Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1452: Desperate power gap

The sky was torn apart by Si Ju's fist, the space storm was raging, and Si Ju's divine might agitated all around, with an endless aura of destruction.

If hit by this fist, I am afraid that even a saint will be destroyed.

Zhang Ziling watched Si Ju's fist get closer and closer to him, but his eyes gradually calmed down.

Since Si Ju was unwilling to continue playing, Zhang Ziling naturally had no need to continue to let Si Ju continue.

Although the power of this punch is great, for Zhang Ziling...

"Enjoy, be careful!"

On the land of the small world, Lin Xuan subconsciously exclaimed when she saw Si Ju's fist bang against Zhang Ziling's face.

Although Lin Xuan could no longer understand the realm of Si Ju and Zhang Ziling, Lin Xuan could still tell one thing or two. The punch that the ancient **** Siju blasted was definitely not simple!

"It's too late!" Si Ju's mouth twitched slightly, and the golden light burst into his eyes. Since Zhang Ziling chose not to avoid it, he would have to bear the corresponding price.

His punch...

Called good night!

"Giant Strike!"

Si Ju roared, his fist crystallized the moment he touched Zhang Ziling, the surrounding space burst into pieces, and endless storms raged in this small world.

The Titan Blow is one of the strongest divine physiques that Si Ju has mastered. It can explode hundreds of times the strength of his own. If he blows it down with a punch in the heyday of Si Ju, half of the wasteland will collapse.

Even now, this small world has collapsed for more than half, and countless creatures exploded and died under the power of Si Ju.

It can be said that after the battle between Zhang Ziling and Si Ju is over, this small world will become a dead zone, which will eventually collapse and become the nourishment for the Xuanxiao Continent.

"Is this fist called a giant blow?" Zhang Ziling looked at the fist that was approaching his face, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, his toes tapped in the void, and the space rippled.

Zhang Ziling retreated quickly.

"You can't escape!" When Si Ju saw Zhang Ziling, he only remembered to avoid him. He laughed more and more wanton. The harsh laughter reverberated in this world. Lin Xuan had to use spiritual power to shield her ears to prevent hearing loss. damage.

The coercion from Jiu Tianzhi has already made Lin Xuan feel great pressure.

However, Xie Wushuang, who had been protected by Lin Xuan, felt no pressure at all, and was extremely relaxed.

"This girl..."

Xie Wushuang looked at Lin Xuan's back, eyes as deep as stars.

If Lin Xuan gave up providing a barrier for Xie Wushuang and only protected herself, Lin Xuan would definitely feel more relaxed, not as uncomfortable as it is now.

Lin Xuan now bears double the power of God.

Xie Wushuang thought that he and Lin Xuan were not relatives, and even if Zhang Ziling rescued her, it was Zhang Ziling's kindness to Lin Xuan and had nothing to do with him.

But even so, Lin Xuan must protect herself even if she has to suffer...

"Why always meet this kind of person..." Xie Wushuang seemed to think of something in the past, his eyes gradually dimmed.

However, the sadness in Xie Wushuang's eyes only flashed past, and then Xie Wushuang returned to calm and re-entered concentration, making it hard to see what he was thinking.

If Zhang Ziling saw Xie Wushuang's expression just now, he would be shocked.

The dignified evil emperor, the hero of the first generation, would be moved by an ordinary true martial arts girl?

Lin Xuan didn't notice Xie Wushuang's emotional changes. Except for resisting Si Ju's supernatural power, all her attention was now on Zhang Ziling and Si Ju.

The battle between Zhang Ziling and Si Ju determined their fate. Before that, Lin Xuan had never thought that she would be able to touch this level one day.

After seeing Si Ju and Zhang Ziling, Lin Xuan felt that she had come to a magnificent new world.

At this moment, Zhang Ziling had already moved away from Si Ju, but Si Ju's fist had been enlarged several times, and it looked like an asteroid. Lin Xuan could even feel the huge suction from Si Ju's fist!

"The farther you run away, the greater my strength will be and the greater the pulling force against you. Sooner or later you will bump into it by yourself!" Si Ju roared looking at Zhang Ziling with an indifferent face, "the sooner I take my fist. , The better for you!"

Listening to Si Ju's words, Zhang Ziling didn't have any mood swings in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

"I took a distance..." Zhang Ziling looked at Si Ju with a chuckle, "Just to be able to better display his hands and feet."

"After all, with your big fist, you almost touched my face just now."

Zhang Ziling's voice reached Si Ju's ears, causing Si Ju to be taken aback.

The calm in Zhang Ziling's tone made Si Ju unable to read that Zhang Ziling was afraid of him.

"Rampant!" Soon, Si Ju was completely angered by Zhang Ziling's attitude. He injected all the remaining divine power in his body into this trick, and his fist became several times larger again, almost covering the entire sky. .

The earth fell into a shadow.

"Where do you go?"


The space shattered and Zhang Ziling was completely shrouded in the shadow of Si Ju's fist.

This time, Zhang Ziling did not continue to back up, but stopped directly, watching the fist approaching him.

The hurricane blows Zhang Ziling's clothes and hunts, his long dark hair dances in the void, and the red light in Zhang Ziling's eyes is getting worse.

"Strength, it's a bit short."

The corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth was slightly hooked, stretched out a slender index finger, and gently tapped towards the void.


A light blue ripple appeared at Zhang Ziling's fingertips and at the center of Si Ju's fist, spreading to all directions in the space.

The restless spiritual power and divine power all around disappeared in an instant.

Xie Wushuang, who closed his eyes again and entered concentration, suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the sky in shock.

This small world suddenly became quiet.

Lin Xuan stayed on the spot, staring blankly at the cloudless sky, and the two people fixed on the sky.

"How, how is it possible?" Lin Xuan swallowed slightly, her hands trembled slightly, her eyes were incredible.

Zhang Ziling stood in the void, with one hand on his back, and the other hand just extended a finger, which blocked Si Ju's fist that was comparable to an asteroid.

"No, impossible!"

Si Ju's eyes were full of fear, his body trembling violently, and his body was in cold sweat.

After Zhang Ziling's index finger touched his fist, Si Ju was horrified to find that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move forward a point!

He was originally a **** known for his power, in the court... his power could even be ranked in the top five!

But even so...Zhang Ziling just used a finger to block his full blow?

"What a joke!"

Si hugely roared, his eyes widened, frantically urging the divine power in his body.

"Break it for me!"

"A needless struggle." Zhang Ziling felt the power coming from his fingertips increased a bit, and the jokes at the corners of his mouth grew stronger.

"give me……"

Zhang Ziling's fingertips pressed slightly.

"Go down!"

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