows frowned and tightened.

It stands to reason that things like Dhamma are completely aggregates of energy. As long as the energy arrangement in the body is crushed, the Dhamma will be self-defeating.

However, Si Ju didn't find any structure related to spiritual power from Zhang Ziling's Faxiang.

It was as if this was exactly Zhang Ziling's body!

"Mortal, you surprised me more and more." Si Ju endured the shock in his heart and said to Zhang Ziling.

Although the strength shown by Zhang Ziling now made Si Ju a little confused, as a god, Si Ju definitely did not show the possibility of being timid in front of a mortal.

Even when Si Ju faced the Emperor of Humanity, he was still forced to die.

This is the dignity of God!

Seeing Si Ju's self-confident look, Zhang Ziling raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Oh? You seem to be very confident."

"You're just a mere mortal. Even if you have an emperor's posture, you can never be my opponent!" Si Ju said, his voice boomed like a thunder.

Lin Xuan, who was at the feet of Si Ju and Zhang Ziling, heard Si Ju's words and felt pain in her eardrums, and she had to drag Xie Wushuang to the outside.

Lin Xuan had a hunch that if she didn't escape the circle of war, she would be completely shattered by the two men's terrifying aura in the next moment.

"What are you doing?" Xie Wushuang was rushed by Lin Xuan pulling his collar, his whole body was instantly annoyed, and he couldn't help but scolded Lin Xuan.

Xie Wushuang also plans to observe Zhang Ziling and Si Ju's battle at close range, and use this to evaluate Zhang Ziling's strength.

After Zhang Ziling swallowed the heart demon, Xie Wushuang discovered that Zhang Ziling's soaring strength had been out of his control. Now Xie Wushuang can't figure out the limit of Zhang Ziling's strength. For Xie Wushuang, this is obviously an extremely unstable factor in the layout.

If you want to see the way to go next, you must know everything well.

Although Si Ju can't force Zhang Ziling to be true, Si Ju is currently the most suitable sandbag object for Zhang Ziling. Xie Wushuang is closer to Zhang Ziling to watch the battle between the two, and perhaps he can collect some useful data.

But before Xie Wushuang started to act, he was brought out by Lin Xuan directly.

With Xie Wushuang's current strength in the Heavenly Palace Realm, it was a bit reluctant to challenge Lin Xuan in the True Martial Realm.

"Are you stupid? It's a battle between great powers. Aren't you a little shrimp looking for death there?" Lin Xuan did not stop when he heard Xie Wushuang's scolding, but accelerated her speed.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, Xie Wushuang is now the weakest person here. In order to repay her kindness, Lin Xuan naturally has to protect Xie Wushuang, after all, this is the only thing she can do now.

"Me? Xiao Xiami?" Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Xie Wushuang almost lost his breath.

At the age of Xie Wushuang, when he became the emperor, perhaps Lin Xuan’s ancestor’s ancestor had not yet been born, and he was told by a little girl that such a supreme power that played with the sentient beings of the Xuanxiao Continent in the palm of his hand Become a small shrimp?

Even though Xie Wushuang has only the Heavenly Palace Realm now, he still has the urge to take action against Lin Xuan.

He was really angry.

"Don't feel inferior. Even though you are still a good cook now, your benefactor is so strong. If you follow your benefactor and practice well, you will definitely be able to surpass me one day!" Lin Xuan didn't know Xie Wushuang's psychological activities, pulling the evil. Wushuang ran away and said with a smile, as if he was comforting Xie Wushuang. .

At this moment Xie Wushuang didn't know what to say anymore, with his current strength in the sky realm, everything he said was pale and weak.

There was a gap in cultivation level, and Xie Wushuang couldn't explain anything.

Seeing that he was getting further and further away from Zhang Ziling, Xie Wushuang also sighed heavily, completely giving up his plan to collect data.

This was the first time Xie Wushuang understood the pain caused by weak cultivation.

"It seems...I have to step up to recover my strength." Looking at Lin Xuan who was flying by pulling her collar, Xie Wushuang said softly, and the whole person was flying in the air like a flag.

After being pulled by Lin Xuan's collar, Xie Wushuang's feet did not touch the ground.

"What are you talking about?" Lin Xuan couldn't help but ask loudly without hearing what Xie Wushuang said.

"I said this distance is safe enough!" Xie Wushuang's voice amplified. In such a short period of time, Lin Xuan had been flying with Xie Wushuang for hundreds of miles, and the figures of Zhang Ziling and Si Ju were almost invisible. Can faintly see the spiritual power and divine power echoing in the sky.

Lin Xuan stopped and turned around to look. After confirming that they had left the center of the ring, Lin Xuan let go of Xie Wushuang, patted her chest and smiled at Xie Wushuang: "Don't worry, no one here can hurt you with me!"

Xie Wushuang is only a seventeen-year-old boy now, and Lin Xuan has already regarded Xie Wushuang as a student or apprentice of Zhang Ziling.

"Humph!" Xie Wushuang snorted coldly, and did not respond to Lin Xuan, but found a place to sit down.

Lin Xuan watched Xie Wushuang start sitting cross-legged and didn't feel grateful for taking him out of danger. She couldn't help but stomped severely, saying, "Dead Tsundere! White-eyed wolf!"

Xie Wushuang's mouth twitched, but he did not open his eyes.

I can't care about this little girl.

Lin Xuan saw that Xie Wushuang had entered concentration, she had nothing to do, and she simply set up an enchantment around her to prevent the remaining monks or beasts from attacking in this small world.

When Lin Xuan had just finished this, a powerful shock wave hit from a distance, breaking all the giant trees around Lin Xuan. Before Lin Xuan could react, what followed was a horrible revolution. Spiritual power surged around.

"What the **** is this?" Lin Xuan quickly raised the barrier and looked in the direction of Zhang Ziling and Si Ju in shock.

There, two huge figures have soared for nine days, and they collided fiercely.

Every collision will cause the space to fluctuate violently, and the world may collapse at any time.

Feeling the terrifying breath from Nine Heavens, Lin Xuan swallowed slightly, her body trembling slightly.

Even a saint... I'm afraid it can't burst out with such power.

If the hundred-meter-high monster is really a god...

What kind of realm should Zhang Ziling be?

"Hey," Lin Xuan murmured to Xie Wushuang, looking at Zhang Ziling, who was above the nine heavens, "Is En Gong...the Great?"

Suddenly, Lin Xuan asked something she didn't believe.

When Lin Xuan said this, Xie Wushuang opened his eyes, glanced at Lin Xuan, and then closed again.

It's still a bit insight...

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