Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1451: Si Ju's misunderstanding

"Mortal, are you the emperor?"

Si Ju's roar sounded in the sky, and the violent power spread to the surroundings, causing the space to collapse.

The spiritual power around is getting more restless.

After colliding with Zhang Ziling hundreds of times, Si Ju suddenly felt deceived.

If Zhang Ziling is really the emperor, according to Si Ju's assessment of his current strength, even if Zhang Ziling is a new emperor, he will lose in the 98th collision.

With Si Ju's understanding of his own power, he knew that his divine power was simply not enough to support a long-term collision with the Great Emperor.

But now, even though Zhang Ziling's body has haunted the emperor, and his strength is also extraordinary, Si Ju cannot feel the slightest threat from Zhang Ziling.

Could it be... Zhang Ziling is also a half emperor?

Such an idea suddenly appeared in Si Ju's mind, and then this idea became more and more ingrained in Si Ju's mind, and completely filled Si Ju's mind.

If Zhang Ziling was not the emperor, then he would not have any sense of threat to himself!

It must be so!

Half-Emperor is one foot that has stepped into the realm of the Great Emperor's cultivation base. Although the strength of this realm is far superior to that of the Saint, it is far weaker than the Great Emperor, and is in an embarrassing position.

This realm possesses part of the aura and characteristics of the great emperor, but it is completely different from the great emperor in essence. It is very confusing on the outside, and it is easy to recognize it as a great emperor without further understanding.

Si Ju is now in the realm of a half emperor, so he fully understands the specific characteristics of this realm, and also understands the gap between a half emperor and a great emperor.

After colliding with Zhang Ziling so many times, Si Ju became more convinced that Zhang Ziling was a half emperor!

For a while, Si Ju's mood improved. Fighting with the emperor and fighting with the half-emperor were completely different experiences.

There is a fundamental difference between the Great Emperor and the Half Emperor, and the gap between the two is like a gap.

In the same realm, the gods are crushing mortals. Although this gap is infinitely narrowed at the emperor level, the gap still exists.

As long as Zhang Ziling and Si Ju are in the same state, Si Ju is confident that Zhang Ziling will be completely killed!

After all, he is a god.

If Zhang Ziling was the emperor, he would never waste time and spiritual energy like this.

Si Ju firmly believes this.

However, Si Ju might never have thought that when Zhang Ziling was playing against him, most of Zhang Ziling's energy was still thinking about what to do next...

Zhang Ziling wanted to stop what the ancient **** was about to do, and didn't want to waste what he had done before.

Si Ju involved Zhang Ziling's attention, not even one tenth!


The two punched once again, and the violent power spread to the surroundings. The entire space quickly shattered, and the space storm swept out of the shattered space, wiping out everything in this small world.

It's like the end of the world.

Even the situation of Mu Mansion can be seen clearly in this small world.

The space barrier between this small world and Xuanxiao Continent has been almost wiped out.

If Zhang Ziling and Si Ju continue to collide, the small world will be completely unable to withstand the strength of Zhang Ziling and Si Ju and collapse, and the battle between the two will spread to the Xuanxiao Continent.

The battle between the two half-emperors was enough to turn Hongye City into dust in an instant, and utterly smashed all creatures.

Obviously, Si Ju also noticed this, but Si Ju didn't care about the life and death of mortals, and had not reduced his strength.

In his eyes, the life of a mortal is completely like grass.

In Si Ju's view, the lives of mortals should be considered by Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling didn't control his own power, and Si Ju naturally wouldn't consider these.

Although Zhang Ziling has not answered Si Ju's question so far, Si Ju has completely determined Zhang Ziling's strength, and the whole person's mood has become much more comfortable.

There is no need to ask other gods, the Siju will naturally save a lot of resources.

Those resources were enough for Si Ju to raise his own strength again.

"Hahaha! Zhang Ziling, it turns out that you are just a slapstick crap, a mere half-emperor, I thought you were so good!"

"As long as you are not a great emperor, the power gap between you and me is like a chasm!" Si Ju became more excited when he thought about it, and watched Zhang Ziling ridicule loudly. power!"


Si Ju's noise attracted Zhang Ziling's attention. Zhang Ziling took his thoughts back, frowned and looked at Si Ju, with doubts in his eyes.

What happened just now?

Before Zhang Ziling had not put his energy on Si Ju at all, and even the battle with Si Ju relied entirely on Zhang Ziling's fighting instinct, so Zhang Ziling did not notice the change in Si Ju's mentality in time.

When Zhang Ziling came back to his senses, Si Ju had completely changed, and even his behavior style had changed a lot, and his whole person went crazy.

Si Ju saw the doubts in Zhang Ziling's eyes completely, but Si Ju regarded Zhang Ziling's eyes as a cowardly expression.

The mere half of the emperor dared to find trouble with his giant travel god. Now that Si Ju has determined the strength of Zhang Ziling, Si Ju must give Zhang Ziling a taste of the punishment from the gods!

Si Ju decided that he would make Zhang Ziling regret coming to this world.

"The humble ants are not allowed to die?" Si Ju didn't intend to give Zhang Ziling too much time to react. His fists were surrounded by massive divine power, and he blasted towards Zhang Ziling suddenly.

The world has changed.

Even if Si Ju thought that Zhang Ziling would undoubtedly lose against him, but no matter how Zhang Ziling had reached the half-emperor realm, Si Ju felt that he still needed to be taken seriously.

At the very least... you still have to use all your strength.

"That, that is..."

In the small world, Lin Xuan watched in horror as the sky was cut in half by Si Ju, the sky was torn apart by Si Ju's divine power, and the dazzling divine blossom illuminated the sky.

Lin Xuan vowed that she had never seen such a shocking sight, like a scene of destruction.

If Si Ju hit Lin Xuan with this fist, I am afraid that the fist wind alone would be able to break Lin Xuan's body to pieces.

Si Ju's laughter reverberated in this world, and his fist as big as a hill slammed into Zhang Ziling.

"Is this guy taking medicine?" Zhang Ziling didn't understand why Si Ju suddenly became excited.

Originally fighting well, now Si Ju has become so excited that he has disrupted all the thoughts that Zhang Ziling had finally had.

On the contrary, the fist with a destructive aura swept over and did not attract Zhang Ziling's attention.

Si Ju topped the sky and was only half the emperor's cultivation base, and couldn't even get serious about dealing with Si Ju Zhang Ziling.

At this moment, Si Ju's attack swept over Zhang Ziling, and the violent power disturbed everything around Zhang Ziling, blowing Zhang Ziling's hair away, causing Zhang Ziling's hair to dance wildly.

"Despicable mortal, die for me!"

Si Ju's roar echoed in the world.

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